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Why not get a Pistol as a first gun?


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Old April 14th, 2011, 08:48   #31
Janus's Avatar
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Just going to speak from experience here....

My first gun ever was the TM Socom Mk23 NBB. All the guys from the old Windsor Airsoft Club can attest to the fact that their paranoia on the field went up excessively when I was out there with that. That little gun fired 330fps out of the box and the suppressor on it ACTUALLY FUCKING WORKS. It's goddamn hard to hear firing more than 30 feet away and it's ridiculously accurate for a pistol.

One favourite moment with it is the time I took out 3 guys in an advancing squad with it before the rest of them realized they were under fire.

So yes, in my experience even outdoors a pistol CAN be a viable option for a primary weapon, but I don't think there are many handguns that have the performance characteristics of the Socom Mk23 NBB.
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Old April 14th, 2011, 10:08   #32
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I started with a CO2 NBB from Canadian tire, playing outdoors. I was usually about as outclassed as you might expect, but I did manage a couple of killing sprees with it (so my ego remained intact), and it taught me to be sneaky. The best thing about it, though, is that when I switched to an AEG, having a few games under my belt pistol only was a huge advantage because I could hide and move better than anyone else at my level of experience.

So, despite a lack of performance I would recommend starting with a pistol to improve your abilities once you get an AEG.
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I havent shot anyone in so long so today i shot myself... it's not the same.
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Old April 14th, 2011, 10:22   #33
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Don't discount the inexpensive Ruger MK1 Nbb either. It's very accurate and equally gameable.
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Old April 25th, 2011, 14:17   #34
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pistols as a primary ...or as your first gun... gonna echo some peoples opinions

is it doable? yup! .. but it the tactics, play style and the spendature (aka $$$$) are completely different.

this also depends ALOT on which pistol you choose. and again how you use it.

these match the range of 90% of the rifles I run into on the field. now.. even with a pair.. how do you match the ROF of an Aeg? well nearly everyone I get near hits the ground when they start going off now LOL ... they are rather distinctive.

the downside.. they are damn big for a pistol, holster options are pretty much just big ass universals ... the cost, for the price of the pair... mags.. etc ... I probably could have just built an uber TM m14 and just hung back picking them off.
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Old April 25th, 2011, 14:43   #35
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Honestly NBB's are the best performance vs cost. Heck the KJW mk 1 ruger is only about 100 bucks. But the down side is.... It's an NBB. Which isn't as big of a deal with the Mk1 where the real one doesn't have a slide either but the other NBB's are a let down to shoot after shooting GBB's in my opinion.

NBB's Work great but GBB's are more fun though less reliable and accurate in some cases.
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