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Incident at SC Village


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Old January 26th, 2016, 13:42   #61
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Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
Do you mind posting the link? It's not off topic since the OP thread title is still incident at SC village but it wasn't specific to the details :P

I remember that thread but I didn't get to see any vids.
SC Trip 2015
Video is self explanatory - Don't trust the description

Airsoft Cheater Gets OWNED! (HOW NOT TO REACT with Commentary breakdown)
After having uploaded the raw footage of the guy getting owned, and the community freaking out about how this guy was a dick, he uploaded the "HOW NOT TO REACT" version with his commentary. Not 100% sure this happened at an SC Property, but their Youtube channel saws SC is their home field so they go there frequently.

Honorable mentions:

Another massive fight happening in California

JERICHO BRAWL Original Angle
Skip to 4:00

Some dude trying to start a fight, also in SoCal, cause he got shot with BB's at an Airsoft game.

I'm sure there is more SC related Airsoftcancer you can find on the interwebs. All these videos are basically from the last year.

Never play Airsoft in Cali

Last edited by Derpystronk; January 26th, 2016 at 14:15..
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Old January 26th, 2016, 16:09   #62
"I like syrup on my blue waffles." #diseasedvagina
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It seems as though the event might spark up a new trend in the USA...
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Old January 26th, 2016, 16:54   #63
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Originally Posted by Handsonic View Post
It seems as though the event might spark up a new trend in the USA...
I think that I am justified in saying that if you're old enough to play airsoft you're old enough to have your gun shoved up your ass if you tried this shit on me.
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Old January 26th, 2016, 17:05   #64
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My God that makes my blood boil...
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Old January 26th, 2016, 18:18   #65
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Yeah, the BB hose thing is bullshit.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old January 26th, 2016, 18:40   #66
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This is why real caps are so good.

Ár skal r?*sa, sá er annars vill
fé eða fjör hafa. Sjaldan liggjandi úlfur
lær um getur né sofandi maður sigur.
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Old January 26th, 2016, 19:01   #67
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Gas in mag only till you're 55.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old January 26th, 2016, 19:30   #68
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There isn't a lot of context on this one; don't be too quick to jump to conclusions. The SC one clearly has malicious intent; it's possible this one is consensual either as a parody or a game mode. I remember a while ago, there were videos like this one and people were flaming the guy. Turns out it was a Gorilla game mode (ie, shoot them until they can't take it anymore and call themselves out) and all parties involved consented to it. Innocent until proven guilty; mob lynching (over the internet too) of an innocent is never a good thing. Granted, if this was one of those "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO" things or a non-consensual parody/copycat, then yeah, foxtrot-uniform-charlie-kilo the guy doing it.
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Old January 26th, 2016, 20:42   #69
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Originally Posted by Deltastronk View Post
SC Trip 2015

Airsoft Cheater Gets OWNED! (HOW NOT TO REACT with Commentary breakdown)
After having uploaded the raw footage of the guy getting owned, and the community freaking out about how this guy was a dick, he uploaded the "HOW NOT TO REACT" version with his commentary. Not 100% sure this happened at an SC Property, but their Youtube channel saws SC is their home field so they go there frequently.
Typical whiny baby entitlement attitude.
Don't call other people's hits.
Bang Bang is stupid.

Shoot until they call it. It was his own fault for shooting twice and assuming he hit him/the guy felt it.

Even if he did hit him, and the other guy was acting shady, full-Auto-ing the guy in the head looses all sympathy from me.

