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CA36C Auto Trigger lock-up problem.


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Old August 14th, 2009, 15:49   #1
Amos's Avatar
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CA36C Auto Trigger lock-up problem.

Hey there, I recently looked over a G36 for some one that lives a little ways out of town -- Now, I have BARELY any G36 experience... and the only previous experience with a G36 that I do have is with a JG.. and that was rather unpleasant lol.

While looking this gun over I didn't do anything internally, I simply removed the lower to check to see if the Mechbox screws had been stripped (which they hadn't)

I put it together, tested everything and sent him on his way...

Now I know it's really hard to diagnose these things through text, but this is what his complaints are;

"When I pulled the trigger, the semi auto worked fine, but when I tried it on full auto, the trigger locked up and did not fire.

I switched it back to semi auto and trigger pulled fine; but went back to full auto and something didn't sound right in the trigger when I pulled it. Any ideas?

On full auto, I hear a noticeable "clicking" sound, or the trigger doesnt want to pull at all. Semi, doesn't give me any "sound." From safe to full, it feels like there's some friction but less noticeable; but when going from semi to full, it locks up altogether.

when I pull the trigger, it'll do one of 3 things;

1) Make a loud audible clicking noise each time the trigger is pulled
2) lock up altogether and needs a bit of force to pull
3) act normally -- no sound and seem to be fine (20% of the time)"

Now... My thoughts are I may have ran the wires poorly when I put everything back together (possibly interfering with the selector plate)... But the problems he's describing are too intermittent and almost seem like an entirely mechanical problem..

I'm going to take another look at it and try to re-run the wires again... but in the meantime, Anyone have any suggestions / theories?
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Old August 14th, 2009, 16:13   #2
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Check the trigger spring. The bitch one to get in place where one end of it sits in a little hole of the mechbox and the other end sits on the trigger. It either might not be seated in the hole (basically pinned/squished inbetween the trigger and the inside of the shell) or if it's somehow reversed so the long leg of it is sticking out too far it get's in the way of the selector plate. The prong sticks out of the mechbox's left side and jams/gouges the plate as it moves. I'd look there first (don't even need to crack the mech open).

I've got too G36 mechboxes on the bench right now...but won't be able to check anything until Sun night, sorry.

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Old August 19th, 2009, 19:08   #3
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Problem solved... I'm still not sure what the problem was...

I took the gearbox out of the lower receiver, made sure all the wires were correctly ran, took off the selector plate and re-attached it... Aaand everything works now...

This gun was BNIB... so methinks the wires were ran improperly from the factory.
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Old August 19th, 2009, 19:27   #4
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I have had this issue in the past with a CA36E. While pulling the trigger, I noticed that the cutoff lever would be stuck, as well. I disassembled the mechbox, and reassembled it, and it worked fine. I am not 100% sure of what the issue is, though I suspect something along the lines of what m10424(sorry if I got that wrong) said...Should you find a definite answer, if you could let me know I would be grateful. It's obviously something in the reassembly process, as everything will be fine when you open it. I did notice on mine however, that if I tightened the spring guide area mechbox screw, and cross (X) tightened them from there, this issue would not occur. I don't know why, but that's how it worked for me.
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