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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:20   #1
BobbyDangerous's Avatar
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New To This Hobby

A buddy of mine in my clan on Socom Confrontation told me about this. I've known about airsoft or a long time now but i nver knew that it has become competative like paint ball. I'm looking to grab a gun but i don't know where to really start. Mostly everything is all online which sucks because i can't hold the gun and check it out hands on. I'm from toronto and i scoped out a few stores in one of the other forums but no real info was given on the site. I guess i'm just onna have to grab online and go with what positive reviews have been given on the guns.. Any help would be appreciative. I'm sure people are gonna tell me to sur more though lol.. Cheers..
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:23   #2
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Listen, I’m going to save you a lot of flaming from other members. As well as the repetitive advice you will receive.
Most everyone on this forum will tell you to get “Age verified” and buy from the classifieds.
You cannot import any guns from websites outside of Canada.
Airsoft is a 18+ sport
Sniping is not for newbies
If you are underage please do not try to circumvent the system in place, its there for a reason.
Nobody will help you get a gun if you are not age verified or underage
Do not play in your backyard/forest or anything of the like. Only play on official fields.
Please read the FAQ’s
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:23   #3
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Originally Posted by BobbyDangerous View Post
it has become competative like paint ball.
It has not. This is not the spirit most airsofters share.

There is no -at least, not in Canada, to my knowledge- airsoft competitions, per se (there is CAPS, but it's much, much different than competitive speedball/paintball). 99% of the airsofters play for fun and a lot also do for realism, but not competitive cheating.

PS: R.I.T.Z the copypasting machine was here!

Last edited by Conker; March 1st, 2010 at 12:27..
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:24   #4
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there are many places in toronto to get guns. you must be age verified first to make sure you are over 18. if u decide to buy online make sure its from canadian websites.
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:25   #5
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Hey, welcome to the forum. One of the big things people will tell you here is to get age verified. Age verification is a process where you meet with an elected member of the community, to see if you're over 18. It doesn't cost anything, and you get to meet some people heavily invested in the community. Then, after a few days, you get a nice little 'Age Verified' Tag, and you can view the classifieds, where you can buy and sell used (and sometimes new) guns. Until you are age verified, you're pretty much left with dealing with brick and mortar stores. Another piece of advice i can give you is read the FAQ's. it's a lot, but trust me, the knowledge gained from them is extremely helpful.

Blast!!! R.I.T.Z. beat me to the punch!!!
Primary: KWA LM4 PTR, Classic Army LWRC M6 A2, Classic Army G36E, AGM/Javelin MP44.

Secondary: KWA Mk. 4 1911, KWA Mac 11, Skeleton Sidearms 8" .357 revolver.
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:27   #6
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Yeah i'm 31
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:28   #7
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Originally Posted by Danneichh View Post
Hey, welcome to the forum. One of the big things people will tell you here is to get age verified. Age verification is a process where you meet with an elected member of the community, to see if you're over 18. It doesn't cost anything, and you get to meet some people heavily invested in the community. Then, after a few days, you get a nice little 'Age Verified' Tag, and you can view the classifieds, where you can buy and sell used (and sometimes new) guns. Until you are age verified, you're pretty much left with dealing with brick and mortar stores. Another piece of advice i can give you is read the FAQ's. it's a lot, but trust me, the knowledge gained from them is extremely helpful.

Blast!!! R.I.T.Z. beat me to the punch!!!

Thanks or the advise. I did message a toronto rep so we'll see if i hear back..
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:29   #8
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Alright, in that case, your best bet is getting age verified. It can be done at games as well, usually there's an age verifier or two at most large games. And it's a good way to meet more of the community.
Primary: KWA LM4 PTR, Classic Army LWRC M6 A2, Classic Army G36E, AGM/Javelin MP44.

