Forum: Accessories Discussion
February 26th, 2010, 16:30
Replies: 0
Views: 3,782
MP5 Navy Silencers?
I've been trying to find a silencer or adaptor of any type to accomodate a silencer onto an MP5 with the Navy flashlight addition. Does any one have any suggestions of know parts or ways to do this...
Forum: Gear Discussion
February 26th, 2010, 15:32
Replies: 37
Views: 32,890
Get 5.11 boots. They are the most comfortable...
Get 5.11 boots. They are the most comfortable boot you'll ever wear. But if you're only doing backwoods stuff and just need durable and can sacrifice comfort go with original army boots. I know guys...
Forum: General
March 28th, 2007, 12:03
Replies: 38
Views: 20,659
Forum: Doctor's Corner
February 26th, 2007, 12:18
Replies: 6
Views: 5,311
Forum: General
February 23rd, 2006, 17:33
Replies: 49
Views: 20,665
Forum: General
February 21st, 2006, 16:27
Replies: 25
Views: 14,220
The min. age at the field I help to organise is...
The min. age at the field I help to organise is set at 16. At 16 the players must first have a parent sign off on their playing with the group and after that for them to attend games without their...
Forum: Gear Discussion
February 6th, 2006, 14:13
Replies: 23
Views: 23,043
Forum: Gear Discussion
February 6th, 2006, 14:05
Replies: 10
Views: 9,684
Forum: Gear Discussion
February 6th, 2006, 13:57
Replies: 77
Views: 56,327
Forum: Airsoft Media
February 1st, 2006, 19:21
Replies: 12
Views: 8,259
the thermal...
the thermal imager: we used a normal digital camera to do the film(just held it up to the eyepeice)hence the bad quality.....
But i would not recomend...
Forum: Airsoft Media
January 19th, 2006, 14:13
Replies: 12
Views: 6,471
Well hey if you're ever in Kelowna and want to...
Well hey if you're ever in Kelowna and want to use it we have pretty lenient FPS rules set in our club. So bring it. Most people think we're nuts but fact is our engagement range is usually a lot...
Forum: Accessories Discussion
January 16th, 2006, 17:10
Replies: 18
Views: 12,626
Forum: Gear Discussion
January 13th, 2006, 14:21
Replies: 27
Views: 14,304
Both of them carry it. If you don't see it listed ask for it. I've bought from both.
Forum: Gear Discussion
December 28th, 2005, 13:43
Replies: 11
Views: 8,552
When I used MP5's it was the simplest load out...
When I used MP5's it was the simplest load out ever. I just used a Milforce Three mag drop leg pouch. Mind you this is when I was in a small club and didn't fire much. I also worked with a guy that...
Forum: Doctor's Corner
December 19th, 2005, 13:44
Replies: 18
Views: 20,087
Forum: Doctor's Corner
December 13th, 2005, 19:35
Replies: 6
Views: 9,852
Hi Capa 5.1 Mag Feeding Issues?
I've had a TM Hi Capa 5.1 for a while now and have noticed that my mags don't feed the bbs consistently. I've tried many different solutions such as cleaning, lubing the bbs track up the mag, only...
Forum: Airsoft Media
August 11th, 2005, 12:08
Replies: 21
Views: 16,010
It was even better when you were standing right...
It was even better when you were standing right behind the mortar! And yeah it get's funnier the more you watch it!
Just to give you guys an idea of 75PSI sheet metal workers use it to fold steel!...