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best 20g BB brand ? Biodegradable


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Old July 6th, 2010, 11:07   #16
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Montreal, QC
Where do you see me mad? i'm just sayin',you saying something like "What's the benefit other then helping the planet. If I'm not playing in my own backyard why would I care?" sounds completely retarded. And again, why is saving the planet not a valid point?
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Old July 6th, 2010, 11:12   #17
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Originally Posted by sewktbk View Post
Where do you see me mad? i'm just sayin',you saying something like "What's the benefit other then helping the planet. If I'm not playing in my own backyard why would I care?" sounds completely retarded. And again, why is saving the planet not a valid point?
Well I'm trying to ask a realistic question. Some people honestly don't give two shits about the planet. Not saying its me, but I know a lot of people that don't give a f*. So I want to know if they offer anything else but planet friendly.

Someone mention it helps keep the field clean and not full of bbs. As some field owners dont want to ruin their look etc. These are valid points other then planet friendly points.

Also getting people pming me telling me:
"WE do not want to ruffle any feathers as we pay for insurance the ministry of natural resources dictate we use bio BB's.We use Bio BB's and break down in about a yr . The Problem with Airsoft community is very small and you might be stomping on someone's bussiness. Bioval has had no problem in our top in gun no shatters consistent shot placement etc hope that helps.. "
These answers are usefull respectful answers, not angry flame messages like yours. If you want to go off and flame me, please pm me or be reported.

BTW: If you honestly think EVERYONE cares, then you're sadly mistaken. Otherwise everyone will stop buying regular bbs, am I wrong?

Last edited by Thanh; July 6th, 2010 at 11:16..
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Old July 6th, 2010, 12:14   #18
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Originally Posted by sewktbk View Post
You know how ignorant your comment sounds? i dare you to defend your point with valid arguments and sound intelligent or responsible. And don't give me the few extra dollars reason, you'll sound even worst...
I don't think the question is an unreasonable one, as there are a lot of subtle reasons including the environment for moving to eco friendly BB products. People rightly question why the eco based product are more expensive.

Most eco friendly BB products use an eclectic mix of biologically activateable ingredients, including PLA, a corn based polymer. Additional binders and enzymes are added to the mix to accelerate the breakdown once it begins. Mineral powder is added for weight in many products as its ecologically neutral, as opposed to powdered metals which are added to styrene to get it past .30g (thats why most +.30g products have odd colors and behave like crayons, shedding surface material - the styrene bonding is compromised once the ratios get higher).

Now, you can't just throw out millions of dollars of injection molding equipment for BBs and modification is expensive as hell as well, so the mix for the eco based products have to, for all intents and purposes, behave like styrene slurry. Styrene is cheap and plentiful having been used in industrial processes and products for decades - and styrene is a relatively pure, homogeneous product.

Eco based PLA mixes are compounds, mixed by chemists in precise ratios in order to mimic the stability of styrene based products, but retain the characteristics of a eco based BB. This has a cost, and there in lies the difference between the two products.

This is also why silica's are, for instance, relatively inexpensive - its a homogeneous 99% pure chemistry - no complex mixing required. There are other materials coming onto the market for airsoft that are biologically activated, or, bio-neutral, and cost will be based on the cost of the base material plus the processes to create a 6mm BB - not all of them are injection molding.

Incidently, in regards to PLA, its very expensive right now because it is in high demand, and its availability is governed by a finite crop based source. Also there are jurisdictions all over the world that are mandating the replacement of styrene for PLA in food packaging. So, the availability of PLA is an issue.

Most BB vendors aren't very forthcoming about the materials makeup of the older product. Customers are generally unaware or uneducated in what those products consist of and their impact on the environment, but also on the later land use and possible repercussions. As it stands now, there are no remediation laws in Ontario governing styrene, but I would say in about a 24 month timeframe, you're going to see major revisions at the provincial level.

