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Old September 6th, 2013, 13:09   #121
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I'm not even using a polarstar, I just know a lot about them LOL
Heaviest is always better though, I'd LOVE to keep running .32s but I can't find the right quality to use reliably in PTWs so I'm stuck just using .30s
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Old September 6th, 2013, 16:15   #122
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Elite Force Bio .32's are a good one. Never had an issue with them.
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Originally Posted by Felonies View Post
Do you really think all 322 spots will sell out in a single day
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Old September 6th, 2013, 23:16   #123
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Because the regs are meant to regulate 6000psi into 120psi. It's not meant for a tank that regulates the air to 300psi out of the bottle. They assume airsofters are retarded and don't know anything about HPA rigs LOL

Problem is, only really market for such a small tank is realcap players, and since they're so dedicated to realism, chances of them wanting such a fake looking stock are pretty slim
Paintball tanks are 3000psi or 4500psi with an output pressure of 750psi or lower depending which tank you get.

I would rather have a modified stock than a stupid coil coming off it and lug a HPA tank around.

Last edited by SuperHog; September 7th, 2013 at 14:40..
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Old September 7th, 2013, 10:58   #124
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Have any of you ran .4 or .43's in one yet? Thinking of trying giving them a whirl.
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Old September 7th, 2013, 11:13   #125
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I really want to, but i hate paying to ship BBs, and I cant find any locally.
From what I have read from the US guys, .4+ is just stupid for range and stability, but they go so damn slow they are only good for very static targets, and its pretty much a minimum requirement to have an ERHOP + a suitable nub.

Once bastards get the .32s out I'll probably stick with that weight. Maybe .36 at times.
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Old September 12th, 2013, 00:36   #126
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I also recently got the M249 FE for an A&K mk46. despite what the included instructions say, don't bother buying an M4 nozzle. I opened the box and read that it needed an M4 nozzle for echo1 and A&K m249s. I ordered one online and then installed the nozzle then installed the FE and it wouldn't feed at all. It feeds fine when I put the M249 nozzle back in.

ANYways, mine developed a very strange leak near the solenoids but I can't seem to figure out where the leak is actually happening. I tore down the engine and didn't see any defects in the O-rings between the solenoids. Soapy water didn't yield any bubbles so I am assuming it is happening in the casing right above the solenoids. Anyways, I gamed with it anyways just to see what it was like and it is very impressive and a suppressor makes the gun damn near silent. My biggest concern is the lack of range. I know that I am using a 300mm barrel (stock) and a reaps bucking (yes I know... it was the only aftermarket one I had lying around).
SO... question for the experts... since I am running a SAW which is mostly for suppressive fire, I went through a ton of ammo and don't want to buy anything heavier than .25 since it is quite a bit more expensive especially when used in such large quantities.

I need to fulfill a few requirements:
1. would like to keep barrel at 300mm (363 is ok if range is better)
2. would like to only use 0.25g bio king arms or bbb(field requirement)
3. can hit torso sized targets at 250-300ft.
4. must be as efficient as possible (filling tanks is difficult for me)

Can this be done at all with any combination of barrel/hop up? I have imminent plans of buying a red nozzle and a red poppet valve.
I don't really care much about fps as long as it's under 400 with a .2g bb. Assume price of barrel and hop up is not a factor as this would be a one time investment vs the repeating cost of heavy ammo and tank refills. Any ideas?
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Old October 6th, 2013, 16:09   #127
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If you don't think the leak is coming form the noids, then check where the air hose enters the FE. Sometimes that connector is not screwed in all the way. You will need a Hex Key to tighten it up.

As for your requirements for the rifle;

1. Any barrel length will be ok, its the quality and ID that will make the biggest difference. Since you want efficiency you should pick up a Prommy 6.03 300mm or 363mm. I have a Prommy 300mm 6.03 in my M4 that I use at the bunker and it is wicked.

2. As long as those BBs are high quality that is fine, but I would consider moving over to Bastard Bios is you really need bio.

3. It will be much easier to achieve this if you R-Hop the barrel and use quality BBs. A 363 will be easier to work with over the 300mm as well.

4. A long tight bore barrel and a Silver or red nozzle will GREATLY improve efficiency. If you want even more, get a gold or red poppet valve as well. If you go with the 363 over the 300mm barrel, you will get better efficiency.

I'm glad to see some more P*s out here, but at the same time I hate it, my competitive advantage is going away :P

If you dont feel confident installing some of the parts you can ship the FE up to me, I'm cheap
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Old October 6th, 2013, 18:07   #128
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you're going to find it extremely difficult to get any accuracy in the 200' area with .25s in any game
It's hard enough with .28s
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Old October 6th, 2013, 18:46   #129
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Redline just posted this up.

I am very interested, but im not too sure where I sit on the realism fence : /

The remote line is one thing, but this is just a bit much, maybe build a new gun for it just to use at CQB games where the back pack is annoying.

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Old October 6th, 2013, 18:48   #130
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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and now it's a paintball gun.
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Old October 6th, 2013, 18:51   #131
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
and now it's a paintball gun.
Exactly my delima : /

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Old October 6th, 2013, 19:11   #132
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At least with a remote line, if you route it along a sling, it's not necessarily noticeable.

Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post

The remote line is one thing, but this is just a bit much, maybe build a new gun for it just to use at CQB games where the back pack is annoying.
I use a molle tank pouch on the back of my rig on a molle hydro bag or hang it off my riggers belt. When I run the DG m249 I'll even just put the tank in a dump pouch on my right hip instead of using a backpack or rig.

Might look into a horizontal one for next season.

This pouch is similar to the one I have. It has hard piece of web on the back so the tank doesn't press into you as much.

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Old October 6th, 2013, 19:17   #133
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All I have for tanks is large 90CI ones since its a bit of a drive for me to go fill up, I want to get as much air as I can per fill, and they were waaaaaay cheaper per CI than smaller tanks.

A backpack is pretty much a must for me, especially when I'm running the M240 and I carry both tanks on me. Hopefully soon I'll have the adapter so I can run both tanks at once.
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Old October 6th, 2013, 19:19   #134
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Which adapter did you get? I was going to build one but got lazy. lol
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Old October 6th, 2013, 23:23   #135
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
Redline just posted this up.

I am very interested, but im not too sure where I sit on the realism fence : /

The remote line is one thing, but this is just a bit much, maybe build a new gun for it just to use at CQB games where the back pack is annoying.

I am interested in a polar upgrade for one of my spare M4's but....

With a Polar engine, function should come first over realism. It has no blow-back or kick like a GBBR, let alone eject out empty shells. You are are already running a air hose to the bottom of the grip. You already lost the realism by doing that.

The tank in the stock is a great idea. All you need is a custom shroud around it.

The other non realism thing is the use of a AEG receiver which don't have the same dimensions of a real AR, why not use a PTW receiver?
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