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help with badass grenadier kit?


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Old May 5th, 2011, 20:51   #31
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how do you recommend keeping them between game days/uses? ... good shot of oily propane? ....
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Old May 5th, 2011, 21:06   #32
aka coachster
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I've never done much. Other than reset them, there's nothing to do if you lube them often enough.

Do not store with gas in them!

If you want to be proactive with maintenance, you could give them a shot of oily propane, but remember to shoot it so that it's not pressurized. Not necessary though plus, they will stink like propane. I wouldn't do it at least.
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Old May 5th, 2011, 21:17   #33
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I run outdoors, so a lil stinky nade syndrome isn't that bad... but yeah I see the point

my pistols get taken down after every game for a cleaning ... and before every game they get another clean check and a lube ...

I check my aegs before everygame ...

so yeah sitting down and checking over the grenades won't be that much of an issue.... ofcourse this kit won't be out every game either ...
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Old May 5th, 2011, 21:40   #34
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Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
how do you recommend keeping them between game days/uses? ... good shot of oily propane? ....
make sure the shuttle o-rings are well lubed the bearings packed with grease and DO NOT keep them gassed as long as they are lubed you don't need to keep them gassed
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Old May 6th, 2011, 00:18   #35
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
I've never done much. Other than reset them, there's nothing to do if you lube them often enough.

Do not store with gas in them!

If you want to be proactive with maintenance, you could give them a shot of oily propane, but remember to shoot it so that it's not pressurized. Not necessary though plus, they will stink like propane. I wouldn't do it at least.

I recommend the opposite.
I had my KA shells sit for just 2 months without gas in them, and they all needed to be rebuilt after.
I've had 3 KA shells that have been stored with gas in them for the past 8 months now, they're still holding that gas. And not just a little bit of gas, they were right FULL at 30 degrees ambient. I just remembered them last week and test shot one, still works great, still stored all that gas. Still holds a charge

Does anyone remember a time WAAAAAAY back when storing your GBB mags with gas in them was a controversial issue?
The only difference between a GBB pistol mag and a 40mm shell is that GBB mags usually doesn't expend all it's gas in the first shot.
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Old May 6th, 2011, 08:31   #36
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TC, not saying that yours didn't survive gassed up, but it's unnecessary to gas them before storage. Unlike a GBB or GBBR mag, grenades don't have the same type of main seal which are typically flat and not round. GBB/R main seals are also prone to drying out very fast unlike the orings found in grenades.

I don't have KA's but did you use propane or CO2? I can tell you for sure that Madbulls do not require them to be stored with gas. From my small collection to Wildcards 100+ collection of Madbulls. Lubing the orings with a light grease will last you a very a long time. If you just use silly oil, it could dry up but even still, no, madbull should not be stored charged.

The only times I've seen grenade orings fail is when they are regularly used beyond the recommended psi limits. (800+ many times)
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Old May 6th, 2011, 09:35   #37
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As a primary sort of loadout...IMHO, a grenadier in airsoft terms is somewhat limited in effectiveness. There's certainly a time and place for employing them, and they can be brutally effective...but they're best mixed in as a nice "option" to go along with primary weapons.

Have a big dump pouch...grenades are heavy both pre and post shooting.

I do not like many of the bandoliers...I don't think they adequately secure the shells when they're charged and loaded. Personally...I think the pouch they're stored in must be able to completely contain a fully loaded grenade that accidentally detonates.

I'm nervous as stink standing next to Wildcard when he's got a dozen plus of them on his rig.

Propane in a MB King is ok/so-so. Propane in a cherry is ok for indoors. Propane for 40mm's in general is a bit of a let down. The range is very limited (comparatively). you're talking.

The reason Ducky, Coach and Wildcard run MB 40mm's is that they can stand up to CO2 over and over and over again.

Dunno if someone's said it already...but mix up BB weights (i.e. spares/dribs&drabs of bags/etc..). It shoots a nice wide pattern. It's also worth clarifying game rules with the host about what constitues a hit from a 40mm. I've seen guy in "cover" behind a riot shield take a blast or two from 40mm's and continue on...because they didn't actually get touched by a BB. That's pretty ghey if you think about it.
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Old May 6th, 2011, 10:21   #38
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I recommend the opposite.
I had my KA shells sit for just 2 months without gas in them, and they all needed to be rebuilt after.
I've had 3 KA shells that have been stored with gas in them for the past 8 months now, they're still holding that gas. And not just a little bit of gas, they were right FULL at 30 degrees ambient. I just remembered them last week and test shot one, still works great, still stored all that gas. Still holds a charge

Does anyone remember a time WAAAAAAY back when storing your GBB mags with gas in them was a controversial issue?
The only difference between a GBB pistol mag and a 40mm shell is that GBB mags usually doesn't expend all it's gas in the first shot.
I've used the red KA shells they are great for propane but a bit of let down compared to the Madbull in range and effectiveness like coach said the only issue I or we ever had with Madbull o-rings are when we accidentally charged it over 800psi on CO2, even then it's just a matter of replacing the oring and re lubed teh shuttle
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Old May 6th, 2011, 10:32   #39
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I'm on my phone so I will elaborate in a bit...but for now...

