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Old March 1st, 2007, 21:41   #106
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The CCC? The firearms act isn't even part of the main CCC. It's a separate piece of legislation, like Canada Evidence Act and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. There isn't really anything that would have to be touched in the CCC.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old March 1st, 2007, 21:59   #107
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Scarecrow, this would in fact be a tightening of restrictions. Currently, there is no way for the Feds to know precisely who has a replica, what they have or how many there really are out there.

If you needed a PAL to buy or import one, that solves the "who".

If you had to list what guns were bought or imported and list quantities, that solves the "what" and "how many".

Now, with the Feds firmly in control of what goes to whom, and records are kept in-line with what is already done for firearms, as well as the accountability of the PAL-holder for his use and trnasfer of this thing, what more could a Federal agency want?

They also realize that there are likely more than 100,000 of this things in various guises (not just airsoft) in Canada already, and more will come in one way or another. The also realize that a measure of control and legalization of certain aspects will reduce the "illegal trade", then that is already one of their primary goals. This was the reason there is a CFC in the first place.

And what Federal agency is ever going to turn away from the chance to exert more control with minimal changes to it's policies and procedures?
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.

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Old March 1st, 2007, 22:09   #108
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if the PAL idea goes through, will people still be able to lend their guns to say a friend during a game, or would the other person also need a PAL? This is if the original owner is also present at the game participating.
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Originally Posted by BGrail25 View Post
I'm no expert on the law, but the only victims of rape in this story are the 40 men.
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Old March 1st, 2007, 22:44   #109
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Originally Posted by MrEvolution View Post
if the PAL idea goes through, will people still be able to lend their guns to say a friend during a game, or would the other person also need a PAL? This is if the original owner is also present at the game participating.
IF this goes through, best idea is to get your PAL and not worry about anyone else.
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 09:30   #110
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Exclamation Let's Get Organized (Senior Members - Setup Up To The Plate)

Hello All,

Before most of you start flaming me here, send me PM hate-mail or "ban me" as someone mentioned, I have a few things to get off my chest - if you do not want to read on, you do not have to, it is your choice.

As I stated yesterday, I created an online petition in which 25 people so far have signed up - thank you to those. Out of that number there were 2 IDIOTS (yes, I said it) who thought they would be cute by adding Jack Bauer and Stephen Harper as signatures. To you fools, thank you for acting immature and if the unfortuante incident that we can no longer play the sport of airsoft here in Ontario or the rest of Canada does occur, I do hope you remember your silly actions. As the saying goes, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."

Also, there has been much disagreement and even at time personal insults thrown at each other for voicing one's opinions. Where are the moderators/admins in these situations to regulate or calm the fire?

Lastly, I just want to call out all the senior members of ASC and those who are and have in the past worked towards a solution for the main problem - our lack of easy play due to seizures, possibly outlaw of the sport, etc.

HonestJohn and all other seniors, if you could please start a list to inform the rest of us who are ignorant as to what has been done and what is currently being done - thank you. There needs to be a leader or some form of organization with this and future issues, otherwise we are doomed.

For all other members, if you are not contributing something positive to the cause, please refrain from posting any humour or actual stupid comments regarding this issue.

Many people believe that that somehow by the power of God or a magical force, some form of saviour will come down and make the government understand our point of view and we will all live in LALA land with our airsoft equipment, this is not the case. Something PRO-ACTIVE needs to be done, so let's not be idle - please.

Thank you for your time and if I sound offended as well as a bit offensive, I do apologize for coming across so bold. After being away from the community for almost 4 years and now coming back to it, it seems that not much has changed aside from the "Age Verification"... the politics still exist and there are some who like spoiling the fun for all of us. I want to join many of you during games this summer and have a blast in all aspects! Let's make this not a sob story and one that we can rejoice.

Giancarlo "GC" Pawelec / KaOz.
"It is better to be hated for something you do, then to be hated for something you don't do".

