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G36 Bulk mags


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Old February 19th, 2010, 01:18   #1
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Toronto, ON
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G36 Bulk mags

So I've been glancing around a bit, and I'm planning on getting a G36C if I can find a decent one (once I'm AV'd, which should be very shortly). In preparation, I've been looking at different sites trying to find some G36 realcap mags, preferrably in bulk, however, it's rare that I can find a single realcap (most of them are 50, and I guess that could be realcap, but from my knowledge the average G36 magazine size is 30 rounds), let alone finding them in bulk.

Does anyone know of a site that sells even single, 30rd G36 magazines? I flicked through Redwolf's magazine section (and I could've missed it, I was just eyeballing the pictures and text), and EbairSoft's magazine section, as well as a few others in the past. The only real "bulk" sets I can find are usually for an M4 or AK47 AEG.

Any help is greatly appreciated, even if it's just "You won't find a 30rd G36 mag".

Edit: Of course, after giving Redwolf another check over to see if I did accidentally miss it, I find a 5-pack of 30rd G36 mags for $21.99. I can't figure out how to delete the thread either, so I guess just locking it would work or something. Sorry guys. :/

Last edited by Lurker6; February 19th, 2010 at 01:24..
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Old February 19th, 2010, 01:20   #2
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Classifieds I have seen quite a few g36 mags for sale. For quality ones, 'bulk' won't come cheap.

But if you want a box of mags for a hundred theres always MAG or STAR magazines available. They make pretty decent lowcaps/realcaps if you take the time to take care of them. I plan on getting a box of those soon for my CA36E just for backup. what I really want is a good handful of TM or CA low caps.
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Old February 19th, 2010, 01:27   #3
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Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Classifieds I have seen quite a few g36 mags for sale. For quality ones, 'bulk' won't come cheap.

But if you want a box of mags for a hundred theres always MAG or STAR magazines available. They make pretty decent lowcaps/realcaps if you take the time to take care of them. I plan on getting a box of those soon for my CA36E just for backup. what I really want is a good handful of TM or CA low caps.
Well I'm planning on browsing the classifieds a lot after next weekend (or however long it takes to get AV'd after showing my ID and such) to try and find stuff, but thanks for the suggestion. I'll keep that in mind.
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Old February 19th, 2010, 01:46   #4
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Just because it says 50 rounds doesn't mean you can't fill it up with less.

I have purchased some 68 round M4 mags and if I so choose to I can fill it with 30 rounds (if I so desired).

Also note that with a 30 round mag you're not going to get 30 rounds out of it. I know for the M4 at least the last 4 BB's don't feed because there isn't enough tension in the spring in the mag to push the last 3-4 BB's out.
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