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Old January 4th, 2014, 01:01   #166
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
well yeah that's why we put fps limits into place lol
Beginnings of airsoft in Mb everyone used to run 450+fps. Unfortunately they still only got 80ft of range but yeah.
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Old January 4th, 2014, 21:37   #167
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I haven't had much time to play but I did eventually have to send my FE back to P* to get repaired. apparently, there was an actual leak in the system. I am not sure what they did to fix it but it was in the only part of the entire FE that I can't access. good to know I wasn't going crazy and imagining the problem. I will probably be getting the red nozzle and poppet. Still haven't decided on the type of barrel. I wish there were more tests on this new magic barrel and their regards to actual range.
Imagine Whirled Peas
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Old January 27th, 2014, 15:28   #168
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So quick question I just bought my polarstar for my SAW and I plan on running a red nozzle with it. I was looking at running around a 400mm (might even be a 363 (or whatever it is)) inner barrel into a tracer unit, what would be best psi be to set at to get under 400fps with .20s. I am not sure on the math for it so any help will be appreciated.

I have heard running at 60psi with a red nozzle is the best for air consumption but if anyone has any other info on what is better much appreciated. I have a 68/4500 tank right now and another on the way.

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Old January 27th, 2014, 16:02   #169
2 Cent Tactical
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There is not math to determine what PSI will give you X joules.
Just set a PSI, then raise or lower it to get the energy you want.
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Old February 12th, 2014, 20:09   #170
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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Anyone know if one of these will fit in an ARES?
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old February 12th, 2014, 22:19   #171
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What kind of Ares? I belive it has more to do with the type of gun rather than the company
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Old February 13th, 2014, 00:54   #172
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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Originally Posted by Wilkie View Post
What kind of Ares? I belive it has more to do with the type of gun rather than the company
M16A4. I'd imagine it's more to do with the reciever design of the company than anything else. There are companies that follow a standard (Usually Marui) then there are companies that did it differently.

I'm wondering if anyone knows if a P* is compatible with an ARES M16, it's be a hell of a waste of money to grab this and not have it work.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old February 13th, 2014, 01:25   #173
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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P*'s are specifically built off VFC spec
so if a VFC mechbox (tm spec) works, a P* should work. Problem is ARES is not always tm spec...
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Old March 1st, 2014, 19:03   #174
2 Cent Tactical
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Incoming rant:

Look out Niagara area players, looks like some soccer mom logic is taking over one of your fields. Instead of asking players to not use high ROF settings, it looks like P*s have been BANNED at Niagara Quartermaster Airsoft Field.

So because P*s are CAPABLE of changing to a high ROF quickly, they have decided to ban them.
They have decided not to regulate ROF or ask that players not use a high ROF, likely because "we just do not have the manpower to monitor every person who might bring an HPA rifle to the field." aka, its too hard and WE DON'T TRUST OUR PLAYERS.

They completely threw out the notion of banning AEGs that have high ROFs, because it cant be changed on the field. So a high ROF AEG is ok, not not a P*, wat?

Other reasons include:
-"an FPS spike on the rifles when used on fully automatic"

I have NEVER experienced this when chronographing either of my 2 FEs, or any other FE I have worked on.
If anything, FPS should DROP on FA, not increase.

-"We believe that the use of HPA tanks, diminish the look and experience of what we strive to produce at each and every one of our games."

Yet they allow guys play wearing jeans,sweaters/hoodies ,shorts, and Brightly colored jerseys.

That is WAY more diminishing than an easily and often hidden air line. Why are these player not being asked to come back another day? they are clearly not milsim enough.


In essence, they have decided to ban something instead of finding out a way of accommodating it because that would take effort.

Finally, you are playing a game where you get shot, if you can;t deal with that, STOP PLAYING.

While I can understand that high ROF is really not needed, and can pose a danger - it can be worked around and regulated.
Semi only, limit the ROF, Minimum engagement distances, etc.


