Originally Posted by Fly 9
I started out on a TM M16 A2. I have no idea how old it was when I got it but apparently the guy who owns(ed?) Wasaga Paintball owned it before the guy I bought it off of owned it (make sense?).
It lasted reliably for a few years, had a bit of barrel wobble, fell on it and broke the tabs, and then finally the mechbox decided to fall apart. That finalised it. Now the only thing that's original TM on that is the flash hider, the stock, inner barrel and the pistol grip (on its way out too).
I have a TM SIG 552 which is a beast, and a FAMAS which, since being disassembled, has its problems.
Overall though, I'm happy with TM's performance and ability to last.
That was Larry's AEG, it was bought of my excess M16 inventory (bought a batch and decide that long guns were not my kind of rice) it was a stock M16A2 with a bushing upgrade.