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Marushin Mateba Revolver


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Old November 23rd, 2008, 01:52   #1
Lenard's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: U.S.
Marushin Mateba Revolver

Well I have used my Mateba less than 6 times and already managed to break it (a new personal record). Ok, so first I noticed that the hand grip had become loose so I tightened the screw at the base near the fill valve and seemingly the problem was solved to I put the gun down and did not attempt to fire/fill it. The next time I handled the gun I noticed the hand grip was loose again so once more I tightened it but this time I heard a crack and the screw tightened passed its original stopping point. At this time I removed the grip to find the screw still attached to the bottom of the gun with plastic around it and a few disconnected plastic shards falling from the grip. At this point I thought ok great I'll just tape it on and everything will be fine well, I was wrong. Upon flipping the gun over to fill it (with duster gas), gas began to pour out of the valve and from the nozzle inside the cylinder. At this point I removed the handle again to notice that the piece holding both the fill valve and the screw that originally secured the grip wobbled. So now my question is... is the wobbling of the black piece related to the gun being broken or is it simply a valve that needs to be replaced? This question arises because the wobbly piece is seemingly the end cap for the gas tank.

Sorry for the poor quality pics!
1) Here you see the black wobbly piece that holds both the fill valve and the grip attachment screw.
2) Here you see what appears to be a spacer that sat between the end of the gas tank and the bottom of the grip. This did not appear to be physically attached to the grip in any way. The portion of the 'spacer' you are looking at would be oriented towards the bottom of the grip with the other end would be secured over the valve with the attachment screw..
3) The circle on the left is the hole the fill valve is accessible through. The circle on the right is the hole the attachment screw went through.
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Last edited by Lenard; November 23rd, 2008 at 01:59..
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Old November 25th, 2008, 00:02   #2
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Well after playing with the gun for a bit I determined that the entire valve assembly (the black portion) is only held into the tank by a simple pin. I pushed the pin out and found that the entire piece removed valve and all and at the bottom of the fill valve there is a small diameter brass tube. Around this tube there is a rubber disc that covers the whole underside of the valve assembly. Seemingly this is supposed to compress with the pressure of the gas and is not doing so thus causing the leak. Putting some electrical tape around this tightened it up significantly and stopped most of the leak. So I was thinking I would get some liquid weld and seal it up permanently. I was wondering if anyone thought this was a poor idea and for what reason. Maybe some pictures to follow.
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Old November 25th, 2008, 00:10   #3
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Originally Posted by Lenard View Post
Well after playing with the gun for a bit I determined that the entire valve assembly (the black portion) is only held into the tank by a simple pin. I pushed the pin out and found that the entire piece removed valve and all and at the bottom of the fill valve there is a small diameter brass tube. Around this tube there is a rubber disc that covers the whole underside of the valve assembly. Seemingly this is supposed to compress with the pressure of the gas and is not doing so thus causing the leak. Putting some electrical tape around this tightened it up significantly and stopped most of the leak. So I was thinking I would get some liquid weld and seal it up permanently. I was wondering if anyone thought this was a poor idea and for what reason. Maybe some pictures to follow.
I don't know much about gas guns, but I do know that electrical tape probably isn't your solution, even as a temporary one, residue from the tape's sticky side could get dislodged into the gas and then shot into your gun, gumming up the ports.

Read up on TM MK23 Propane Magazine Fixes, they might give you a good idea as to what to use for an appropriate filler. Or wait for a response from someone with more experience with gas guns.

My two cents.

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