Last edited by KaOz; March 2nd, 2007 at 09:41..
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 11:34   #111
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Hey guys,
originally I wasn’t going to reply to this thread, I don't want to see what's happened in the few other thread's (negativity and flame wars) happen here. This is a bit political and set's me back faintly- but... okay, I'm not afraid to admit I'm new to everything, but in my almost year of playing, I can say I adore the sport, I have a ton of fun and can say those that I've met, all rock.
On the forums, I seen a lot of people mention that something has to get done, that people need to be pro-active, yet I haven’t, until GC has tried, seen anything recently done. - Now that someone's decided to try to take action into their hands (while the 'elders' of the game have been busy I know, we all have our lives, businesses, things to do etc, no ones at fault) - its like everyone start's flaming 'oh this cant be done' - or just runs for the hills, takes cover and hides. -
Instead of flaming - or being negative, can we try a positive note? We all want to keep enjoying our sport in the future (even if we're all fuzzy about what the final result might be- and hey, if things continue as is, we'll be fine, as we have in the past). I know that GC had the intentions of starting a 'petition' - which I guess shouldn’t have been dubbed a petition to begin with, but more a 'voice of airsofters coalition' or something - (im not good with this stuff) - but with this list of names, and a letter he was going to approach the proper authorities and go down proper routes to at least start to see and hopefully ensure the future of our game.
Guys, the bottom line is, is we all love this game.. we all would like to see something done to ensure we're protected and safe to play without breaking laws.
Can we maybe have one positive feedback forum, that's here for suggestions and to host people's ideas of 'Can we... / have we tried ../ what if we's?' - instead of 'fuck you we tried that!'
I mean if petitions have been signed in the past, could GC combine all 3 lists, keep the real names on them, into 1 list- or, I don’t know.
I'm only trying to shoot out positive ideas, strip away negativity and see if we can do something.
Someone mentioned media packages, press kits, etc.. maybe pm GC and work together, we can shoot each other at field games.. there’s so many threads of negativity going around... I guess I just would like to see people work together. It doesn’t have to be GC that works at this, it could be HJ or any of the 'elders' - but how fair is it to elect someone that might not have time..
I dunno... ill insert the 'cant we all just get along' bit and post this.

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Old March 2nd, 2007, 11:48   #112
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Thank you for your kind and understanding post C.G. - that is exactly the message I was trying to inform everyone about and well, yes I was and still am a bit upset at the fact of the negativity as well as the two people (or one) who posted the fake signatures.

Great ideas as to the media kits/press packages - let me know as I have about a month's free time to work on these things while I am still in Boston. Again, I am in the publication's field so these things are second nature to me. There are also a few photographers on ASC including myself who can take some great shots of not only AEGs, GBBs, but also "discrete" or artistic in-game photos to showcase our seriousness of the sport. We can outline and create an actual "Airsoft Player's Code of Conduct" and ASC Policy that should and will be upheld at every game and meeting/convention.

Again, I am here to help and assist in anyway - so please share your thoughts.

Thank you,
"It is better to be hated for something you do, then to be hated for something you don't do".

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Old March 2nd, 2007, 11:50   #113
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Good that some people understand that bitching in a forum will not save airsoft.
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 12:03   #114
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Kusiami, Of course it wont. I'm going to try not to reply anymore in here either. Trying not to make this a chat room - Guys, if anyone out there has been in the sport a really, really long time, what can we do that’s positive?

- can we agree on a name's list of airsoft supporters? -
- can we agree on getting a letter wrote for someone to present with the list of names? -
- can we find out who player's respect and will trust that will be pro-active and actually take and responsibly present this information to,- if people are flaming G.C? I know he has time to work on this, and wants to work on it. Some folks list HJ to do it, and others, but can they and do they have time? if not, is it possible for whomever is the 'key' person - to respect the rest of the forums vote of which people they respect and have I guess an 'elders committee'?
there’s my ideas. I don’t want flaming or 'this wont work' - instead of 'this wont work' it could be- cg - it's a good idea but HJ doesn’t have time -
alright, now we have a solution - or cg - 'fuck the petition idea' - instead list why Canadian players names won’t matter and maybe what an alternate method could be.
Im sorry, I know I'm yammering a lot.. I step back now and leave this thread in the hands of those that know more about this then I do..
I'm here to help though even if I'm naive in my n00bness.

