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Old December 10th, 2007, 17:04   #286
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
I swear all we did was hug once.
I've been hugged before................... by Atreyu................. I feel dirty now.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 20:32   #287
a.k.a. SniperChic
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
I've been hugged before................... by Atreyu................. I feel dirty now.
EWWWW! Stalker has been hugged by sicko

A lone sniper is better off dead period. Snipers work in teams of 2, we all know that. In reality sniper teams work in 3 man teams, thats in Afghanistan. However in airsoft, 2 man sniper teams is sufficient, one shoots while the other covers the six. When the team comes into contact this is where the spotter will cover the shooter at all costs, hence why the spotter should have an AEG of some sort. I think ive mentioned before, every player has his/her way of doing things, some techniques work for me but may not work for others, sooo my best advice is try different things out and see what works best, and the best of all is practise and practise.

I could go on forever on this, if anyone requires further detail please dont hesitate to PM me here or post your queries on the Wolfpack forums, which is probably your best bet.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 20:47   #288
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Best scenario for me is to lug my M24 slung and have my MP5 as my 'arse-kisser'. If I get found and shot, it's my own fault, can't blame anyone else by myself for getting spotted. Literally I've got zero use for a dragger following me everywhere, too many times I've been compromised because they got spotted and shot at by no fault of my own. There have been only a few times someone has come along with me, and I can't recall a situation of getting in shit where I was able to get out of shit because of my arsekisser. Number of times I've gotten myself out of shit............ LOTS!

Not saying "spotters" in airsoft are useless, literally it's to each their own, and the "spotter" should have as much experience (if not more) than the sniper does in terms of movement and camo experience. From my experience, I'd rather have myself to blame for getting shot.

Oh ya, I got hugged by Lt_Poncho at the end of the Border War game, didn't feel dirty, just felt an overwhelming "What the fuck!?!??!!" because I didn't expect his handshake to be foreplay. Lol, hey, considering how Poncho and I got along back in 2005............ (wasn't good) I consider it an honour to get a shake and a hug from the guy. Lol

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; December 10th, 2007 at 20:50..
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Old December 10th, 2007, 21:35   #289
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Best scenario for me is to lug my M24 slung and have my MP5 as my 'arse-kisser'. If I get found and shot, it's my own fault, can't blame anyone else by myself for getting spotted. Literally I've got zero use for a dragger following me everywhere, too many times I've been compromised because they got spotted and shot at by no fault of my own. There have been only a few times someone has come along with me, and I can't recall a situation of getting in shit where I was able to get out of shit because of my arsekisser. Number of times I've gotten myself out of shit............ LOTS!

Not saying "spotters" in airsoft are useless, literally it's to each their own, and the "spotter" should have as much experience (if not more) than the sniper does in terms of movement and camo experience. From my experience, I'd rather have myself to blame for getting shot.

Oh ya, I got hugged by Lt_Poncho at the end of the Border War game, didn't feel dirty, just felt an overwhelming "What the fuck!?!??!!" because I didn't expect his handshake to be foreplay. Lol, hey, considering how Poncho and I got along back in 2005............ (wasn't good) I consider it an honour to get a shake and a hug from the guy. Lol
Hey, we didn't do too bad at Sniper Hunt II, only got shot earlier on and then up trying to take the hill. Quickpass was worse, dead right off the start cause you wanted me to move when I'm trying to tell you ((and you're never listening)) that there is six guns pointed in my general direction :P. Although I did make it into the bush you had to go and be all MASH like and get shot in the head. Then you never radioed back when you spawned :P.

Being spotters fun, but I find that for sniper teams to really get effective early on in the game they need more time to get in hunker down. I think at Quickpass we were given 30 minutes to go in due to some delays and a couple miss communications. Forget what Sniper Hunt II was, but all I remember is we came up on a patrol about as soon as we were allowed to cross the border, so it was a bit of bad luck there. And if I recall, YOU didn't get shot there :P.

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Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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Old December 10th, 2007, 21:38   #290
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Ah, you mean something like what LoneWolf does?
Exactly like that......Had a f**kton of bb's shot at my croch once in an ambush and im taking it the face doesnt feel any better

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Old December 10th, 2007, 22:04   #291
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
Hey, we didn't do too bad at Sniper Hunt II, only got shot earlier on and then up trying to take the hill. Quickpass was worse, dead right off the start cause you wanted me to move when I'm trying to tell you ((and you're never listening)) that there is six guns pointed in my general direction :P. Although I did make it into the bush you had to go and be all MASH like and get shot in the head. Then you never radioed back when you spawned :P.