Greetings NQ Community,
We have noticed that there has been a lot of discussion on the boards about Polar Star and HPA rifles in general. Many people have been asking us if Polar Starts/HPA rifles are going to be allowed on the field, several of you have been debating the pros/cons of the rifles amongst yourselves. Your questions and concerns have not gone unnoticed as we have been discussing this issue at the shop. Here are some of the pros/cons we had found.
We have built our own at the store and have been doing tests on the rifle to see if any issues would arise. We have noticed some things, both good and bad, about this system. These systems do allow for great trigger response, accuracy and range.
What we did notice was an FPS spike on the rifles when used on fully automatic. This can cause issues as the rifle may be firing the proper fps/joules limits for the field, but once on full auto they will jump over the field limits. We thought at first this might have been just an isolated incident, so we contacted other fields (primarily in the USA where they are more common) and they have had incidents of this happening as well.
Another issue we had was the ROF on the Polar Star rifles. With the ROF being easily adjusted on the field a player can shoot anywhere from 15-60 BBs per second. This can be hazardous if someone comes around a corner and is startled and laces another player shooting the ridiculous ROF. We are sure you yourself would not want to be sprayed with a high volume of BBs at near point blank range if it were to happen. One can argue that an AEG can shoot 60 BBs per second, but to adjust the ROF on the field for an AEG is not nearly as easy as with HPA rifles.
There are several other factors that we had tested and gone through but here is our final decision:
At this time, Polar Star/HPA Rifles will be prohibited at the Niagara Quartermaster Walk-On games. Even with the use of competition locks we just do not have the manpower to monitor every person who might bring an HPA rifle to the field. We are not set up to support HPA refills at this time as well. We at NQ strive to bring you a more 'MILSIM' style of play versus other offers which offer more paintball style of game play and as you know, Airsoft is about looks as well. We believe that the use of HPA tanks, diminish the look and experience of what we strive to produce at each and every one of our games.
I am sure this may ruffle a few feathers in our community and we apologize for this in advance, but Niagara Quartermaster stands firm on this ruling at the field.
We would like to thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Stay Frosty Airsofters
- NQ Josh
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Old March 1st, 2014, 19:12   #175
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Key phrase: Walk-on games.

NQ appears to cater to the beginning airsofter for walk-ons. This includes those under the age of 18. It is as much a liability, as an inexperience issue. Having attended a walk-on event, once, I don't think i'd want to see a P* there, either.

Other fields, more organized events, and more experienced players with actual trigger discipline.. bring it on.

Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
Incoming rant:

Look out Niagara area players, looks like some soccer mom logic is taking over one of your fields. Instead of asking players to not use high ROF settings, it looks like P*s have been BANNED at Niagara Quartermaster Airsoft Field.

So because P*s are CAPABLE of changing to a high ROF quickly, they have decided to ban them.
They have decided not to regulate ROF or ask that players not use a high ROF, likely because "we just do not have the manpower to monitor every person who might bring an HPA rifle to the field." aka, its too hard and WE DON'T TRUST OUR PLAYERS.

They completely threw out the notion of banning AEGs that have high ROFs, because it cant be changed on the field. So a high ROF AEG is ok, not not a P*, wat?

Other reasons include:
-"an FPS spike on the rifles when used on fully automatic"

I have NEVER experienced this when chronographing either of my 2 FEs, or any other FE I have worked on.
If anything, FPS should DROP on FA, not increase.

-"We believe that the use of HPA tanks, diminish the look and experience of what we strive to produce at each and every one of our games."

Yet they allow guys play wearing jeans,sweaters/hoodies ,shorts, and Brightly colored jerseys.


That is WAY more diminishing than an easily and often hidden air line. Why are these player not being asked to come back another day? they are clearly not milsim enough.


In essence, they have decided to ban something instead of finding out a way of accommodating it because that would take effort.

Finally, you are playing a game where you get shot, if you can;t deal with that, STOP PLAYING.

While I can understand that high ROF is really not needed, and can pose a danger - it can be worked around and regulated.
Semi only, limit the ROF, Minimum engagement distances, etc.


Last edited by HackD; March 1st, 2014 at 19:27..
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Old March 1st, 2014, 19:21   #176
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Funny I was just reading all this while researching a P* build for myself. Hopefully if I go this route it won't be a waste of money and my ability to play at various fields.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 22:58   #177
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Pretty much all fields allow P*'s around Ontario, just seems this joint is well... being dumb.

Yeah... Dumb is the only word that comes to mind with being polite fitting in there.

Thanks for bringing this up, sincerely appreciate!
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Old March 1st, 2014, 23:21   #178
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do you have to wear this when you use your polar stars?

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Old March 1st, 2014, 23:22   #179
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The jersey looks like it just creamed itself.
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Old March 2nd, 2014, 00:03   #180
Brit ter
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Future polar star users !
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