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newb gun question


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Old January 16th, 2010, 17:56   #1
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Windsor Ontario
newb gun question

hey folks,
new here and have contacted a rep to get av'ed. i'm looking to buy a gun, but don't have a ton of money to spend. i'm a college student. i was wondering what kind of guns you guys can suggest for me. i would like something that is cheaper, and easily upgradable, so i can upgrade it as i progress through the hobby. i'm looking for a SMG but not picky.
i would assume something with a metal gearbox would be best, but again i'm on a budget.
and i know budgets are never a good thing! but keep that in mind please
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Old January 16th, 2010, 17:59   #2
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Id suggest once your AV status goes through scour the classifieds for a TM MP5. Its small, has an ABS body but is still durable, and if its stock should still be in the lower end of the price spectrum. You will easily find one for under $500, lets say around $400 as a median. Some may be higher some may be lower.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old January 16th, 2010, 18:01   #3
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all im going to say is that you are looking at minimum $300 for a gun, and thats used cheap china clone, or a beat to shit good name AEG.
there is also the option of "cansoft" which you will learn about once you browse the site

and thats just the gun, you will need mags, batteries, camo, and a vest

i usualy tell people that the base cost to start airsofting is $600

im also a university student, i know it can be rough but please please please dont cheap out on a gun
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.
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Old January 16th, 2010, 18:02   #4
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Wait until you are age verified then you can go through the wide selection of airsoft guns on sales in the classifieds. Meanwhile I would suggest you to go through the few Canadian websites that sales airsoft guns to get a rough estimate on how much it costs though their quality will never be on par with what you're going to find in the classifieds. Airsoft is an expensive sport/hobby, you pay for what you get.
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Old January 16th, 2010, 18:26   #5
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most of us don't have deep pockets either. but somehow you'll end up a fortune in airsoft. =)

Sales Thread Click Me
AEG sales thread
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Old January 16th, 2010, 18:46   #6
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I'm a student as well and the only words of advice I can offer you are to save up your money and not blow it at the pub/bar/club (I have an advantage here cause I'm Asian) or spend it on girls (unless she's "the one" in which case try to keep her).

At minimum $400 should be what you're looking to spend (yes that's almost a months worth of rent...) and with that you'll get a used gun with battery, and maybe a cheapo scope.

Otherwise if you want NIB, for $450 you can get something decent with a battery, wallcharger (which goes where it should.... in the garbage), and a hi-cap among other things like manual and such.

After that $30-40 or so for 4-5 cheapo mags (STAR or Magpul Green Label (which STAR is the OEM manufacturer)), get mid caps (68 round) they're probably the most versatile ones.

Heres a breakdown of what I've spent so far:

$450 gun
~$65 mags (5x 30 round low caps and 5x 68 round mid caps)
~$80 vest
$60 on my BDU's (German Flecktarn)
~$50-60 on BB's (I still have 2 bags of 3000 rounds left to go through)

I have my own hiking boots that I use and some people may look down upon you but they have the same ankle/roll protection as military boots, they're just hiking boots. I spent ~$90+tax for my boots (on sale) from Coast Mountain or some other outdoor store. I have used them for practically everything though (hiking, outdoor work, airsoft, when it's snowy/icy outside) so that was money well spent.

Not really related however I have also bought a shemagh for airsoft and to protect my face from the wind (it's really windy here.... like REALLY windy and my skin is already kind of dry so it makes it worse).

I don't know about you but I have almost no money after buying those stupid textbooks that are required for my courses but anyways wait until you have a lot of money and buy things all at once rather than "piecemealing" it. Sellers are usually willing to give you better prices if you buy a lot of their stuff at once (ie. if they have multiple threads full of stuff they're trying to sell and you buy their gun, mags, and other random accessories they may give you free shipping or give you a small discount.

