Originally Posted by PoFF
While on the subject, I took a look at the Tanio Koba Twist barrel and I'm having a hard time figuring how this thing can combine both gyroscopic & backspin to a BB, and even if it manages to do it, how it can make the rifle more accurate ; the way I see the movement induced to the BB, it's most likely going to veer severely off course...
Originally Posted by Drake
It doesn't. Illusion has a big post/review of them somewhere. There's no gyroscopic spin, only backspin from the hopup; as I remember it, the "rifling" was to create a vortex of air around the BB (along the lines of Bernoulli effect I geuss).
The disadvantage was that it only seemed to work at lower velocities.
This man speaks the truth. The "rifling" in a TK Twiist barrel is to allow air to cushion the BB on all sides equally, and prevent it from touching/bouncing off the inside of the barrel once it passes the hopup nub. It's designed to work under 350 fps ideally; however, I've seen more than one TK/350 gun dramatically outrange some 6.04/425 guns in terms of "useable/accurate" range.
Personally, I really like these in v2 mechbox'd guns....less stress on internal components and phenominal range and increased ROF to boot.