I've been running a grenadier/combat engineer loadout on the same field for over two years. I run with 10 mags for my rifle, 9 40mm for the M203, 6 Tornado nades and two claymores. I cannot stress enough how treacherous the terrain on the SIR field is and how important it is to keep your weight low. More later, but weight should be your primary concern.
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Old May 6th, 2011, 10:51   #40
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Originally Posted by Janus View Post
I'm on my phone so I will elaborate in a bit...but for now...

I've been running a grenadier/combat engineer loadout on the same field for over two years. I run with 10 mags for my rifle, 9 40mm for the M203, 6 Tornado nades and two claymores. I cannot stress enough how treacherous the terrain on the SIR field is and how important it is to keep your weight low. More later, but weight should be your primary concern.
true enough, weight is definitely an issue depends on how you play, sometime I feel like a extra armoured tank power by a Honda 1.8L engine instead of the massive turbo diesel when I carry my full 40mm load out BUT you can still be effective on the field you just have to remember to have a spotter/partner and that you are not as fast as your teammate. Any slip ups that result in all your 40mm to detonate, you can be the first human to be able to do a 80ft jump
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Old May 6th, 2011, 11:14   #41
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damnit... janus has uncovered my next "suprise" LOL

and yeah I've been on the new SIR field that's why I'm doing this load out now... LOL

Janus can also attest as to WHY I carry twin desert eagles... he's seen me use em he's also seen a good ammount of the wierd crap and ideas I'd built and tried ...

and yeah there are times with a 40mm you just call hit... case in point with Janus actually LOL

I was running an MG36 and there was a "hole" off the trail his attacking force was using to attack our base... they took out the rest of the my team .. and I was stuck in his hole (I could stand up and still not clear to see the trail... I'm 6'3") .. so I would run up the side and let off bursts at them while I basically slide back down the hill. Janus waited till I slide back down and then rushed my spot. I ran back up the hill and came face to face with Janus' rifle and his 40mm .. and heard the POOFM! ... and just the spot I popped up I watched ever single bb from his 40mm go around me...

I was dumbfounded for a moment (and a little dazzled watching the pattern of the 40mm) it seemed like forever but as I realized the bb's coming from his rifle were sweeping in on me (I think he was maybe on his 2nd shot ... I guess I was still in mid motion swinging the MG36 towards him) I yelled hit ... airsoft or not there was no way I should have not been hit by that shot, and as much as I love luck .. he should have had me
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Old May 6th, 2011, 17:14   #42
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Ahem, okay, I'm near a legitimate keyboard now and will elaborate further.

As I said, our field is a nightmare if you're going to rock out as a grenadier. All that weight is exponential when you look at the fact that no matter which way you go, it's uphill.

Also, there are pros and cons to running this kind of loadout. What I find is they are as follows:

Extreme effectiveness at medium to short range.
Extreme CQB effectiveness.
Remote/Automatic deployment of munitions.

Difficult to use properly.
Extreme weight issues.
Limited overall range.

Now, I bold that weight issue because that is not just a "heavy" thing. Your top speed will be affected quite heavily. I do NOT run when I'm carrying full gear. Let the Assaulters run. Also, your endurance and stamina will be much shorter than that of the lighter guys. You aren't outmaneuvering anyone. Wildcard's analogy of the tank powered by a honda P.O.S. engine is pretty accurate. Stealth is right out; you're so heavy and bulky, you won't sneak up on shit.

Given all that, if you're capable of making smart decisions and choosing your battles carefully, grenade kills (hand or 40mm) can be some of the most satisfying of them all. Everytime I've gotten one, I've felt like I earned it hard.
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Old May 7th, 2011, 14:13   #43
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while it might not appear so... I do much appreciate every one stressing mobility and lack of easy death bringing. this won't be my every game kit ... I've got "normal assault" set up, working on a marksman/dmr set up, and working on a SAW set up (not an LMG, just a saw so it might not be valid at all games)

my "main" kit out I focus on marksman/dmr ...

I'm very much aware of the limits on a kit like this, and idealy (unless I've got a hunkerin to laugh like a mad man spraying BB's on a small skirmish day) it will only be out on larger game days that if I can't move with my group, or end up dead before I can do something useful I'm not a detriment to my team
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Old May 7th, 2011, 14:26   #44
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OH! ... what kinda grease do you use for the Orings and bearing sets? I've got a set of POM hand grenades I modified and run on 300ish psi c02 .. the timers real short but they work I constantly have to re oil the o rings (sili oil) though they dry out fast, especially on CO2.
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Old May 7th, 2011, 23:17   #45
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Silicone grease.
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