(HJ- sorry sorry hon to use your name as an example, I didnt know who else to list since your name's come up a bunch.. mean nothing by it... cheers.)
Team GHOSTS - Fides et Amicitia
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 12:08   #115
If you guys need me to sleep with any MPs or members of the CFC, CBSA or RCMP, just holler.

I think these threads should slow right down. The right people are doing what needs to be done and Im sure they will start a thread when the time comes. But I think we should refrain from going full chicken-little battle mode and ease up on the panic. Guys like Hojo are quiet right now because they are busy.
Im not flaming, but everytime this situation arises, people go into "end of the world" mode...because heck, it feels good to be a part of a fight. People love drama. But we all just gotta keep cool and relax. There is no need to ask the senior members to step up to the plate, because they already are, and we know from previous events that its not something that happens play by play in ASC threads. Most of what happens will happen outside of these forums, and when the time comes, they will tell the community what needs to be done. Lets face it, they got bigger things to deal with then two dozen threads with hundreds of posts about the same thing.

As we know from previous events, this may all be nothing and this could all be useless fearmongering and panic.

Last edited by Droc; March 2nd, 2007 at 12:25..
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 12:21   #116
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Originally Posted by Droc View Post
If you guys need me to sleep with any MPs or members of the CFC, CBSA or RCMP, just holler.
Droc, always glad to see you're willing to take one for the team!

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Old March 2nd, 2007, 12:50   #117
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Hojo has already said he will let you guys know what they are doing when they get it sorted.

Seems like they are doing what you would like them to do. Please be patient. We are all concerned about what is happening and appreciate what you are trying to do, but lets just take it slow cuz we will most likely only have one crack at this.

There is a time for thinking and planning and a time for action...and although the majority of us are men and are not used to the thinking and planning part, I think we really need to have a good plan before we start to act.
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 13:15   #118
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Droc, always glad to see you're willing to take one for the team!
Its Droc! and we all know more then one
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 13:17   #119
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Originally Posted by pivot View Post
There is a time for thinking and planning and a time for action...and although the majority of us are men and are not used to the thinking and planning part, I think we really need to have a good plan before we start to act.

+1, however i'm concerned that the community as a whole will end up sitting around waiting for these "few individuals" and then bam one day there is proposed legislation to ban everything (including air....yes that was a joke, laugh it up) and we will have been wondering who has been doing what, only to find that we, as a whole community, could have at least tried to do something. I think no action is far more dangerous than putting whats being done and by whom out in the open. Who knows if we can help or not if everything being done is kept in the dark?!

Meh, i've been here just over 3 years now, not a long time i know, but long enough to know what has been going on, and personally i think that this past years events are something to take seriously, no more "oh its just more saber rattling by the gov't, n00bs stop claiming the sky is falling" because one day something will happen and the ban hammer will fall on us, all of us, unless we do something to stop it.
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Smelly troll is smelly.
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 13:25   #120
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Originally Posted by Pip View Post
+1, however i'm concerned that the community as a whole will end up sitting around waiting for these "few individuals" and then bam one day there is proposed legislation to ban everything (including air....yes that was a joke, laugh it up) and we will have been wondering who has been doing what, only to find that we, as a whole community, could have at least tried to do something. I think no action is far more dangerous than putting whats being done and by whom out in the open. Who knows if we can help or not if everything being done is kept in the dark?!

Meh, i've been here just over 3 years now, not a long time i know, but long enough to know what has been going on, and personally i think that this past years events are something to take seriously, no more "oh its just more saber rattling by the gov't, n00bs stop claiming the sky is falling" because one day something will happen and the ban hammer will fall on us, all of us, unless we do something to stop it.

So far, you have made the best points so KUDOS to you.

I am still waiting to here from these people that are sorting things out... hence, why I am doing the "call out."

You are right Pip in saying that most say "action" when in fact they will sit at home on their comfy chairs and do nothing until it is too late.

"It is better to be hated for something you do, then to be hated for something you don't do".

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