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Old October 21st, 2009, 16:22   #16
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in regards to Paypal just call their 1-800 number and tell them what happened- sadly it may still take shootShaft reversing the charges to get your $ back but it might be quicker than a dispute
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Old October 21st, 2009, 16:24   #17
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You know, about 2 years ago (I was 17) I thought this stuff was a bullshit law made by a ban-happy government. Now, I'm no fan of Harper, but I would hate to see Canada become like the US in terms of airsoft (I.E. Kids using them and getting shot for being idiots).

Kids aren't responsible enough for this sport. Bottom line.

I would like to see the 18+ law instated country-wide. That way this issue wouldn't exist. Fuck Walmart guns, theyre not as much of an issue. But these sites selling what could be considered replicas shouldn't be selling to kids.

I know its naive of me to expect people to respect the law, but it's there for a reason.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 17:20   #18
Geoffrey B.
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
It's mostly minors that are allergic to AV. It's so much easier to go to a 'no questions asked' site with Mom's credit card.
Yes, I am a minor, dont take this the wrong way but does that mean I'm not allowed to play a sport?
I understand why the age verification system is used ,to prevent minors from getting full metal guns and taking them to school's public places ect and other reason too . Correct me if Im wrong there.
BTW,If you were wondering, I ordered the aftermath broxa off buyairsoft, the only reason was is because I love playing the sport, and also playing with a group organized that plays every two week's. Theres not much for airsoft in Lunenburg county NS :P

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Old October 21st, 2009, 17:26   #19
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Originally Posted by Geoffrey B. View Post
Yes, I am a minor, dont take this the wrong way but does that mean I'm not allowed to play a sport?
I understand why the age verification system is used ,to prevent minors from getting full metal guns and taking them to school's public places ect and other reason too . Correct me if Im wrong there.
BTW,If you were wondering, I ordered the aftermath broxa off buyairsoft, the only reason was is because I love playing the sport, and also playing with a group organized that plays every two week's. Theres not much for airsoft in Lunenburg county NS :P

Well if you actually play in a private area, and are not in view of ANYONE, and are supervised, and are all mature, and dont EVER bring them out in public, then yes you are allowed to play with your friends.

But not on recognized fields.

And if youre not playing on airsoft fields I dont see the point.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 17:26   #20
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You're not allowed unless the field bumps the age requirement down a bit. If its 18+, You're shit out of luck until then I'm afraid. Bit of a community rule.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 17:35   #21
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Originally Posted by MoreToasties View Post
Well if you actually play in a private area, and are not in view of ANYONE, and are supervised, and are all mature, and dont EVER bring them out in public, then yes you are allowed to play with your friends.

But not on recognized fields.

And if youre not playing on airsoft fields I dont see the point.
Thats esacly what we do haha, I never could see how if the we are very carful us playing could ever be bad, but mistakes do happen and correct me if im wrong people under 18 tend to be (im not speaking for all) less mature and less responsible.

BTW guys thanks for the help on ShootSoft, I really like the community on this website!!
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Old October 21st, 2009, 17:51   #22
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Originally Posted by Geoffrey B. View Post
...but mistakes do happen...
Well theres the thing.

If you're going to play, make sure that it is IMPOSSIBLE for a mistake to happen.

Otherwise, don't play until you're 18 and can play at a field. Simple as that.

Glad you like it here.

Respect everyone and you'll like it.

Im new too. =)
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Old October 21st, 2009, 18:11   #23
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Originally Posted by Geoffrey B. View Post
Thats esacly what we do haha, I never could see how if the we are very carful us playing could ever be bad, but mistakes do happen and correct me if im wrong people under 18 tend to be (im not speaking for all) less mature and less responsible.

BTW guys thanks for the help on ShootSoft, I really like the community on this website!!
Admitting to buying a gun after every thing you have read on here strikes me a little wrong here. Yes you may be mature for your age (they all say it any ways). You may be good with your gear and guns but saying "I never could see how if the we are very carful us playing could ever be bad" is potentially the most ignorant thing Ive read today.

Take a look at the thread about the guys getting into a fight at the field there. Both were Id assume 18+. Yet a weapon was still pulled.

Im sorry if it sounds rude but really there is a reason why the age limit is almost 18+ every where other then a few select places. Using your folks credit card to go around that is throwing the rules back at the community while saying you don't care.

There is a reason why the general answer here is that you go to fields at 16 and learn and watch. I suggest doing that. Go to the fields meet people. Some will let you play at 16. Get experiance. Thats a huge thing. Not comming around a corner and going full auto on some one is a skill alot of people should be learning.

Again sorry if that sounds rude but it does bother me seeing underaged people blatently saying "Im going to get a gun and run around with it any ways." is going to do nothing good for this sport. We hear about it often enough with young teens and others getting arrested for stupidity like this. Im not meaning to be rude but I am saying that there is a very good reason why we say to wait.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 18:31   #24
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Im very sorry if I offended you i really didn't mean it like that, The point of me asking is if I should EVER purchase from there. I never said I was mature ether I don't like it when people brag about it. Oh, BTW i dont think you meant this in the way I'm taking it, When you said popping around a corner going full auto.

We try to replicate a MILSIM eviroment. So we try to replicate Military Warfare. Just trying to let you know that =)

Thanks for your help!
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Old October 21st, 2009, 18:34   #25
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Sorry for not posting this in one post but the reason i used my folks credit card is so i could play the sport that I love to play!! I didn't ever think that thats throwing the rules in the systems face i care very much about the sport and i wouldn't like to see it banned in Canada.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 18:34   #26
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I'm not offended.

Originally Posted by Geoffrey B. View Post

We try to replicate a MILSIM eviroment. So we try to replicate Military Warfare. Just trying to let you know that =)
That itself is a problem though.

You dont want to look military when youre underage.

Someone sees you, YOURE FUCKED.

And even if someone doesnt see you, it doesnt make it okay.

Originally Posted by Geoffrey B. View Post
I didn't ever think that thats throwing the rules in the systems face i care very much about the sport and i wouldn't like to see it banned in Canada.
Well, unfortunately, the reason its on the verge of getting banned is because of kids being stupid.

If you get police called to your house, that drives the ban hammer harder into our sport.

The less airsoft-related incidents there are, the less likely airsoft is to get banned.

The sport is 18+ for a reason, man.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 18:36   #27
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Haha not you man the guy that posted after you i really agree with your guys and i might sound like a hipicrit but sorry.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 18:41   #28
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Originally Posted by Geoffrey B. View Post
Haha not you man the guy that posted after you i really agree with your guys and i might sound like a hipicrit but sorry.
Don't apologize.

Look, youve already said you wont follow the rules, thats fine, theres not much we can do about it.

However, you better be really fucking sure you wont get into any trouble with it.

If you do, you are compromising our hobby as a whole.

Just realize that not following the 18+ rule will not be looked upon favorably when you want to join the community for real.

OR you could hold off on airsoft until youre of age and spend your time saving your money and learning about the sport; not to mention trying to establish a good reputation here.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 18:48   #29
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I am trying to get a good reputation and I never knew of this site when I bought a gun But when I'm 18 and I wont be allowed to join then I wont play airsoft means a lot to me. I really didn't want you to get the impression that I dont want to follow the rules.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 18:49   #30
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Well then don't buy a gun.
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