Originally Posted by Thanh View Post
Some people honestly don't give two shits about the planet.
Or, they are simply ignorant of the issues. The only reason I know any of this stuff is that it is my business to know it.
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Old July 6th, 2010, 13:05   #19
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Originally Posted by Thanh View Post
Well I'm trying to ask a realistic question. Some people honestly don't give two shits about the planet. Not saying its me, but I know a lot of people that don't give a f*. So I want to know if they offer anything else but planet friendly.

Someone mention it helps keep the field clean and not full of bbs. As some field owners dont want to ruin their look etc. These are valid points other then planet friendly points.

Also getting people pming me telling me:

These answers are usefull respectful answers, not angry flame messages like yours. If you want to go off and flame me, please pm me or be reported.

BTW: If you honestly think EVERYONE cares, then you're sadly mistaken. Otherwise everyone will stop buying regular bbs, am I wrong?

i never said everyone cares, but in the case that you seemed to display the attitude that YOU don't, then yes, i will gladly take the opportunity to call you out on it. again, i'd like you to point out the anger in my comment to you. i used meaningful words without any plain insults, and asked a question. your choice to get offended by that.
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Old July 6th, 2010, 13:09   #20
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also before asking questions like that, why don't you ask yourself this first : what is the primary reason something biodegradable exists? i mean the answer is in the question. what are you missing? Wheres the need for more explaination?
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Old July 6th, 2010, 13:11   #21
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Originally Posted by Thanh View Post
Another noob question on the side, why would someone want to pay more money to get bio bbs. What's the benefit other then helping the planet. If I'm not playing in my own backyard why would I care?
See the chart I posted. 0.1mg styrene in 1kg of soil is enough to consider that soil contaminated. If you go to sell the land and an assessment is done, you could be on the hook for cleanup before you can transfer the land to the buyer. $$$$ Some remediation conditions are more costly than the land is actually worth.

I hope that answers your question.
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Old July 6th, 2010, 13:18   #22
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^ Wow that is really an eye opener! Mabey it's time to make the jump to the bio bb's.

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Old July 6th, 2010, 13:41   #23
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Originally Posted by sewktbk View Post
also before asking questions like that, why don't you ask yourself this first : what is the primary reason something biodegradable exists? i mean the answer is in the question. what are you missing? Wheres the need for more explaination?
Wow with that attitude you should get into sales, i'm sure you will do wonders selling bio bbs by calling everyone retards. Good Job
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Old July 6th, 2010, 13:42   #24
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Originally Posted by Thanh View Post
Wow with that attitude you should get into sales, i'm sure you will do wonders selling bio bbs by calling everyone retards. Good Job
and with your attitude you are making more enemies then friends on these boards. I suggest you keep to yourself for a little while instead of trolling for members to have arguments with you via pm.

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Old July 6th, 2010, 13:46   #25
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
and with your attitude you are making more enemies then friends on these boards. I suggest you keep to yourself for a little while instead of trolling for members to have arguments with you via pm.
Sorry Tokyo, but I ask a valid question and people on this board seem to be really hating people with questions.

Instead of educating them, they insult them.

I'll make friends with people when I go to the play field. So far most people that I have be-friended in the forum already dont like people on the forum lol.
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Old July 6th, 2010, 13:50   #26
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This goes out to everyone with an attitude issue.

If you read something you don't like posted by another member and have an issue with it that's fine. No one is saying that you are not allowed to disagree. Its just the manner in which you all do it. Keep it civil and if your not contributing to the thread, get the hell out of my newbie tank. Do not insist on continuing the argument, do not troll the other person into a flame fest and do not make more work for the staff.

I'm sick of dealing with adults who act more like infants and toddlers with their constant whining and need to be coddled.
I feel like I'm lecturing a bunch of idiot kids about why not to put their fingers in their butts.

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Old July 6th, 2010, 14:45   #27
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best 20g BB brand ? Biodegradable

First, we wouldn't throw garbage around - typically. BBs are hard to deal with. They are small and u can't really just pickem up. When playing in big fields it could get messy.

Bio BBs are more expensive but no real advantage otherwise. They should have the same performance as plastic ones.

As for our planet - yes it's sad how some people don't care about it. But no surprise to me at all, as I known people that have clearly believe there's no such thing as global warming....... ........ I know eh. -_-;
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