Secondary: KWA Mk. 4 1911, KWA Mac 11, Skeleton Sidearms 8" .357 revolver.
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:30   #9
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Originally Posted by BobbyDangerous View Post
Thanks or the advise. I did message a toronto rep so we'll see if i hear back..
It's very likely you will. It might take a wee bit, as everyone here does have a life aside from airsoft, but patience is a virtue. And if he doesn't message you back, i believe there are at least a few other AVers in the toronto area.
Primary: KWA LM4 PTR, Classic Army LWRC M6 A2, Classic Army G36E, AGM/Javelin MP44.

Secondary: KWA Mk. 4 1911, KWA Mac 11, Skeleton Sidearms 8" .357 revolver.
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:31   #10
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
It has not. This is not the spirit most airsofters share.

There is no -at least, not in Canada, to my knowledge- airsoft competitions, per se (there is CAPS, but it's much, much different than competitive speedball/paintball). 99% of the airsofters play for fun and a lot also do for realism, but not competitive cheating.

PS: R.I.T.Z the copypasting machine was here!

I used to paintball back in 2000 but stopped. My bro and i got some cheap guns from crappy tire i think they were hk5's lol. was messin around with them ad it was fun, accept when i got ambushed and peppered by my bro.. lol
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:32   #11
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Guys, all of you repeated the same fucking thing that RITZ said. Spoonfeeding for newcomers, right, but no need to repeat that 13 times in a row.
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:34   #12
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Originally Posted by Danneichh View Post
It's very likely you will. It might take a wee bit, as everyone here does have a life aside from airsoft, but patience is a virtue. And if he doesn't message you back, i believe there are at least a few other AVers in the toronto area.
yeah i have been trying to get ahold of my buddy on Socom but the ps3 network has been down so i have no other way of getting in touch with him and he knows a bunch of people. I think he is on this forum but i don't know what his username is on here.
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:34   #13
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first you should try showing up at any of the local games in Toronto eg.CQB see what people are using ask questions about the different brands and models we are quite helpful in giving info, ignore flamers and most important get AV'ed.
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:35   #14
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
Guys, all of you repeated the same fucking thing that RITZ said. Spoonfeeding for newbies, right, but no need to repeat that 13 times in a row.
As a matter of fact, when I typed my first response, No one other than the T.C. had posted. By the time I was done and had posted my message, R.I.T.Z. had managed to post his message. So, in a way, we're all tied for when we posted.
Primary: KWA LM4 PTR, Classic Army LWRC M6 A2, Classic Army G36E, AGM/Javelin MP44.

Secondary: KWA Mk. 4 1911, KWA Mac 11, Skeleton Sidearms 8" .357 revolver.
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Old March 1st, 2010, 12:35   #15
Red Wine & Adderall
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Soo....much...information to retardedly hung over...

To the original poster, you are correct; I am going to recommend that you surf the internet more, however its also in your best interest. Gun reviews can be found all over the internet, regardless which search engine you use, a different combination of search words can yield different searches. Let me keep it short and sweet, for the bulk of it, AEGS are simple motors that drive pistons that compress a spring to expel air to propel a BB down a barrel. How you want that set up to look is up to you. There are many brands of companies out there that make airsoft guns, how much you pay will relevant to the quality you receive. I do agree with you, not being able to actually physically hold and inspect something you wish to buy is a crappy deal. However if you can invest the time and find a local game to head out to, I am sure the local players would be more than willing to let you inspect their airsoft guns if you were kind enough to ask.

There are a few small shops that would be with in reasonable driving distance in your region, however I do not know their stock or the names of these shops as I am not from your region.

This website has a process called age verification, where if you are 18 or older you can meet with a volunteer representative of this website who will meet with you in person, there is no way around this, no phone, no web cam, in person only, where they will require to see a legitimate piece of photo identification. After the process is completed, it can take sometime as this is all volunteer work, you will be granted access to this websites buy and sell section, where you can find both new and used guns as well as parts, for fair and competitive prices. Although it’s not always the case, it is sort of an open market. However age verification is only required to purchase from ASC buy and sell and any of its retailers. If you are not interested in age verification then that is perfectly fine, their are retailers that exist in Canada that do not require age verification to purchase from.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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