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Old June 7th, 2009, 18:24   #31
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The thing is I really don't have any time in the near future, mid summer being the soonest possible. Basically, my question is would getting a stock M16 be worth it over getting an M4 and upgrading it to the point that it would perform as well as the M16, and also be used in CQB? From what I can understand an M16 is too big and bulky for CQB, but the M4 is built for it, and parts could be added to make it be just as respectable in long range or woodland battles?
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Old June 7th, 2009, 18:28   #32
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Originally Posted by Sawstink View Post
The thing is I really don't have any time in the near future, mid summer being the soonest possible. Basically, my question is would getting a stock M16 be worth it over getting an M4 and upgrading it to the point that it would perform as well as the M16, and also be used in CQB? From what I can understand an M16 is too big and bulky for CQB, but the M4 is built for it, and parts could be added to make it be just as respectable in long range or woodland battles?
Like we said.. internally, the M4 and M16 are identical. The only difference is the length of the barrel. The performance difference between them is almost nothing. The M16 might be a little more accurate at range because of the longer barrel, but that's it.

As for CQB, I've done CQB with my G36, and even with the stock collapsed, that was a pain. If you're planning on doing CQB the smaller gun will be better. However, if you're playing mostly woodland, it comes down largely to personal preference.

We can't tell you which gun to buy.

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Old June 7th, 2009, 18:31   #33
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So the only thing with the M16 is the added accuracy (and bulkiness). So getting an M4 and adding barrel extendors would be just as worth me while? Seeing as I could always use it for CQB or add some stuff and make it as accurate as the M16. Sorry for being so repetitive and somewhat bothersome, but I would just liek to learn about this things for future reference. IMO, getting an experienced players preferences and opinions is one of the best ways for learning
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Old June 7th, 2009, 18:35   #34
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Keep in mind that you won't be allowed to play with a hot gun in CQB. Lets say your outdoor gun shoots 385FPS you will not be allowed to use it in CQB unless you either use a velocity reducer or you do a spring change to bring it down to the legal level for indoor play.

If you think you're going to be playing a bit of both (CQB and Outdoors) then might I suggest an ICS gun since spring changes are easier (from what I hear) due to a different design (split mechbox).
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Old June 7th, 2009, 18:39   #35
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Ok thanks, but my question still lingers....


That is the M16 I am interested in. Would that be any more accurate than this: with a 8.25" Silencer added?

Yet another edit *sigh*

Is the JG M16 RIS comparable to the G&G M16 RIS? And is the JG M4 S-system comparable to the G&G one?

Last edited by Sawstink; June 7th, 2009 at 19:07..
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Old June 7th, 2009, 19:21   #36
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Originally Posted by Sawstink View Post
Ok thanks, but my question still lingers....


That is the M16 I am interested in. Would that be any more accurate than this: with a 8.25" Silencer added?
A supressor won't do anything to accuracy. The M16 would probably be a bit more accurate at range due to the longer barrel, as has been stated twice already.

Is the JG M16 RIS comparable to the G&G M16 RIS? And is the JG M4 S-system comparable to the G&G one?
G&G is probably better overall quality, though not by much. At least with G&G you have the metal upper reciever.

Keep in mind that all of those guns are too hot for indoor CQB play, and you'd have to downgrade the spring.

I should also ask: You are at least 18, right?

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old June 7th, 2009, 19:37   #37
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Is the M4 Enhanced version considerably higher grade than the regular M4?
I also noticed that the JG has a higher OTB FPS... but as someone stated before, companies often raise the FPS to get us noobs all excited. The JG is also considerably less expensive than the G&G, and would the metal recievers on the G&G really rasise the price this much, or are the internals better on the G&G overall. Thanks for all of your answers BTW, if I were you, I would be kind of frustrated

Last edited by Sawstink; June 8th, 2009 at 22:03..
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Old June 7th, 2009, 19:47   #38
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Originally Posted by Sawstink View Post
Ok, I plan to play outdoor matches anyways. And yes I am at least 18, I just have no time on my hands right now for AVing. I realize that I am probably being very annoying and bothersome with all of these questions, and thank you for your patience
Last questions (for now)
Is the M4 Enhanced version considerably higher grade than the regular M4?
I also noticed that the JG has a higher OTB FPS... but as someone stated before, companies often raise the FPS to get us noobs all excited. The JG is also considerably less expensive than the G&G, and would the metal recievers on the G&G really rasise the price this much, or are the internals better on the G&G overall. Thanks for all of your answers BTW, if I were you, I would be kind of frustrated
JG internals MAY be better than the G&G THOUGH G&G has higher quality control. basically on a 1 to 10 rating if G&G is 5 JG ranges from 1 to 10 and it's pure luck you get a good one or shit one (mind you I stand by JG as a good brand, but it's a gamble especially if you don't know how to upgrade fix yourself)

Also, it'll take just a few minutes out of your day to meet an age verifier either before or after work/school. if you do not have that much time then your best off not getting an airsoft gun cause you apparently wouldn't have time to use it.

Last edited by AngelusNex; June 7th, 2009 at 19:49..
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Old June 7th, 2009, 20:10   #39
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i have to say the jing gong,i have the hk416 and haven't had any issues with it.i got it and it was shooting 450 with .2's out of the box,but thank god it kept going down to 330fps i change the spring in it now shoot 350 steady.
but can buy and hk416 now,only if someone is selling there's.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 20:17   #40
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I am leaning towards the G&G just because I have never heard anything bad about them (except that the V2 gearbox is kind of sub-par). If JG's were always constantly reliable I would be sure to snag one.

Last edited by Sawstink; June 8th, 2009 at 22:04..
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Old June 7th, 2009, 20:22   #41
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Sepulcrum View Post
JG internals MAY be better than the G&G THOUGH G&G has higher quality control. basically on a 1 to 10 rating if G&G is 5 JG ranges from 1 to 10 and it's pure luck you get a good one or shit one (mind you I stand by JG as a good brand, but it's a gamble especially if you don't know how to upgrade fix yourself)
I'm not sure why you'd put G&G as potentially below JG like that. JG internals ain't nothing special, certainly no better than G&G.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 20:30   #42
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
I'm not sure why you'd put G&G as potentially below JG like that. JG internals ain't nothing special, certainly no better than G&G.
Sorry guys, but The Saint is reliable See him around the site. After weeks of reaserching the shit out of this, I think I am going to have to go with the M16. I know that it sucks for CQB, but its FPS is too fast for that anyways, and I'm not going to go out and get velocity decreasers for a gun that sucks in that area anyways. Everything I have read on it is positive, minus the shitty V2 (which is easily upgradeable, I assume (?))
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Old June 7th, 2009, 20:43   #43
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OK good choice. I'm sure you'll like it. I mean you did debate it throughly all the pros and cons so you should be happy with picking whatever you get.

As for meeting up with an AV rep. Yes they can *sometimes*. Although it's better if you do it at the field as doing it during the week or something there may be scheduling issues. eg. You go to school m/w/f but he may have to work on tues/thurs. (I tried to schedule a meeting but he was working when I was free, I was doing finals when he was free).

Be sure to buy your AV rep some Timmies or something (or a coffee if it's early in the morning). Then if they're not too busy you can probably hang out and chat with them for a while and ask more questions there.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 20:45   #44
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OK, thanks for all of the help guys. I actually learned a lot from this
ASC Community is awesome, no matter what those American's say

Last edited by Sawstink; June 8th, 2009 at 22:04..
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Old June 7th, 2009, 23:10   #45
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Be sure to buy your AV rep some Timmies or something.
Now THAT is what I call a good Canadian attitude
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