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Upgrading a VFC VR16. Seigeteks?


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Old October 1st, 2016, 23:44   #31
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If the vfc gears are 18:1'ish, it should yield similar rps with the 45000rpm motor as a 30000 & 12:1's (not calculating spring loads, just motor speeds and gear ratio)

What voltage does tienly calculate/label their motor speeds for? 8.4v like tm I believe? Or higher like 12v?
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Old October 2nd, 2016, 02:08   #32
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12.6v, which is an 11.1 lipo
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Old October 2nd, 2016, 02:54   #33
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Originally Posted by MOARPOWER View Post
So 13:1 SHS + Tienly GT45000 is complete overkill if aiming for 40-45 RPS.
Damn, fell for the numbers game once again.
What happens if I kept my 18:1 stock gears with the tienly ? Is there anyway to salvage this without buying a new motor ? TBH I have a SHS high torque it in right now and I have a BTC Spectre that I'm about to put in. I've already been told to SS the gear set by three teeth.

In sum: aiming for 40-45 RPS at 380-400 fps.
I have in my possession: Pretty much all modify internals (including aluminum piston head and quantum piston), ASC sorbo pads, SHS HT motor, Tienly GT45000, Stock VFC gears (18:1?), SHS 13:1 gears and BTC Spectre. All powered by a Turnigy 11.1v 15-25c 2000mah battery

probably still draw about 20-24 amps with huge startup amperage spikes. stock draw on 18:1s and vfc motor is about 16-18. Will likely go through a battery every 8 midcaps or so.

I had a lonex a1 build which drew about 20 amps that would need a new battery after about 1500 rounds. Stats on the battery are 11v 25-50C 1600mah. Drain was also such that after about half a season 2 of my 4 packs of the same stats god slightly puffy, and more use caused the packs to not be able to hold output voltage/amperage at a constant draw. They would dip severely.

I put in a zci torque motor and now the same gear set lasts about 4000 rounds or so on 1 battery, no puffyness on the 1 pack that saw use every weekend this year from may to mid august.

setup is 13:1 running on a cheetah 2n triggermaster and aforementioned zci torque.

The top speed in full auto is suffering but the semi feels exactly the same as it did with the lonex, and to me that's all that matters. Top speed is still close to 30rps on a full battery. I think the a1 got 32-34rps when I cared. Motor doesn't get nearly as hot either with extended fire fights.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old October 2nd, 2016, 19:14   #34
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So from what I understand with my rudimentary knowledge in electronics:

My current battery (Turnigy 11.1v 15-25c 2000mah battery) can handle 30 amps.
I read somewhere that the Tienly GT45k draws 30-45 amps (AirsoftGI review of the motor).
Pesto has a thread in which he tested the motor, and it drew 45 amps. However, he was running 10:1 Siegeteks in it and a rewired Spectre (I have no knowledge in rewiring a Spectre) Link:

In sum, I think I have two options:
1.) Either completely rewire my gun with adequate wiring along with a significantly larger battery to handle the amperage. something with way higher constant C and mAh.
2.) Cut my losses and sell the Tienly 45K and get a Tienly 30k instead to work with my 13:1 gears.
Armoury: CA M15A4 SPR, VFC HK416

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Everyone needs a hobby.

Airsoft is still cheaper than cocaine and plus I dont wake up naked in the woods anym....actually no that still happens with airsoft.
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Old October 2nd, 2016, 19:30   #35
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Originally Posted by MOARPOWER View Post
So from what I understand with my rudimentary knowledge in electronics:

My current battery (Turnigy 11.1v 15-25c 2000mah battery) can handle 30 amps.
I read somewhere that the Tienly GT45k draws 30-45 amps (AirsoftGI review of the motor).
Pesto has a thread in which he tested the motor, and it drew 45 amps. However, he was running 10:1 Siegeteks in it and a rewired Spectre (I have no knowledge in rewiring a Spectre) Link:

In sum, I think I have two options:
1.) Either completely rewire my gun with adequate wiring along with a significantly larger battery to handle the amperage. something with way higher constant C and mAh.
2.) Cut my losses and sell the Tienly 45K and get a Tienly 30k instead to work with my 13:1 gears.
I'm considering getting the Tienly 30k and ditching the idea of the 45k or finding a purpose somewhere for it. Maybe in a stock VFC gun but still with the battery you'd need to run the thing its not worth it especially the fact you might run through battery packs at a constant draw. So difficult to figure out what to do.
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Old October 2nd, 2016, 19:33   #36
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Location: Port Coquitlam, BC
Originally Posted by jordan.santos1515 View Post
I'm considering getting the Tienly 30k and ditching the idea of the 45k or finding a purpose somewhere for it. Maybe in a stock VFC gun but still with the battery you'd need to run the thing its not worth it especially the fact you might run through battery packs at a constant draw. So difficult to figure out what to do.
That's what I'm considering doing, which is such a shame .
Armoury: CA M15A4 SPR, VFC HK416

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Everyone needs a hobby.

Airsoft is still cheaper than cocaine and plus I dont wake up naked in the woods anym....actually no that still happens with airsoft.
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Old October 3rd, 2016, 00:20   #37
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tienly 30k on 13:1s, piston short stroked by 2, and a 430fps spring draws 20A i think
On the 16:1s it draws 18A
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Old October 3rd, 2016, 00:48   #38
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Honestly, just use the SHS HT motor. Retrue the commutator, break the brushes in. When I build guns for clients, if they opt for SHS gears, I tell them to go with the SHS motor over a Tienly. Yes the Tienly is better made, but the SHS pinion meshes with it much better than the Tienly pinion.

The only time I tell a client to go for a Tienly is when they are using Siegetek gears paired with a Siegetek pinion.
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Old October 6th, 2016, 11:49   #39
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Hey guys, SO I finished the build its incredible sounds very quite perfect shimming and I short stroked 2 teeth. I'm currently using a SHS high torque and Airsoft Depot sent me the wrong gears but I used them because I figured they would be more reliable they are SHS 13.1 instead of 12.1. Now with my short stroking I have a low fps which is expected I'm using a m90 spring before I was getting 350fps now i'm getting 280fps my compression is good however I was wondering what spring I should use and also what modifications I could make to my tappet plate for a better air seal? Also I have ordered an Hunter seeker R-hop kit with the nubs and IR patches I was wondering when i run out of patches what Silicone hose I should use and where to buy it here in Ontario.
Thanks, Jordan!
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Old October 6th, 2016, 11:59   #40
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M110 spring. You should only have lost 30fps from short stroking by 2 teeth

And you don't "run out" of patches, it comes in a pack of 3 so you can either do 3 Rhops, or fuck it up twice. Once installed, it should last a few years.
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Old October 6th, 2016, 12:24   #41
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I plan on doing multiple guns and paying $20 for three patches is quite expensive lol.
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Old October 6th, 2016, 14:22   #42
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Any idea on modding my tappet plate people say sanding the front others say sand the tail is there a balance? also If i was to remove from the tail how much?
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Old October 6th, 2016, 16:44   #43
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Well that all depends on whether the tail or the front is preventing it from moving all the way forward.
If you sand off the front, but the tail is holding it back because it's resting on the gear shaft, you haven't really changed anything.
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