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Search: Posts Made By: Brengun
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 24th, 2018, 08:26
Replies: 5
Views: 9,786
Posted By Brengun
Check out Rossco66 on these forums, or...

Check out Rossco66 on these forums, or @rosscocoatings on instagram.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 30th, 2016, 19:05
Replies: 42
Views: 40,429
Posted By Brengun
Dual Band radios like the PX 888 are actually...

Dual Band radios like the PX 888 are actually pretty useful. At our field, we will occasionally use channel "B" (listen only, not broadcast unless you actually go select that channel) for game...
Forum: Accessories Discussion March 14th, 2016, 22:12
Replies: 10
Views: 13,834
Posted By Brengun
In Canada, try CTCSupplies. I just ordered a...

In Canada, try CTCSupplies. I just ordered a Keymod BCM foregrip from them (and a few other things). $30. Shipped the next day. delivered ahead of schedule.
Forum: Reviews February 14th, 2016, 23:52
Replies: 3
Views: 7,744
Posted By Brengun
Props to Perroz Designs

Just wanted to give a quick review of Perroz Designs.

I have a GoPro, and was looking to add an external battery to extend the amount of time I could film. I found a great battery, which met all...
Forum: General February 11th, 2016, 19:00
Replies: 1,578
Views: 1,296,877
Posted By Brengun
Sellers who advertise tons of upgrades, thousands...

Sellers who advertise tons of upgrades, thousands of dollars worth --for sale at half the price. "Works perfectly. Never gamed. Only put 12 rounds through it to test".
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 26th, 2015, 23:50
Replies: 30
Views: 17,416
Posted By Brengun
Well... I get it. Some people have been around,...

Well... I get it. Some people have been around, and have seen these questions come up a lot. On the other hand, here is someone that may be new to the sport/hobby, and who is actively seeking advice...
Forum: General November 4th, 2015, 21:29
Replies: 11
Views: 10,203
Posted By Brengun
I would still miss 99% of my shots.

I would still miss 99% of my shots.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 12th, 2015, 00:17
Replies: 5
Views: 6,586
Posted By Brengun
I can attest to this -or at least the latter part...

I can attest to this -or at least the latter part of his comment.

Without any trace of hyperbole, I can say that this gun is the weight of a dying sun... Rossco shows up to the field with his...
Forum: Reviews June 16th, 2015, 18:24
Replies: 26
Views: 21,924
Posted By Brengun
If this is "Hero Outdoors"... I have made many...

If this is "Hero Outdoors"... I have made many purchases from them over the past year or so, mostly clothing, pouches, accessories, etc. Everything has been great, new, shipped on time and...
Forum: General April 28th, 2015, 20:46
Replies: 15
Views: 16,558
Posted By Brengun
Ha!! Thanks. I totally forgot about that, and the...

Ha!! Thanks. I totally forgot about that, and the roaming high-gravity wells that spring up from time to time.

As for patience, you should see me golf. 18 Holes, 48 balls (plus some I find while...
Forum: General April 28th, 2015, 19:39
Replies: 15
Views: 16,558
Posted By Brengun
I have a couple of other G&Gs... that worked...

I have a couple of other G&Gs... that worked great out of the box. Interested in this gun, I watched a bunch of Youtube vids (including Levelcap) going on about how good the G&G SR25 was out of the...
Forum: General April 21st, 2015, 19:28
Replies: 14
Views: 10,777
Posted By Brengun
Without going too "Jacques Derrida" into this,...

Without going too "Jacques Derrida" into this, you should be aware that there are a few factors at play. The "intended audience", vs the "actual audience".... and what you mean to say, vs what you...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 2nd, 2015, 19:05
Replies: 17
Views: 9,095
Posted By Brengun
The G&G raider is widely accepted as a great...

The G&G raider is widely accepted as a great entry level gun for people with a limited budget, based on reviews and popular feedback.

Last year was my first year, and I would have this advice to...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 2nd, 2015, 21:25
Replies: 9
Views: 9,288
Posted By Brengun
That was my first gun, and I still love it. Have...

That was my first gun, and I still love it. Have had it for about a year now, and absolutely no issues or problems at all. It has a great sound (with the electric blow-back), shoots accurately enough...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 21st, 2015, 22:23
Replies: 45
Views: 33,493
Posted By Brengun
I was right beside you when you were lying in the...

I was right beside you when you were lying in the grass... drew your pistol and dove through 3 meters of new-growth forest to shoot and tag a guy. :)

It was awesome. And saved our squad (pinned...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 17th, 2015, 23:34
Replies: 205
Views: 131,209
Posted By Brengun
As someone that didn't buy these --but may be...

As someone that didn't buy these --but may be living with regrets: This looks like one of those deals that looks "too good to be true."

I would love it if everyone contributing to this very active...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 17th, 2015, 23:03
Replies: 4
Views: 6,009
Posted By Brengun
The Condor Radio Pouch...

The Condor Radio Pouch (http:// fits my Puxing 888 nicely. A bit snug with the Kenwood connector, but easy to access volume knob at any time....
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 2nd, 2014, 10:52
Replies: 22
Views: 15,449
Posted By Brengun
Check out Hero Outdoors as well.

Check out Hero Outdoors as well.
Forum: General August 10th, 2014, 23:21
Replies: 95
Views: 198,265
Posted By Brengun
I've placed a couple of orders from them in the...

I've placed a couple of orders from them in the past few months, and every single time has been a fantastic experience. The shipping time is incredible (ordered a bunch of stuff at 2 am Sunday...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 2nd, 2014, 20:46
Replies: 9
Views: 15,775
Posted By Brengun
I know this is an older thread, but just wanted...

I know this is an older thread, but just wanted to add:

I just bought a set of Allwin (shirt/pants) in Multicam. The pants fit me great, and everything seemed pretty nice quality. The shirt was a...
Forum: Newbie Tank April 28th, 2014, 23:09
Replies: 1,632
Views: 4,792,085
Posted By Brengun
Hey there

I'm brand new to airsoft. Prefer playing outdoors, as opposed to small, indoor games. Live in West GTA, Ontario. Happy to make acquaintances with locals.
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