Also, for you it depends on what you like and think looks badass keeping in mind the suitability of the gun. Maybe a full size M16 is great for you but it's not too great for CQB or alternatively you like the MP7 which is great but not too great for outdoors in a full size field. Anyways you're probably smart enough to figure it out. If there's something you like except it's too big or small think about variants. You might like the M16 but can't get one so maybe an M4. Or you may like the full size G36 but maybe settle for a G36K ("kurz" or "short" which is in the middle of the full size and compact) or G36C variant (which is the smallest one).
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Last edited by L473ncy; January 16th, 2010 at 18:48..
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Old January 16th, 2010, 18:59   #7
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I'm a student as well, I bought a TM MP5SD5 off the classifieds for 425 shipped. There's alot of good deals on the classifieds.
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Old January 16th, 2010, 23:33   #8
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Search for the thread on Aftermath Kraken AK47's, pretty much all good.
They aren't crap despite what the very few say. Only $150 max. totally TM compatible thus upgradeable. Great fps, durability (mine played two years and Claybank with no probs whatsoever), comes with a hicap mag (though I would get a better one sooner than later) surprisingly good accuracy.
Aftermath may have made a mistake...the whole you get what you pay for thing...well, doesn't compute here. The Kraken is a decent gun for the price bar none.
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Old January 17th, 2010, 00:16   #9
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Im a student as well... paid $615 for a BNIB Classic Army M15A4 CQB. I rather save up my money and get something decent. You can spend half of that money on a cheapo gun, but ull be spending lots of money doing internal and external upgrades as well as damages to your gun from fielding. I rather save up until I have a bit more money and then buy something that is decent. Patient is a virtue... You can go blow your money now, but u will regret it. After you are AV'd, save up your money, and in the meantime, browse through the classifieds, ask questions, and see what ppl have to offer before blowing all your load.
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Old January 17th, 2010, 00:20   #10
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my advice is, dont be cheap buying goggles, goggles that would ruin a day of game.

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Old January 17th, 2010, 00:31   #11
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Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
my advice is, dont be cheap buying goggles, goggles that would ruin a day of game.
Or ruin a lifetime...
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Old January 17th, 2010, 00:35   #12
Malice Army
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Why spend that money , everybody's $300 G&G M4 shoot better than my all Metal Classic Army, so I had to upgrade MY gun to keep up! Buy what you can afford , find a crew of like minded players, be safe and responsible. HAVE FUN
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Old January 17th, 2010, 00:40   #13
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no one suggested Knee pads? for 18$ you can't go wrong
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Old January 17th, 2010, 01:33   #14
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what are some of the prices for used guns? i've been looking at new guns and see that decent looking guns (metal internals, plastic body) are around 300ish.
so why wouldn't a used gun, of the same initial worth, be around 200?
i don't see why i can't buy something that is about 200-250 and use it for quite sometime. i don't think there is much of a airsoft scene where i am, (kitchener for school and windsor as home) so fielding won't be happening every weekend for me, i don't think.... could be wrong though.
hopefully i'll be able to get to a game, and get AVed, and get searching for a gun... i would love some suggestions if u guys have them on decent priced guns that are a good bang for the buck... and i'll continue to research and shop.
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Old January 17th, 2010, 02:03   #15
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Originally Posted by bareass View Post
what are some of the prices for used guns? i've been looking at new guns and see that decent looking guns (metal internals, plastic body) are around 300ish.
so why wouldn't a used gun, of the same initial worth, be around 200?
i don't see why i can't buy something that is about 200-250 and use it for quite sometime. i don't think there is much of a airsoft scene where i am, (kitchener for school and windsor as home) so fielding won't be happening every weekend for me, i don't think.... could be wrong though.
hopefully i'll be able to get to a game, and get AVed, and get searching for a gun... i would love some suggestions if u guys have them on decent priced guns that are a good bang for the buck... and i'll continue to research and shop.
Theres lots of games in the K-W/cambridge/guelph area. flagraiders indoor and outdoor are both there. Theres usually a game at least every week in the summer, and every few weeks in the winter in our area.

Can't speak for windsor.
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