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New To airsoft.. and Firearms as well.


Newbie Tank

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Old July 8th, 2010, 21:10   #16
L473ncy's Avatar
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There is nothing like what you want available, at all period.

I'm not trying to be an asshole or "elitist" but seriously even most snipers will probably never use a 4x scope for shooting at most a 2.5 or 3x scope but nothing like a crazy 10x scope.

Secondly to get a rifle shooting like that would take about $1000+ in mods. Sure, stock the TM VSR is a pretty kickass gun but then you can get things like the Zero trigger, and a bunch of PDI parts and other aftermarket parts and those aren't very cheap to come by.

So my advice, if you want precision shooting buy yourself a .177 air rifle; an Anschutz 8000 or something. And do that kind of shooting. Hell even the Daisy Avanti isn't that bad of a precision target rifle. See how small you can get your groupings with one of those rifles then you'll understand (especially the concept of precision vs accuracy). When you become 16 or 18 (depending on field owners rules) introduce yourself to the local community and you'll definitely start off on the right foot.
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Old July 8th, 2010, 23:09   #17
M.Garcia's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Quinton595 View Post
Thank you, TokyoSeven, for taking the time to write an in-depth response such as this.

I should have stated this before, but i am just looking for a gun to do some plinking with.

The reason i wondered about legality, is because if im plinking, with a Rifle, then the 30ft in my basement is too short of a distance, but i guess in public is also out of the question.

I dont mind having a different, cheaper gun, as long as i can buy a cheap sniper scope for it, so that i can still practice accuracy shooting.

The gun can be cheaper than a battle-ready one, because i wont be rushing to take shots, or quickly reloading. I can check it after every shot in my basement, etc.

Thanks again for your response.
Dude. I can tell from your post that you don't have any prior experience of any type of firearm or replica.

You need to find someone who can show you their stuff and try things out. You honestly don't know what you want until you experience a few things in your life. Trust me on this one.
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Old July 9th, 2010, 00:48   #18
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Wanna plink?

Pellet gun is for you get a crosman or daisy etc.
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Old July 9th, 2010, 01:18   #19
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I had an airgun when I was about 12-14, and I loved it. You can hunt small game(pidgeons, squirrels, any type of rodent that is a pest, really) and can get to be a fairly decent shot with it. I could hit a pop can at about 100ft off, I'm not sure wether or not thats mediocre or excellent, but it was hard and I loved setting up lots of targets and trying to bullseye them all. It gave me something to do for a few hours.

Now, being 19, I take out the .22 rifle and the 308 Winchester rifle and have a blast sighting them and then going for deer. As TokyoSeven stated, real steel will always be much more fun, especially in the marksman category.

Airsoft may seem more exciting, but unfortunatly the rules(or whatever you want to call them) for the general canadian airsoft community states 16-18+, and thats the way it'll stay...

Best of luck.
Looking for an Age Verifier who passes through Renfrew area to contact me! PM me please!

Last edited by Pliskin; July 9th, 2010 at 01:21..
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