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Classic Army AUG A1 or SAR Taktik II (G3 SG-1)


Airsoft Guns Discussion

View Poll Results: Which gun?
SAR Taktik Rifle II (G3 - SG1) 41 47.67%
AUG A1 45 52.33%
Voters: 86. You may not vote on this poll

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Old November 16th, 2006, 14:58   #31
Join Date: Nov 2006
I've been debating these too guns for a while, and when i learned the Aug has a longer barrel that really started to tip the scales. However i was talking to a friend and he suggested dthat the G3 would have more of a "power capacity" for upgrading, because he thought it had a bigger gear box. Is this true? that the G3 could handle more upgrades, or no. Also how long does it take to change a battery in the Aug? I have some 9.6v 1400 mah ish batteries, do you think they'd fit? Thanks for the help and please dont "slaughter" me as i'm quite new to airsoft, thanks.
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Old November 16th, 2006, 15:46   #32
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Originally Posted by kuvos View Post
I've been debating these too guns for a while, and when i learned the Aug has a longer barrel that really started to tip the scales. However i was talking to a friend and he suggested that the G3 would have more of a "power capacity" for upgrading, because he thought it had a bigger gear box. Is this true? that the G3 could handle more upgrades, or no. Also how long does it take to change a battery in the Aug? I have some 9.6v 1400 mah ish batteries, do you think they'd fit? Thanks for the help and please dont "slaughter" me as i'm quite new to airsoft, thanks.
Your information source is... unclear. Read the Information section. 9.6 volt batteries have one more cell and may not fit in the gun at all. The guns are designed for 8.4 volts, take that into consideration.

Mechbox internals are pretty much the same overall. The AUG and G3 are just different designs and have their own mechbox setup. I'm not fond of the AUG, but that is because I just dislike the design. Both guns work very well.

Please do not ask, like so many others, for us to make up your mind for you.
Do your research, go to games, even rent guns to try before buying. Then your decision will be based on facts instead of hearsay.
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Old November 16th, 2006, 17:10   #33
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mainly i was wondering if anyone had tried using a 9.6 and it works standard already, for instance i didnt have to do any modding for it to work in my mp5. Nor was i asking people to make up my mind, but rather asking people who own one about some of the specifics. No where did i ask "which is better".

Also, whats a common form of flashlight mount for Aug's?

Thanks for the info on mechboxes, i thought someting was off in his "theory" and thus why i asked.
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Old November 16th, 2006, 18:19   #34
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If you dont want folks to assume you need help choosing, you can start your own thread and ask your own specific questions?

Again, read what I said. The guns are designed for 8.4 volts... not 7.2, not 9.6, ok? Since the 9,6 is also physically larger, it may not fit in the frame at all. Both guns are also totally different in the way they are built.

Pick one, use the Search option, and read what you find or follow my previous advice; go see them in person to learn more.
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Old November 16th, 2006, 18:23   #35
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Originally Posted by kuvos View Post
I've been debating these too guns for a while, and when i learned the Aug has a longer barrel that really started to tip the scales. However i was talking to a friend and he suggested dthat the G3 would have more of a "power capacity" for upgrading, because he thought it had a bigger gear box. Is this true?
Greylocks is right that the internals are pretty much the same but ver.2 gearboxes blow apart because of a fatal flaw when upgraded too far, ver.3 mechboxes are much stronger and can take stronger spring upgrades just fine. You can get a reinforced mechbox for a ver.2 to get some more out of it (from what I've heard from many players, a reinforced ver.2 still isn't as strong as a stock ver.3) but because its a CA gun the tolerances are slightly different and aftermarket gearboxes wont fit the CA body well as far as I know without a lot of modification so your kinda screwed. If you're going with a ver.2 gearbox design and want to upgrade then your better off getting it from a different brand thats more universally compatible (TM is the only other maker of the G3 SG-1 I believe.)

I'd say AUG but I have a bias of loving bullpups, especially the P90. I don't like the skeletal look of the AUG's front end but that can be fixed with the RIS setup (AUG A3 is it?)
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Old November 16th, 2006, 18:37   #36
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I would reccomend the G3 SG1 because it is my first gun. It has uncommon and expensive accesores but the nice thing is the clip for G3. Just my opinion never tried an AUG though
"Life is not tried it is merely survived if you're standing outside the fire" -Garth Brooks
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Old November 16th, 2006, 21:06   #37
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sorry if im not understanding but from reading this thread it appears the Aug's have the v. 3 gear box while the G3's have the v. 2 assuming were talking CA. is that correct?

again i was asking someone who had one if it was possible for it to fit, my mp5 was designed for 8.4 but fits a 9.6. anyways no sense in beating it to the ground.

Thanks for the responses everyone
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Old November 16th, 2006, 21:28   #38
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There are two primary type of batteries; mini, and Large.

If your MP5 uses the mini stick, it can be made to fit but that does not change the fact that by using a higher voltage you are adding stress to the gun. That is never a good idea. Also, depending on which gun, the larger battery pack may simply not fit inside the gun at all.

Since we dont know exactly what you have, what batteries you are using, there is no clear answer for you. Do you use mini, stick, or Large type batteries?

That is why I suggested you go see people in person. All of this can be resolved in less than 5 minutes of talking to anyone face to face. Add another few minutes and you'll probably get a full set of instructions.
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Old November 16th, 2006, 21:28   #39
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Yes, AUG=V3, G3=V2.

A 9.6V 1500mAh 'Square' AUG battery (2x2x2 cells, also fits M249s) fits into my TM AUG with no modifications, although it is a VERY tight fit. I'm assuming that the battery compartment of the TM and CA are near identical, seeing as how the other parts fit cross-brand.

The nice thing about the AUG over the G3 is that the mags are pretty much the same as armalite mags, so they fit in the same pouches. You'd have to get 7.62 pouches for the G3 (although they aren't exactly that hard to find, like P90 pouches or something).

About the AUG being more versatile, I really don't like the AUG stock for CQB. It's big and bulky and weird to maneuver, but a shorty barrel makes up for that very nicely.

About RIS mounts and such for the AUG, it's pretty severely lacking (especially when compared to the G3). The only easily available ones are universal barrel mounts. Other than that, some bi-level mounts fit the AUGA2, but instead of going on the carry handle and extending down the hand guard (on an armalite), it goes on the ... carry handle/rail mount and extends down the barrel. That works well if you want optics+PEQ. It's pretty impossible to find. My favorite mount, which is also impossible to find, is the Nitro side rail. That one is great for just a flashlight or something:
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Last edited by tunabreath; November 16th, 2006 at 21:30..
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Old November 17th, 2006, 00:39   #40
Join Date: Nov 2006
awesome thanks all your help guys. I use mini batteries currently. 8.4v 600's and i believe there 9.6 1100's or something near there for my others, tight fit, but it fits. Unfortionatly i don't know a person who has either, however i got a chance to hold both at the recent Minnesota Airsoft Convention, and liked them both. Too bad i never asked for specifics.

Thanks again
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Old November 17th, 2006, 15:38   #41
Join Date: Oct 2002
The Sg1 full metal (I assume, since it's CA), is a beast of a gun. I played with one for a while and decided that it's definatly not the gun for me. My FMU M16 shot more accurately and a lot lighter. I hate both those guns, but if I had to pick a fat chick to go to the prom, I'd take the AUG.
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