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Old May 6th, 2010, 00:17   #16
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Originally Posted by danelen View Post
Ok the brands you are listing now are the brands that I have been told to stear clear of? I was told this by most retailer that I called too.
Steer clear of clones and you should be fine. Some people swear by them, but most people will not choose them if they have the option. Clone brands are stuff like Cyma, JG, Dboys, Aftermath, etc. Its' not so much the quality of the parts you have to worry about, some people's last for years, it's the chance of a lemon that's significantly higher with clone brands.
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Old May 6th, 2010, 01:20   #17
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I find that outside of Canada people tend to like clones much more. This is true on places like Arnies Airsoft quite a reputable site and a lot of the veterans seem to have one or two clone brands and run them regularly.

I don't know maybe it's because they have a lot more disposable income to spend on these guns or something.

Really though get either; G&P, VFC/GB-Tech, CA, ARES/STAR or KWA and you should be fine. CA before you'd have a lot of problems but the QC has stepped up and they can roll with the rest of the "quality" manufacturers. VFC, all you need to do is check m102404's VFC SCAR review thread here:

Also take a look at forums like Arnies Airsoft and do some research on candidate guns.
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Old May 6th, 2010, 02:08   #18
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I have done a ton of research and the retailers I called are all large ones, that carry all the brands listed. So a little more background. I live in central PA, we are all woodland areas that tend to be a little more open with some brush. I was trying to get a gun that I can upgrade to shoot a decent distance, and be reliable while doing it. I got to the KWA this way, because I was told that the SR10 is typically very reliable and well made. They also are spot on accurate. But I am not sure what to do now. I have been researching for awhile now and am afraid to get something I dont like. I dont have anywhere to go hold everything. My field has a range of different guns that people use but most are guns Im not interested in.
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Old May 6th, 2010, 12:31   #19
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Really then go with whatever you like. Yes reliability should be up there but you can always learn and fix things yourself and upgrades give you endless possibilities. Externally you get what you get, accessories and such are nice but the internals are what make the gun perform. If you decide after a few games "I don't like the range/accuracy" then there are aftermarket upgrades for such things, Prometheus, Modify, HurricanE, SystemA etc. Externals are pretty much you get what you get, if you want a certain look then go for it.

Remember airsoft is like 75% looking badass and 25% playing.
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Old May 6th, 2010, 18:09   #20
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So I did more research, I feel like no matter who I talk to they all have different opinions. This sport cant be any different then others lol, there has to be a three or four brands that are best bets. The guys I talked to loved their CAs. I am so confused lol and dont know what to buy now. I was looking at king arms too.
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Old May 6th, 2010, 19:18   #21
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
I find that outside of Canada people tend to like clones much more.
Because outside of Canada they're retardedly cheap, so even if they break down after a season of play, who cares. Heck a JG P90 costs like $110 in the US.. it's 3 times that here.

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Old May 6th, 2010, 19:46   #22
Con Murder
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Because outside of Canada they're retardedly cheap, so even if they break down after a season of play, who cares. Heck a JG P90 costs like $110 in the US.. it's 3 times that here.
Total truth.

When you spend two or three times the amount for a gun that 'works' as apposed to spending it on quality performance you get a really picky consumer base. Thats Canada, in the airsoft world at least. We want quality or bust and this sight has been right every time I called on its vast catalog, I wouldn't second guess them. Truth is ya even if kwa, dboys or whoever has a good product and stand by it I'm sure it will do its job. But here we get no warranty and have to send away to gun-docs, we want it in our hands and running game after game from the moment its out of the package!
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Old May 6th, 2010, 21:17   #23
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Because outside of Canada they're retardedly cheap, so even if they break down after a season of play, who cares. Heck a JG P90 costs like $110 in the US.. it's 3 times that here.
Well some people buy a truck but at the same time buy a mustang. I have two ics full metal with full upgrades different upper gearboxes and etc but i also have a jg m4 which probably cost 10 percent of what i put in my ics. The thing is I can play and roll around with the jg loan it out to a friend and No worries. Does it shoot differently? Nope. Does it breakdown more? Nope. Does it weight less? Yes ( which is better when you play the whole day)

My suggestion is go to a field and look at the different guns and possible try it out.
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