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Systema Turbo Kit FPS?


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Old May 4th, 2008, 16:17   #1
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Systema Turbo Kit FPS?

Hey Guys:

I've been running on a systema turbo kit for SR-16 for 8-10 months now and i've noticed that the ROF is AMAZING, but the FPS is kind of low (like 330ish with an M120 spring). I also have the metal G&P hop up, systema hop up rubber, and a Systema 6.04 barrel.

I have heard of some other people experiencing this kinda FPS as well.

Just wondering if anyone has come across any "fixes" to increase the ROF?
I know that the high speed gear setup basically short-strokes the piston so that the piston doesn't go all the way back in each cycle and that affects the FPS, but I was just wondering if anyone found any other ways of getting the FPS up without having to replace the gears.

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Old May 4th, 2008, 16:38   #2
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I'm not too experienced with AEG's, but I think it's safe to say that if you upgrade one aspect, the other will suffer.

Example, if you want higher ROF, your FPS will suffer; whereas if you increase you FPS, your ROF will suffer because you'd probably use torque up gears.
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Old May 4th, 2008, 17:08   #3
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Could it be the cylinder? I cannibalized a brand new SR16/M4 Systema mechbox with turbo motor for parts and what I found out was the cylinder port hole is in the middle which is for short barreled Aeg. If you are using mid lenght inner barrel I may suggest to replace it with the right type of cylinder to get the right velocity/fps.

want to increase ROF try li-po.

Here's my high ROF set up. Feel free to test fire one of my Aeg at the games.

400fps rated spring with a 19 BPM(BB's per second, measured with Madbull chrono)
7mm bearing gearbox
Torque up gears
Deepfire piston
Systema Turbo Motor
11.1v 1200mah Li-po battery

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Old May 17th, 2008, 21:26   #4
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Originally Posted by mitchie View Post
Hey Guys:

I've been running on a systema turbo kit for SR-16 for 8-10 months now and i've noticed that the ROF is AMAZING, but the FPS is kind of low (like 330ish with an M120 spring). I also have the metal G&P hop up, systema hop up rubber, and a Systema 6.04 barrel.

I have heard of some other people experiencing this kinda FPS as well.

Just wondering if anyone has come across any "fixes" to increase the ROF?
I know that the high speed gear setup basically short-strokes the piston so that the piston doesn't go all the way back in each cycle and that affects the FPS, but I was just wondering if anyone found any other ways of getting the FPS up without having to replace the gears.

I would not recommend it as the turbo gear kit are meant for high ROF if it is high FPS you are looking for then may I suggest one of Systema torque up gear set kit with the M140 spring teh last time i did a spring swap on a speed gear set i wound up with a broken mechbox and a cracked metal body
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Old May 18th, 2008, 14:48   #5
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One has nothing to do with the other, you can run 1200rpm at 500fps, it's just not recommended.
Anyway 350fps is FINE for that high speed, it reduces impact force on your gearbox shell, and fps has little to do with range. I get fantastic range with my UMP and it only shoots 280fps.
Now there's many thing that can cause an FPS loss, wrong cylinder, O-ring on the piston head shrunk, bad nozzle, hopup rubber not aligned to nozzle, poor installation of hopup rubber, bad piston head.
I've had a gun lose 100fps very consistently due to a bad nozzle
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Old May 18th, 2008, 16:45   #6
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The setup I have right now in my SPR is probably best I could get and what others are saying they would like now after seeing for themselves performance wise. You dont need 400FPS right on to get good performance, and "kills". Mine right now runs 380 consistant, with a mean, crisp, fast ROF. Im using stock TM gears with a MS120, silent kit drops it 30fps, Eagle Hummer 1300L motor is where I get the ability to pull the spring and maintain good rof, very quiet, off a 9.6v battery. So its all about deciding what you want, how you play, ect. I personally went for distance and ROF with a velocity that isnt to low, or too high to maintain reliability.
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Old May 22nd, 2008, 16:59   #7
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I also have the Systema Turbo Set. I put a Systema M120 and the 300mm inner barrel and it shoots at around 370-380 with .2's. But i just slapped in the Modify sp120 (which is suppose to be shooting at 410-420). Im getting a lower reading at 360-370 with .2's. Oh btw the cyclinder port hole is almost in the middle.
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