Being spotters fun, but I find that for sniper teams to really get effective early on in the game they need more time to get in hunker down. I think at Quickpass we were given 30 minutes to go in due to some delays and a couple miss communications. Forget what Sniper Hunt II was, but all I remember is we came up on a patrol about as soon as we were allowed to cross the border, so it was a bit of bad luck there. And if I recall, YOU didn't get shot there :P.
Did ok at Sniper Hunt initially until Foxtail and Arnold understood the instructions "100-150ft back" to actually mean "30ft behind us". At least they got the flanker, but there wouldn't have been a flanker if they had have stayed back 100ft at least. And yes, I didn't get shot there, I took out the two guys that shot both you and Arnold. But still, so much for the sneaky route. Was like I had three spotters, two that gave us away wearing cadpat who were too close to us, and one that was wearing a ghillie and got caught in the middle of BBs, you.

Quick Pass, my bad, I took us to the point I thought would be the best vantage point to oversee the other team's initial movements.............. little did I know their initial movements would be right through the area I chose to watch them.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 22:21   #292
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Meh all in the fun, I DID take one guy with me at that point at Sniper Hunt. But, yeah, all the rounds were going over my head and when they started falling to the left of me thats when I saw the one flanking and shot him, but he had a buddy :P.

The only real complaint I've had is at Quickpass, there was a guy on the desert team in a ghillie wearing all green fatigues but was on the desert team. One of those shit-tastic moments.

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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Old December 10th, 2007, 22:31   #293
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
I've been hugged before................... by Atreyu................. I feel dirty now.
Speaking of that... When I was 16, he added me to MSN asking for pictures of me in gear :smack: :smack: :smack:

my Pedo-alarm went off rather fast.. He got blocked & Deleted faster than you could say "10 years mandatory sentence"

On.. a more related note.

When cutting and dyeing burlap... How do you cut it?

Also, when attaching it to netting.. Do you just tie it on?

If I wanted to attach say a 2" wide strip.. What would be the best way of going about this?
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Old December 10th, 2007, 22:53   #294
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Originally Posted by SniperChic View Post
Remember sniping is not for everyone and most importantly sniping isnt for the light hearted.
I'm light-hearted AND I can this be?

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Old December 11th, 2007, 10:04   #295
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Speaking of that... When I was 16, he added me to MSN asking for pictures of me in gear :smack: :smack: :smack:

my Pedo-alarm went off rather fast.. He got blocked & Deleted faster than you could say "10 years mandatory sentence"

On.. a more related note.

When cutting and dyeing burlap... How do you cut it?

Also, when attaching it to netting.. Do you just tie it on?

If I wanted to attach say a 2" wide strip.. What would be the best way of going about this?
I cut it in squares with scissors, then after it's dry cut into strips or pull individual strands out. Tying, yes, just pass through netting, cross ends, pass one end through and snug it (same as you do for shoes laces).
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Old December 11th, 2007, 10:27   #296
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
I cut it in squares with scissors, then after it's dry cut into strips or pull individual strands out. Tying, yes, just pass through netting, cross ends, pass one end through and snug it (same as you do for shoes laces).

Now, do you soak the burlap in water then let it dry before dying it? Or just go straight to the dye?

Also.. Does Ryte Dye make a light green? I was only able to find a dark green, a tan, and a black Any other recommended colors? (Note: This is gonna be for Manitoba in the summer-ish season.. lots of greens)
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Old December 11th, 2007, 11:10   #297
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post

Now, do you soak the burlap in water then let it dry before dying it? Or just go straight to the dye?

Also.. Does Ryte Dye make a light green? I was only able to find a dark green, a tan, and a black Any other recommended colors? (Note: This is gonna be for Manitoba in the summer-ish season.. lots of greens)
Soak it for a couple mins in hot water, then transfer it wet over to to the dye. I just fill a bucket with hot water, then pour the packet of dye in and stir.

Rit Dye I recommend for green is Kelley Green, it comes out with the colour of cut grass. Just get the green and either the cocoa or dark brown. And don't bother with black, the ghillie will create it's own shadows.
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Old December 11th, 2007, 11:24   #298
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Something else you may want to do is vary the times you soak the burlap in the dyes. I've done everything from dunking the burlap in and immediately taking it out to leaving it in for the full 5 minutes. The results aren't drastic but you do get different shades of the colour.
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Old December 11th, 2007, 13:03   #299
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Going a bit further with Primus' tip, you can keep sections of the burlap dry and then dump the entire square into the dye, the wet sections will take the dye, the dry sections won't take it very well.
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Old December 11th, 2007, 14:36   #300
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How much of a mess do you guys make? lol...

I'm going to make mine this winter but... damn i don't feel like making a big mess of my apartment^^

*Is lazy*

How about you make me one Stalker?
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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