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Old January 1st, 2010, 13:27   #1
AV Suspended pending sales dispute
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Hello Everyone

Hello everyone,

I've been looking into Airsoft for awhile now after seeing some of my buddies playing a game. Anyways I'm 20 years old (21 in Feb.) and I'm currently serving in the Canadian Forces (Final Weeks of Basic Training). I live in Brantford Ontario.

I do have a few questions and I dont want to make another post asking. Please mind my questions if they have been answered, I do not have alot of time at the base to search every post.

My main question goes out to any military out there. Is there enough time to get into Airsoft and play games if I'm in the military. My trade is Infantry and some have said that there are weeks where you will do nothing and weeks where you wont stop but I would like to know from people who might have experienced this. I obviously have no time now during Basic Training but I have a few weeks left and I'm done.

My second question is, is it kindove going overboard to have my starting set something like a M4 with an EOTech as my starting AEG? I love M4's and I'm not a huge fan of all of the fancy optics and sights hell I think the CFs ELCAN is to huge heh. But as a start would that be good or a little to much.

My last question is... For finding games and events, I know you can find them here but are there some to look out for, for people who have never played a real skirmish or milsim (thats what its called right?). I have only done little forest scenarios in my buddies private forest in his backyard nothing organized.

I am very sorry if some of these questions have been previously answered just let me know and when I have time I will look them up.
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Old January 1st, 2010, 13:33   #2
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Welcome! An M4 with an EoTech is great to start out with, just be sure to save up and buy something worth it.

You can find games in the forum section here. The best thing you could do is find a local game, go out there and meet people. You'll be able to see the guns, try out different setups and get age verified.
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Old January 1st, 2010, 13:38   #3
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well i would think that the m4 is a good one to start with,if that is what you like.ya don't want something that you don't like.
as for finding game you will have to get age find the games on here.
as for you having time i can't say,but if you like the sport it doesn't really matter how often you play as long as you get to play.
well hope that helps you out.
oh and hope to shoot you sometime hehehehe
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Old January 1st, 2010, 13:44   #4
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Just a bit below there is the FAQ section. Lots of good info there but you might have to wade through a few useless/outdated posts.

Not much I can say other than that since there is way too much stuff to say in one post and I also have to do something later so I don't have much time to make this post either.

To answer your question I'm not really sure, there are a lot of people on this forum who are in the CF. I'm not sure their trades or anything but there probably are a lot of infantry guys who play, in fact I know there is one guy who is a "gunner" (what trade is that? mechanized or infantry or something? I'm not too knowledgeable on the CF trades).

As for the first gun, whatever floats your boat I say. Stay away from "China clones" and buy a quality brand name right off the bat. I'd be lying if I said that if you got a stock BNIB Tokyo Mauri AEG it will last "forever" since things do eventually break but for the most part they're solid as a rock and there are people who have gone 50 even 100 thousand rounds in some stock TM's and have had nothing fail on them. The QC is very high however there are the odd lemons (lower lemon rate than say a similar Chinese company who just wants to ship out a high quantity of products and says screw the QC, we'll just deal with it via RMA's).

I personally have an M4 that I bought off the classifieds. It's pretty bare actually. All I have is a battery box (a gutted PEQ box which holds your battery since I have a crane stock and can't store a battery there), a vert grip, and a cheapo red dot sight.

Between different models of guns there are slight differences and models you'll want to stay away from (ie. The FAMAS which uses a V1 mechbox and are impossible to find replacement parts for). M4 and AK's are the most common and therefore easy to find accessories and replacement parts for. In addition to the MP5 (uses the same V2 gearbox as the M4 (except the MP5K)) and the G36 with the V3 gearbox.

As for finding games, there is a section below this one which has local games listed. It's not exhaustive however (some local teams may have their own forum and list local games there). Contacting a local Age Rep (you're in luck since ON has one of the highest number of AV reps) is a good step in finding games and meeting people who know what they're talking about in addition to getting your grubby hands on a wider selection of AEG's.

Publicly there are no places to get "black" guns (guns with black or metal receivers) however don't discount these "Cansoft" guns as crap because of the receiver with "active camo". With AV status the classifieds open up and you'll get a lot more selection but have to be willing to pay/wait for things to pop up.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew

Last edited by L473ncy; January 1st, 2010 at 13:47..
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Old January 1st, 2010, 13:46   #5
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Originally Posted by Ponche View Post
as for finding game you will have to get age find the games on here.
you don not need to be age veiefied to find a game .

Please don't give out false information you need to be verified to buy and sell guns on the classified and to veiw the retailers section where you can buy brand new guns

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old January 1st, 2010, 13:53   #6
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Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
you don not need to be age veiefied to find a game .

Please don't give out false information you need to be verified to buy and sell guns on the classified and to veiw the retailers section where you can buy brand new guns
oh i'm really sorry for that,i thought you did.but i guess if it's that big a deal,i really sorry for give out bad info.
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Old January 1st, 2010, 14:30   #7
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No problem , that just ridiculous to not be able to see a game until your aved there is the aved game section but theres be like mabey 1 game in there out of thousands

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old January 1st, 2010, 16:23   #8
AV Suspended pending sales dispute
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Thanks alot L473ncy! Aswell as everyone else. Once I get some free cash I'll go down to the SurplusIG down in Montreal where I am staying for basic and take a look I appreciate everything guys.
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