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Has anyone here actually had their airsoft seized at the border? (see criteria)



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Old December 10th, 2007, 18:37   #16
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Honestly, when he pulled the pin, I had the urge (for a laugh) to turn and run out of the office screaming. But I managed to contain my inner problem-child, realizing that there could have been some serious legal ramifications to my actions.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 18:38   #17
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LOL see thats what I was thinking, hmmmm do I run out screaming or stay and act cool.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 19:12   #18
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On forums like these, before you ask a question like this one, you should read a lot.
After you have read a lot and found: Posts that say "Buy In Canada and here's Why" and no posts that say "Here's how to import legally from Outside Canada"... your next step should be to wonder why that is?

So why is it that a popular forum full of experienced people does not suggest getting airsoft from outside Canada? Because everyone here is too dumb to have tried? Like to spend extra cash? Or we all know better and there are consequences?

It's like the constant questions about "Is there a retailer in my province?" The answer is always "If they are not on the list above each page, no, or they are not reputable."

There's reading, there's doing research, and there's reasoning. It all goes together (normally).

I have to ask, do they not teach the basic techniques to find out information in schools anymore? How about what's called "reading between the lines"?

I could understand better if all this information was super obscure and all over the internet, but it's all (or mostly) on this site. What is not can be found using the links on this site.

Maybe I went to school too long, or too long ago. (What part of Smuggling and Illegal are unclear???)
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Old December 10th, 2007, 19:33   #19
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
Maybe I went to school too long, or too long ago. (What part of Smuggling and Illegal are unclear???)
the part where people don't understand a savings of $300 isn't worth the bull shit.
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
I swear, I didn't find out about it till I got home from bangin' little miss rotten-crotch!
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Old December 10th, 2007, 19:52   #20
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Originally Posted by Koopa View Post
1) The airsoft were transported in person in a car at the US border (ie, not mailed in or flown in)/ SMUGGLED IN

I wouldnt recommend this but it has been done numerous of times successfully. I havent heard anyone get busted probably because it would be too embarrassing

2) The airsoft were declared upfront instead rather than smuggled/snuck in

Best option. Right now there is a high-risk of seizure ever since about October. If you are smart and say the right things you may get it through AND If you are busted you will either have a chance to return the items (Niagara Falls) or have it destroyed. If you are an idiot, you will not only have your items seized, but be blacklisted and interrogated by customs
Ya I was waiting for this.. Its the smartest way.. dont bullshit or try to think your smarter then customs.. Everyone gets so worked up and worried about it cuz you think its as bad as smuggling in drugs.. Equally illegal, but one you can talk about and get it by on choice of words, paying dues, and being smart.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 21:02   #21
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Guys I think you are missing the point.

Where does it say is his thread he was considering 'smuggling' weapons in. He states he has read the FAQ's AND searched.
I think he has a very valid point/question and really the only answer I see is from T7.
There has been soooooooooo much discussion about what MAY happen, given nearly any circumstances, however as soon as a person comes on with specific questions regarding the subject, and wanting more detailed information, its naturally thought of as a means to get around importing legally.

Honestly I would like to know the answers to the question the OP has asked also.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 21:09   #22
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i would agree to ,i am looking for a gun and that would intrigue me to see if there is anyone who ever got seiize.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 21:12   #23
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There's a secondary issue that is raised by the other posters here. What if the answer is:

Yes, you can bring them in. This is what you have to do.

This will be construed in many different ways, and every punk from Victoria to St. John's will be looking for ways to do it, to make it easier and cheaper.

How about if we just say:

No. It's not possible. Buy it Canada.

Whether it is 100% truth or not is irrelevant. The fact remains that encouraging what is by legal definition and administrative policy an illegal act by allowing those answers on here jeopardizes what little bit of self-governance this community has. Discourage the behaviour by having a firm policy. I think this exists already.

If you want to discuss ways to import by pushing the accepted boundaries of legality, do it on another forum.

That's my opinion.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 21:15   #24
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Well, I don't see what he's suggesting as illegal. If the item is declared at customs, then it's hit or miss whether he'll get it through or not. Well, chances are, he WON'T get it through, but the act of bringing it to customs and declaring it is not illegal at all. Smuggling would be trying to get it across the border without declaring it.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 21:18   #25
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From what the OP has posted, I have taken it as being......"blah blah blah.....I have searched and read the FAQ's.....I have read alot about getting airsoft seized at the border, BUT I havent seen ANY specific cases where this has happened."
Given that he posted up.

mcguyer...I agree with your reply, IF that is what was read into the OP. I didnt read into the same way you did......however I would still like to see the answers to the original question.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 21:21   #26
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When he pulled it you should have went...I really wish you didn't do that...
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Old December 10th, 2007, 21:24   #27
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Here a story
4 years ago

Ordered a springer tommy gun and a Mini Steyr AUG.
Came from US
Shipped with USPS
All paper were in order
The Mini Steyr AUG was just to say ''hey this isn't real'' + tommy gun had an orange tip.
+ Special threatement i wanted the shop to put some bb's in the box maybe agent will see the link.

Result =
300$ lost
Option 2 failed whatever the case !
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Originally Posted by ColtFarmer View Post
"Go FAQ yourself"
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Old December 10th, 2007, 21:27   #28
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The CBSA does make errors themselves. They are not perfect. Nowhere does it say that once they clear an item, they can't call you up 2 weeks later and demand that you surrender it. Agents are not always the best trained to recognize every sort of contraband. This is where we as a self-regulating community come into play.

I don't know jack shit about textiles. I know nothing about importing food either. They have loads of regulations when those items hit the border. If I was an agent, I wouldn't know what the hell I was doing with most of that stuff most of the time. The average CBSA border agent is in the same boat. He's likely an under-paid civil servant that has to know a little about everything, but not alot about anything in particular. This is likely the reason that guns do make it, even though they've been inspected.

Items that arrive via air or ground at a CBSA warehouse will be inspected by someone versed in the Firearms Act. This is why they don't make it, and why parts even can be problematic.

So, really, what we are asked here is for specific circumstances where the border agent failed to do his job properly and allow prohibited devices into Canada. Answering this question for the OP is not what I'd want to be doing.

Can anyone see where I'm going with this?
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Old December 10th, 2007, 21:31   #29
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well i order some guear from speedytoys and it is being sent as we speek.

i dont think there should be a probleme it is just guear not gun .
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Old December 10th, 2007, 21:32   #30
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I gotta agree with mcgyver on this one.
If you know it should be seized but you try anyway hoping to get lucky, you're not helping the rest of us out.
More than likely thing kind of thing will end up with much more attention paid to airsoft by people who do not understand it.
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