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Old September 5th, 2006, 10:58   #181
AK Guru
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Originally Posted by Kid
Flaming him is really going to accomplish NOTHING.

If he is able to do this, he will need the support of the community.

If he quit now, that would look bad, if he did end up making a prototype, that would be one cool thing to show off at a game, whether it went into production or not.

Let the guy do what he wants, if he has the materials and the will to do it, let him, if it doesn't work how he wants and the materials are too shotty, it's a prototype anyway.

You have to learn from your mistakes to further your product. Do you really think Kalishnakov got it the first time? If you think the AK-47 was his first gun and first prototype, look it up. You'll be suprised.
Ditto, what the HELL is wrong with this forum? There are way too many people that love to flame and critisize. Let the man work, even if there is not much success, its more than worth trying!

That "shit quality" AK that you held, where was it made? China? Romania? I myself how to hold plenty of "real steel" AKs, unfourtinately no russian ones, but decent Arsenal copies, and the build quality was most excellent. You just love to critisize anything dont you.

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Old September 5th, 2006, 11:03   #182
Captain Tenneal
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Originally Posted by ancorp
Originally Posted by Kid
Flaming him is really going to accomplish NOTHING.

If he is able to do this, he will need the support of the community.

If he quit now, that would look bad, if he did end up making a prototype, that would be one cool thing to show off at a game, whether it went into production or not.

Let the guy do what he wants, if he has the materials and the will to do it, let him, if it doesn't work how he wants and the materials are too shotty, it's a prototype anyway.

You have to learn from your mistakes to further your product. Do you really think Kalishnakov got it the first time? If you think the AK-47 was his first gun and first prototype, look it up. You'll be suprised.
Ditto, what the HELL is wrong with this forum? There are way too many people that love to flame and critisize. Let the man work, even if there is not much success, its more than worth trying!

That "shit quality" AK that you held, where was it made? China? Romania? I myself how to hold plenty of "real steel" AKs, unfourtinately no russian ones, but decent Arsenal copies, and the build quality was most excellent. You just love to critisize anything dont you.

He does have the 'I Love Greylocks' Userbar...

Any pictures of the bolt assembly thusfar though?
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Old September 5th, 2006, 11:06   #183
Traveling Man
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Here's my idea, I'm locking this thread because it is mostly BullShit and more BullShit. Sukivan when you actually get some thing valid and operational, contact me and I'll unlock this thead. We do not need nor require 6 posts from you in 1/2 hour saying you have made and manufactuered x amount of items out of crap materials.

Till then Locked.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old September 5th, 2006, 11:12   #184
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There is a difference between someone saying (for instance) "I'm going to open a new airsoft field" and "I'm going to build the bestest field EVAR"

There is a difference between someone saying "I'm going to build an airsoft gun" and "I'm going to build something to revolutionize the industry"

If you are going to put a field/venue together, then you do your research, and you take the crap and not throw hissy fits about it because 1) some people who offer advice and constructive criticism actually know what they are talking about and 2) ALL people need a healthy dose of reality and skepticsm to their pie in the sky dreams, if only to keep them focused.

That's why you have lots of people talking about opening new indoor facilities, and to my knowledge, only Brian at TTAC and Gord at Xtreme have done so.

The thing is, they did so relatively quietly, without a lot of hoopla to my knowledge, and when they finally were operational THEN they did some heavy marketing.

Gun desginers, take note...

For the rest of you guys who think there is too much flaming, learn to differentiate between flaming and constructive criticisms. In the real world of mortgages, dead end jobs, and endless projects, you'll deal with skeptics every day. Get used to it. Talk is cheap, ideas are a dime a dozen, but working prototypes speak volumes and get attention.

Play nice kids

-edit- damn you Kip, you beat me to the lock while I was still posting heheheh
It doesn't seem much, to stir a man's soul. Just a moth eaten rag on a worm eaten pole. But 'tis the deeds that were done 'neath this moth eaten rag, when the pole was a staff, and the rag was a flag.

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Old September 13th, 2006, 20:30   #185
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by BloodSport
Here's my idea, I'm locking this thread because it is mostly BullShit and more BullShit. Sukivan when you actually get some thing valid and operational, contact me and I'll unlock this thead. We do not need nor require 6 posts from you in 1/2 hour saying you have made and manufactuered x amount of items out of crap materials.

Till then Locked.
Fuck, now we are never going to get that revolutionary GBB. Way to ruin everything.

Just to recap ...

Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
Originally Posted by sukivan
I've been tossing around the idea of starting a North American airsoft manufacturer and I need to find out what the market here is like.
Dood! Your 18 ... start a north american airsoft manufacturer? Give me a break.


This is obviously another one of those far fetched threads. Hey guys, when I win 10 million dollars next year I'm going to be buying Scotia Plaza at 40 King West and host airsoft games there everyday! See you fellas there! It'll be totally awsome ... please.
Originally Posted by sukivan
sent to freedom fighter:

you have no idea who I could or could not be, or how much funding I may have available to me.

Why the fuck would you throw out a perfectly valid thread chock full of useful replies? how about you worry about your own endeavors and let me worry about mine?
Originally Posted by sukivan
This is an example of TERRIBLE moderation.

You don't think I can start an airsoft manufacturer? Fine. I really don't care what you think. But what the hell does that have to do with the validity of the thread? Do you have some fundamental problem with people posting about what guns they'd like to see?

It seems to me that the only reason to Trash this thread would be if a moderator were so insecure that he couldn't stand the prospect of someone younger than him having ambition.
Simple truck driver 1, flakeboy 0.

Truth be told, it's really difficult being right all the time and I wish you would have proved me wrong.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 21:37   #186
Traveling Man
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I'm just wondering why after he built 5 parts in about a 10 minute window why after 1 week he has not contacted me to unlock this thread for him to show the completed item. Heck I mean 5 parts 10 mins, 1 airsoft gun = 5 hours.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old November 10th, 2006, 04:23   #187
Freedom Fighter
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C'mon ... where is this armoury of guns your building? You told me I'm a horrible moderator and that I was wrong, and your so intelligent, and I had no idea what I was talking about. Your the teen with unlimited funding etc ...

Whenever I see these threads chances are they will be trashed just like this one was originally (by me).
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