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Old October 15th, 2009, 10:21   #16
m102404's Avatar
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Molybendum DiSulphide is a plate-like molecule that will not build up past a given layer thickness. MOS2 to MOS2 coeffient of friction (mu?) is very low. MOS2 is also very resistant to high temperatures and pressures. It is inert.

I used to shoot moly coated bullets. The general thought was that it'd do the following:
- less/eliminate copper fouling in the bore
- less carbon fouling in the bore
- more consistent shot to shot velocity/pressure

MOS2 comes in a lot of formats:
- powder
- oil suspension
- grease suspension

MOS2 is best applied impacted into the bare surface of the metal you wish to coat. This establishes a base layer with the microscopic craters/valleys of the surface filled in with MOS2. You then end up with a "flat" surface of MSO2. Then the other contact surface should be treated the same.

Informational note: Moly coated bullets are tumbled, in medium density media (i.e. corn husk) and dry moly powder. The impact action of the media and the bullets "plate" the bullets. The bullets will not pickup more and more moly (which is good, because you don't want to significatly increase their bore size)...they'll pick up what they will, and excess moly will remain in the in tumbling media. The bullets are often then tumbled in media with wax...this step is optional and only serves to protect the coating so it doesn't rub/transfer off in handling.

MOS2 coated surfaces (built up) are very "slippery" even if they are "dry coated". But, on it's own, MOS2 will wear/rub away and be displaced.

So...often a carrier is used to either get it into place...or to keep it relatively in place. Very light oil is often used as a carrier to "float" MOS2 molecules into nooks and crannies. Grease is often used as a carrier to keep MOS2 in/on surfaces.

You can get moly-paste/lube at gun shops...don't know about the petroleum content of the carriers though. You could just mix power straight into Superlube (or some other grease) though....which is what StickG gear grease is. (note: You can use dry graphite powder in grease as well)

You can get it at Can Tire...look in the automotive grease section, pretty big tubs of it. But again, I don't know about the carrier composition.

That's just about all I know about MOS2.

Superlube is very clean to work with...all the graphite/moly stuff is a mess

Last edited by m102404; October 15th, 2009 at 10:27..
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Old October 15th, 2009, 10:48   #17
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Anal Lube, no joke.
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Old October 15th, 2009, 11:15   #18
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Molybendum DiSulphide is a plate-like molecule that will not build up past a given layer thickness. MOS2 to MOS2 coeffient of friction (mu?) is very low. MOS2 is also very resistant to high temperatures and pressures. It is inert.

I used to shoot moly coated bullets. The general thought was that it'd do the following:
- less/eliminate copper fouling in the bore
- less carbon fouling in the bore
- more consistent shot to shot velocity/pressure

MOS2 comes in a lot of formats:
- powder
- oil suspension
- grease suspension

MOS2 is best applied impacted into the bare surface of the metal you wish to coat. This establishes a base layer with the microscopic craters/valleys of the surface filled in with MOS2. You then end up with a "flat" surface of MSO2. Then the other contact surface should be treated the same.

Informational note: Moly coated bullets are tumbled, in medium density media (i.e. corn husk) and dry moly powder. The impact action of the media and the bullets "plate" the bullets. The bullets will not pickup more and more moly (which is good, because you don't want to significatly increase their bore size)...they'll pick up what they will, and excess moly will remain in the in tumbling media. The bullets are often then tumbled in media with wax...this step is optional and only serves to protect the coating so it doesn't rub/transfer off in handling.

MOS2 coated surfaces (built up) are very "slippery" even if they are "dry coated". But, on it's own, MOS2 will wear/rub away and be displaced.

So...often a carrier is used to either get it into place...or to keep it relatively in place. Very light oil is often used as a carrier to "float" MOS2 molecules into nooks and crannies. Grease is often used as a carrier to keep MOS2 in/on surfaces.

You can get moly-paste/lube at gun shops...don't know about the petroleum content of the carriers though. You could just mix power straight into Superlube (or some other grease) though....which is what StickG gear grease is. (note: You can use dry graphite powder in grease as well)

You can get it at Can Tire...look in the automotive grease section, pretty big tubs of it. But again, I don't know about the carrier composition.

That's just about all I know about MOS2.

Superlube is very clean to work with...all the graphite/moly stuff is a mess
I find the Sticky-G grease is alot easier to clean up than white lithium, I apply it to gears using my bare fingers and I work it into the surface (Kinda like packing a bearing)

I find I can simply wipe away the moly with some citrus based soaps where the white lithium requires quite a bit more.

I know where Sticky-G comes from... and if it's good enough for the original makers (Not allowed to say what nation's defense force produces it )... It's good enough for airsoft.
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