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Why you don't wear Military Insignia you haven't earned..


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Old May 16th, 2008, 12:37   #136
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Don't wear a hammer and sickle tank top the morning after some other jackass ran the wrong flag up the pole late at night.
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Old May 16th, 2008, 14:00   #137
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ryan (lerch) is a good buddy of mine, he is currently doing is reg force BMQ, after wich, he will be doing his artillery trades course, and he joined up with the RCHA

if someone wanted to do a canadian scottish impression for airsoft, i'd be stoked to see it, just so long as they didnt try to make people think that they were actually a serving member of my regiment, at least thats my opinion.

regimental insignea in my opinion, is fine. so long as you use it only on the airsoft field, dont go into Mcdonalds pre game sporting a regiments insignea, that could cause some bad press. but on the airsoft field, for things such as milsims (my favorite kind of game btw) insignea, and teams trying to look the part of real world units, just adds more realism to the game.

things such as jump wings, or other qualification badges, should never be worn unless you earn them imo, how would you feel if you worked your ass off, got the shit kicked out of you, and shed blood, sweat and tears for your jump wings, only to see someone wearing their store bought wings on the street or the field, thats just a slap in the face
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Last edited by silent_recon; May 17th, 2008 at 01:41..
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Old May 18th, 2008, 01:00   #138
Originally Posted by Lucrius View Post
Mike what incident in Wainwright were you referring to? Are you not aware that there are lots of CF members who have earned the ranger tab? My unit has several...

K, if the guys that where the t-shirts were actually qualified there would have been no problem. From what I heard these guys were from one of the Reserve units that has "Ranger" in it's name, ie Rocky Mountain Rangers, etc. So they figured it would be no problem for them to wear a US Army Ranger tab t-shirt.. well the NCO that actually earned the tab disagreed

I know lots of Canadians have been to Ranger School an earned the tab, etc, etc.
Old May 18th, 2008, 02:31   #139
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I love how most are saying oh its ok for certain insignia but not the "hardcore" ones like ranger/para.

First of all again I have no issue with anyone wearing any of it. But the way you all are wording it you are making it seem like its only if their wearing these "harcore" ones. Ok sure their training is hard... but so is basic/trade courses/other specialty courses.
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Old May 18th, 2008, 03:59   #140
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How about not being allowed to wear a Ferrari tshirt if you don't own one. What about a Lambo one...

Hey those are hardcore, they cost a fuck load.

Stupid to argue those things, as long those guys don't wear them in public (aka going to McDonald) its fine... they aren't hurting anyone. If YOU feel offended by them wearing it at games, then PM me i know a good psychiatrist i can recommend.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old May 18th, 2008, 06:36   #141
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
It's a British self-propelled artillery canon.

and here's a video of one findnig parking space at the mall
thanks Drake! I don,t have any pics !
Weapons : 39 airsoft weapons. Daf YA 314, 3 ton Dutch Army Truck. Retired Reg.Force 1 Brigade RECCE.
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Old May 18th, 2008, 09:33   #142
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
You... actually own an Abbot?

If so, let me preemptively express how much I hate you. :P

</massive envy>
I don,t tech. own it the vehicals are signed over to museum members to kit out ,do maint. paint. and show and drive (thats the fun part) I am responsable for the abbot so far I have sunk about $2500 on vehical Kit and another $3000 on Brit. personal combat kit and another $1000. on fuel . She only gets 3 miles to the gallon but does 40 miles an hour and has air conditioning
Weapons : 39 airsoft weapons. Daf YA 314, 3 ton Dutch Army Truck. Retired Reg.Force 1 Brigade RECCE.

Last edited by Brit ter; May 18th, 2008 at 09:35..
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Old May 18th, 2008, 09:34   #143
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You guys need to start hating on Matt LeBlanc, now.

And, damn, I knew that screen cap would be of use to me someday...

(and no, no Photoshopping involved or anything; I happened upon it while channel surfing, caught my attention so I screen grabbed.)
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Old May 18th, 2008, 17:15   #144
Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
How about not being allowed to wear a Ferrari tshirt if you don't own one. What about a Lambo one...

Hey those are hardcore, they cost a fuck load.

Stupid to argue those things, as long those guys don't wear them in public (aka going to McDonald) its fine... they aren't hurting anyone. If YOU feel offended by them wearing it at games, then PM me i know a good psychiatrist i can recommend.
Please don't belittle the Military by comparing their patches to car company t-shirts, etc.
Old May 18th, 2008, 17:28   #145
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Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
Please don't belittle the Military by comparing their patches to car company t-shirts, etc.
i dont think he had meant to compare the military to car company in the sense you are thinking. i agree with ronan on this one.

i wear a straight edge band tshirt, but im DEFINATLY NOT straightedge.
the band is good, what more can i say?
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Old May 20th, 2008, 09:46   #146
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To wear the insignia is to pass off as trained and qualified. To be quite blunt if I ever came across anyone not in the Canadian forces running about in CADPAT with a proper rank insignia and a beret with a proper cap badge (especially a black one) they would be called out on impersonating a Canadian Forces Member and subject to all the legal realities attached to that fact, especially if it was an "officer".
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Old May 20th, 2008, 09:54   #147
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Originally Posted by Muadib02 View Post
To wear the insignia is to pass off as trained and qualified. To be quite blunt if I ever came across anyone not in the Canadian forces running about in CADPAT with a proper rank insignia and a beret with a proper cap badge (especially a black one) they would be called out on impersonating a Canadian Forces Member and subject to all the legal realities attached to that fact, especially if it was an "officer".
Then you are going to be making allot of phone calls. It happens all the time in airsoft. And you won't be a welcome member of the community for very long if you go running around squaking about impersonation.

Once again, it's the INTENT behind the dress, not the dress itself that crosses the line.

Imitation is a form of flattery. MIS-representation is illegal and fucking weak.

Know the difference.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 10:05   #148
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I am willing to compromise if this is accepted behavior. All I have left to say is that it is barely legal for me to wear my uniform and insignia, so why should someone not entitled to it be allowed to. Above and beyond that if you are only wearing it at the game, and not off at timmys beforehand it wont bother me too much.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 10:19   #149
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Originally Posted by Muadib02 View Post
I am willing to compromise if this is accepted behavior. All I have left to say is that it is barely legal for me to wear my uniform and insignia, so why should someone not entitled to it be allowed to. Above and beyond that if you are only wearing it at the game, and not off at timmys beforehand it wont bother me too much.
It's illegal for service members to wear their uniforms in civilian events.

That being said, this is why the market for -reproduction- uniforms exist. If you can't draw the line between the two (never mind the service members who have full kit at their disposal yet go out of their way to buy reproduction kit) then you'll just make a complete ass of yourself.

Teams that use ranks make no claims to being enlisted members. They often just use ranks to designate positions on the team, rather than having a disorderly structure.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 10:21   #150
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Having finally read through all this...I will concede (not to my liking) that insignia and whatnot may be worn so long as the person wearing them (civilian) does not go about claiming to be part of or present themselves publicly (away from the game) as being active military. Since it is not reenacting when in modern clothes...I may not like it but I can live with please do not hold my earlier statement against me.
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