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Old October 7th, 2013, 10:56   #136
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1) it has the exact same realism as an AEG, minus the hose. You usually can't even tell the hose is there so everyone stop bitching about it.

2) a stock tank is always going to look retarded, but I've seen people but dumber shit on their gun.

3) PTW receivers need back pressure from the cylinder to keep the receiver locked and stable, which means they would need a split mechbox. And they'd need to sell a motor cage with a hole through it for the hose, because the grip is mounted to the motor. They could do it, but who the fuck would pay $1800 for a polarstar when you could get one for half that and have the exact same performance? lol
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Old October 7th, 2013, 16:05   #137
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Originally Posted by coach View Post
Which adapter did you get? I was going to build one but got lazy. lol
I dont have it yet.
I was just gonna buy another UTA with 2 ports in it, a couple more macro line connectors and use my old macro line to connect it all up.

Dual port UTA is $12
Slip fits are $4.50 each

Would look like this.

The tanks should be very close in PSI before putting them together, but i dont think its a big deal since they are already regulated to a lower PSI. The issue would be when one tank starts to get below ~500 PSI and the other is still at 1K+.

Last edited by Cobrajr122; October 7th, 2013 at 16:08..
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Old October 7th, 2013, 16:34   #138
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Put in a teeter valve that will push the the high tank pressure.
way way back playing paintball when CO2 was the only option, we use to run dual twenties on a single line connected to a teeter valve. when pressure on one got too low, the other tank would take over.
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Old October 7th, 2013, 20:18   #139
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any of u guys know how to assemb the Fusion Engine wth gp m4? if can plz pm me for detail
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Old October 7th, 2013, 20:40   #140
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I just discovered the existence of these FE systems with this thread. It's very interesting... i have a dead m4 lying around and this seems like a nice little project...

I understand that the biggest pros for this system is the rof, right? If i just want to run on a regular rof at approx. 1,3J is it worth it for other reason? Edit: i always play with realcap mags...

How do they compare with regular AEG in terms of range, precision and grouping?

How heavy are the carbon fiber tanks?

Last edited by DrDoUm; October 7th, 2013 at 20:42..
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Old October 7th, 2013, 20:50   #141
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Originally Posted by McMonkTang View Post
any of u guys know how to assemb the Fusion Engine wth gp m4? if can plz pm me for detail
I have mine in a G&P M4, it dropped in like any other mechbox would, I had 0 issues installing it.

What problems are you having?

Originally Posted by DrDoUm View Post
I just discovered the existence of these FE systems with this thread. It's very interesting... i have a dead m4 lying around and this seems like a nice little project...

I understand that the biggest pros for this system is the rof, right? If i just want to run on a regular rof at approx. 1,3J is it worth it for other reason? Edit: i always play with realcap mags...

How do they compare with regular AEG in terms of range, precision and grouping?

How heavy are the carbon fiber tanks?
The biggest advantage is actually the consistency, trigger response, and ability to change the characteristics of the rifle on the fly.

Compared to an average AEG, you are gonna get much better consistency, range and accuracy out of a properly tuned P*. Because of the nature of compressed gas, you can use very heavy rounds to get much better range. Paired with an R-hop or ER-hop you can get some amazing results.

The tanks are pretty light, not really noticeable if carried in a back pack.

Last edited by Cobrajr122; October 7th, 2013 at 20:55..
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Old October 7th, 2013, 20:53   #142
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Originally Posted by DrDoUm View Post
How do they compare with regular AEG in terms of range, precision and grouping?
better, in every way, and not by a little either.
Obviously you still need quality barrel and hop rubber, but you're unlikely to ever have any leaks or compression problems lol
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Old October 10th, 2013, 21:29   #143
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Do the V3 Selectors function well? I saw the Evike video where they talked briefly about the ability to switch between G36 style selector and AK style.
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Old October 10th, 2013, 21:49   #144
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The V2/V3 Gen 3 FEs allow you to use the selector plate from your AEG mechbox to ensure that the FE will function properly in the body you are putting it in.

Just take off the AK plate that comes with it and install the G36 selector plate from the mechbox then install the FE, should work fine.
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Old October 23rd, 2013, 14:37   #145
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Hey guys. Getting an E1 BAR soon, and i'm curious about a few things regarding polarstar and how it works.

One, the E1 BAR apparently uses an M240 gearbox internally, I'm curious if it'd be possible to have one fit into a BAR with a bit of modification?

Secondly, Is it possible to have the selector switch activate two firemodes with different rates of fire? I would love to be able to replicate the two ROF settings on the BAR with the polarstar engine. Not sure if I'm being to ambitious here, but it would be a fun project!

I have no understanding on how P* works, so fire away.

Last edited by Strelok; October 23rd, 2013 at 14:40..
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Old October 23rd, 2013, 14:53   #146
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If the BAR uses a standard M249 mechbox, than the P* will be a direct replacement. The most modification you will have to do is drill a hole or find a route for the airline to go through.

As of right now, there is no way of saving 2 modes on the FCU, but what you CAN do is run 2 FCUs. or just open up the battery compartment and reprogram it quickly...way cheaper.

You can setup the 2 FCUs in 2 ways.
1. Control line switch
2. Power line switch

1. Control line switch will require a switch that can toggle 7 lines at once, or multiple switches. (2 for the box mag controller, 5 for the P*)

You will need to provide power to both FCUs at once and have the 2 different ROFs programmed 1 in each.

2. The power line switch will be way easier as the switch will be much easier to find. You will need to split the FCU control line to the P* though. Program FCU 1 with ROF1 and 2 with the 2nd ROF.

both of these will work perfectly fine. The only thing i can think of is that accidentally switching while shooting may not be good.

Last edited by Cobrajr122; October 23rd, 2013 at 14:58..
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Old October 23rd, 2013, 15:18   #147
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Huh. I never would've thought of using two different FCU's for that. I'm not sure what space will be like in the bar, but i'll certainly have to take that into account once I get a chance to pick through the gun. I think i'll go with that idea.

The switch on the BAR is apparently a bit loose from what I hear in reviews, but I think its mostly due to a weak spring and ballbearing that clicks it into place.

I'll have the thing torn apart this weekend with some photos, see if I can get some more input from you guys.

Thanks a ton!


I've also got a fixer MP40 here, but its got that funky custom v3 in it. Wonder if thats doable
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Old October 23rd, 2013, 17:32   #148
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for everything custom P* installs, this is the place to go. He has been putting P*s in the wrong guns since they came out :P
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Old October 23rd, 2013, 18:05   #149
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Yeah he made one for my PKM.
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Old October 24th, 2013, 00:56   #150
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AGM Strelok? I've thought about getting Bino to mod a P* into that puppy.. maybe will.

Light weight little ass kicker .
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