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100 fps m14 ?


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Old August 16th, 2009, 10:08   #1
Ayashifx55's Avatar
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100 fps m14 ?

Hey guys,

I bought an G&G M14 veteran and it's a very accurate gun out of the box. I really love it but the main problem is , it produces 440fps stock (m130) so there was no way i could of brought it to game. I had to downgrade it. Ordered a systema m110 but didnt arrive friday for me to perform the downgrade (game was saturday) i went to SurplugIG , i had no choice of buying a 30$ no-brand spring m120 because it was the only one available.

Opened the legendary V7 gearbox ...Changed the spring. First thing i realised was that my stock spring was a bit bigger in terms of diameter and shorter (1inch) than the no-brand spring i bought. I re-assembled everything ... shot few times. Didn't shoot through even first layer of a box ... I shot myself. Didnt really hurt. Chroned at Rawdon @ 100fps.

Gun was shooting hard and strong before i changed the spring. Could it be possibly the spring sucks? I had to attempt 3 times the disassembly of the gear box because one time, one of the gear coulnt get a grip on the piston so it was turning and grinding the piston. It grinded the first teeth of the piston. I melted a bit of the plastic to shape/mold the first teeth back and it worked. Putted extra glue to reinforce the plastic. It shoots good now , is just its low fps ... i don't think that the piston is the bad thing here.

I'm wondering if anyone had experience with this? 100fps after downgrading.
Thank you for your precious time guys.

Last edited by Ayashifx55; August 16th, 2009 at 10:10..
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Old August 16th, 2009, 10:50   #2
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He probably just found some random springs that look right and is selling them so:
My advice, remove it, go to surplus GI, slap the owner demand your money back +$20 for being lied to and throw the spring in his face.
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Old August 16th, 2009, 11:21   #3
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you might be right. I bought a broken speedloader from him before. For 20$....
The spring was in a plastic container tube. Written MC-39 M120 Spring. Is that normal?
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Old August 16th, 2009, 11:25   #4
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Originally Posted by Ayashifx55 View Post
you might be right. I bought a broken speedloader from him before. For 20$....
The worst I know of, that you could have put the mechbox back together wrong and still have it working should still give you at least 200-230 fps with that spring(though that would take effort to pull off), so you may have done something wrong too, but the spring is definitely utter crap.
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Old August 16th, 2009, 11:26   #5
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I will have a airsoft doctor check it monday ... I will be receiving a systema m110 and i will ask him to replace the spring.
I will ask him for a refund promptly. I paid 40$ for gun rental because my m14 didnt work for the saturday game.

Thank you for your advice.
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Old August 16th, 2009, 11:48   #6
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just FYI, the G&G guns dont use a V.7 mechbox (only TMs do), but rather a custom one designed by G&G (CA M14s also use the G&G style mechbox).
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Old August 16th, 2009, 12:15   #7
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it is also possible that the modification you made on the piston slows it down.
Id' check that...
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Old August 16th, 2009, 12:24   #8
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Did you mess with the cylinder at all? Is the cylinder ported? If you put a ported cylinder in backwards it would explain why your FPS is so low. Also, some springs only go in one way...put it in backwards and you can lose huge fps...

Before you blame the spring, test it in another gun to see if it gives similar results. By your description of your problems with the piston after you reassembled the mechbox, it sounds just as likely to be user error as a faulty part. Don't take offense to this; plenty of good gun techs learned their craft by replacing a lot of parts they broke via trial and error...
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Liberals rely on emotion. Conservatives rely on evidence, and the Socialists rely on everyone else.

Last edited by Skruface; August 16th, 2009 at 12:26..
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Old August 16th, 2009, 12:55   #9
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I'd like to elucidate the situation at hand: the spring is an ICS MC-39 M-120 spring, not a no-brand. As I've mentioned in a PM, perhaps you haven't installed it properly in which case you are always welcome back to the store and one our two very knowledgeable gunsmiths will fix it for you. If the spring is in fact defective then I apologize for the inconvenience, we cannot inspect every single spring that we receive and I will exchange it for a working one. You did not buy it from our site, you bought it from our store and we guarantee all of our products; just come back and explain the situation... that's all it takes.

Secondly, sometimes in overseas shipments things get broken, so if you would of returned your broken high capacity speed loader that you bought for 20$ we would of exchanged it for a non broken one no questions asked !!

Our service is second to none, although sometimes you may find things less expensive on the internet, retail stores have many more expenses (and advantages) for which the customers incur the cost of having things readily available to their disposition. Most of our prices are either the same or close to the prices found on major Canadian airsoft websites anyway.

Airsoft is a delicate sport, sometimes things go wrong and for that reason we have not one but TWO gunsmiths available for all repairs and maintenance. Please come visit us this weekend and we will assist you hands-on and make sure that you are aware of why the spring is not in tact. There is absolutely no reason for blasting our business reputation on the internet over a spring that you haven't brought back for inspection.

In addition, allow me to post a reference from where I get my springs: this link is under the ICS PARTS AND ACCESSORIES. Furthermore, you would pay the same amount shipped and taxed to your door as you paid at the store for this spring; I didn't even charge you tax on this purchase which I have to pay myself.

Please, do not be disappointed at our service, we do the best we can you just have to take advantage of our service more than you are doing at the present time.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Last edited by SurplusIG; August 16th, 2009 at 13:29..
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Old August 16th, 2009, 23:14   #10
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The service is indeed very good, i can confirm this. I was contacted right away after i pm'ed. If it is my fault, then i will pay for my mistake, but theres a big chance it's my fault i guess then from what everyone says. THank you.
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Old August 17th, 2009, 01:39   #11
Con Murder
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Enjoy a retailer that is active in the comunity, it keeps prices competative and service up to par. My local shop is the shady type with no real reason to charge what it fabricates and have no response to missconduct.

SurplusGI you got my attention, checkin it out right now.

Do your holosight 551 and 552 only come red dot? Is either red/green?
Con Murder
Dark Rhino
L.A. Airsoft

Last edited by Con Murder; August 17th, 2009 at 01:45..
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