Originally Posted by lurkingknight
a tight barrel does not necessarily make a good barrel. The most important thing about a barrel is the consistency of the finish inside. the smoother and more consistent throughout the length, the more accuracy you will get. It's not length nor tightboreness that gets you the accuracy.
Here's something I found and posted elsewhere
Originally Posted by pestobanana
Apparently Prometheus barrels really are the best in terms of consistency. (Angry Gun wasn't in this test)
I found this thing online, it might be out of date. The tester states an ISO9001 certified machine was used. It's all in German so if someone is fluent in German and can make better sense of this stuff, please do share!
Durchmesser absolut - Absolute Diametre
Schwankungen vom innendurchmesser - Fluctuations in Diametre
Mad Bull V2
Diametre: 6.016mm
Fluctuation: 0.004mm
Diametre: 6.036mm
Fluctuation: 0.001mm
Diametre: 6.021mm
Fluctuation: 0.002mm
You can read the rest yourself.