It's to bad this SC village has so many problems. The field looks really cool.
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Old January 26th, 2016, 23:56   #70
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Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
There isn't a lot of context on this one; don't be too quick to jump to conclusions. The SC one clearly has malicious intent; it's possible this one is consensual either as a parody or a game mode. I remember a while ago, there were videos like this one and people were flaming the guy. Turns out it was a Gorilla game mode (ie, shoot them until they can't take it anymore and call themselves out) and all parties involved consented to it. Innocent until proven guilty; mob lynching (over the internet too) of an innocent is never a good thing. Granted, if this was one of those "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO" things or a non-consensual parody/copycat, then yeah, foxtrot-uniform-charlie-kilo the guy doing it.
Iirc, that "gorilla game" as they called it, was just an excuse they made up for damage control, after someone posted up a video on YouTube of all the welts and bleeders they got from getting lit up and overshot by a team of speedball/p* asshats during that game at sc village. No such thing as "gorilla game" at sc village apparently. There was a thread about it on reddit somewhere...
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old January 27th, 2016, 07:40   #71
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These incidents/videos are ridiculous. Like many of you have stated previously, this is a sport/hobby based on honour and integrity. These muppets blatantly disregard those core fundamentals and make us all look bad by association to anyone looking on from the sidelines. People can get so worked up over stupid stuff. It is NEVER the appropriate response to hose someone down at point blank range (or any range really) to settle some unspoken dispute. I'm thankful to have very few incidents at fields and even then they were extremely minor compared to this stuff.

Finally, these kinds of videos really make any HPA system look bad. The SMPs I've used have been absolutely incredible and I cannot wait to pick one up myself. They are incredibly powerful and consistent; resulting in a powerhouse platform. However, that power must be reigned in. Just because you can rip at lightning rates of fire doesn't mean you have to - or should. Like everything else in airsoft, there is an inherent need for maturity at the base level. By all means, goof and have a good timebut remember the basic safety rules and respect other players. A world that is afraid of all things guns and violence is watching us; just waiting for slip-ups like this to happen to fuel the flames.

Just my 2 cents. Important topic and great discussion so far! Keep up the good work everyone.
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Old January 27th, 2016, 09:00   #72
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
Iirc, that "gorilla game" as they called it, was just an excuse they made up for damage control, after someone posted up a video on YouTube of all the welts and bleeders they got from getting lit up and overshot by a team of speedball/p* asshats during that game at sc village. No such thing as "gorilla game" at sc village apparently. There was a thread about it on reddit somewhere...
Huh. Didn't know that. Thanks beta. Okay, time to go out back and find my pitchfork...
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Old January 27th, 2016, 11:12   #73
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Child or Not, someone does this in what appears to also be a safety meeting neutral zone, they will be kicked off and banned at any local field we attend.

If injury happens, then I also fully support charges.

This sport is about honour, not about pulling douche bag cheap ass shots to someones back at close range.
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Old January 27th, 2016, 11:31   #74
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Originally Posted by BloodSport View Post

This sport is about honour, not about pulling douche bag cheap ass shots to someones back at close range.
But... shouldn't it be a BloodSport? XD /lame.

Anyways, I can see based on deltaho's videos that majority of fields dislike HPA systems..

I think Niagra Quarter Master has already banned HPA systems? .. or at least some kind of limit, unsure since they sell tippman m4's now.
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Old January 27th, 2016, 11:34   #75
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In my opinion, I am all for people using p* and HPA guns i have no issues with them so long as the people using them are responsible and not running their rof at retarded amounts.
I played speed ball in paintball and have been lit up at 12.5-15 rps (and paintballs hurt more) but getting full auto to the back,face, head or any part of the body like that is ridicules and id be losing my shit on someone pulling a stunt like that not only is it a dick move it is a safety issue like if you come around the corner on semi and shoot a guy by accident in the face he is only going to take 1 to 5 shots if that but you come around with a hose and that is opening up grounds for serious injuries.
I am of the firm opinion that full auto should only be permitted on LMG classes because really it takes no skill to hose an area and take out half to all the players there. Or to go around a corner and take out everyone before they can turn around.
People who buy the p* guns just for the hosing abilities are buying them for the wrong reasons. I would buy a p* for the fact of Canada gets cold and i like playing outdoors so a HPA gun would run longer and better than a battery operated or gas gun.
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