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Old August 4th, 2008, 14:59   #1
Kusco's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Tatical Force - 16


I am very new to the airsoft scence, I am 24 years of age, I have sent out a message to get AV'ed.

I am looking foward to my first event/game.

I am just wondering how my gun will stand on the field compared to everyone elses.

I own a Tatical-Force 16, the box indicates it shoots 340 fps.

I have tried using 0.12g bb's in my basement shooting boxes, it does not seem to strong at all vs some of the videos ive seen of other airsoft guns.

If i were to use 0.2 g bb's (which to my understanding is standard) how much fps will i lose with my gun?

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