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Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old July 16th, 2006, 20:08   #1
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: alberta

My research on my gun im going to buy is finally coming to end, but theres still you question i have before i buy everything tommorow,batterys. Im gettin my stuff from rangers airsoft, they are sell a 9.6v 1700mah for a AUG, and are also selling a 8.4v 600 mini, ill just get 2. My question is will the 9.6v mess up my gun or make it not last as long, and also what is the better choice, 2 mini's or a 9.6 1700?

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Old July 16th, 2006, 20:19   #2
A Total Bastard
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Stock gun, go with the minis, 1 600 mah battery depending on the game will last you around 600 rounds basicaly. Dont quote me on that, but it will will last you. Higher voltage will give you an increased rate of fire, but put the wear on your unupgraded gun. If you plan on upgrading later on (bushings, spring, ect) then the 9.6 is a good investment since it wont chew your gun to pieces. Not right away anyways.

I got a 8.4 mini with my gun when I bought it, and never used it, picked up a bigger battery cheap that night, put it in and away I went, loved the faster fireing rate, loved the fact that you had a large battery that would last longer. I have had no problems with a 9.6 in my gun and ive used it quite a bit in the few months having it. But I am upgrading this week, so having the 9.6 is the best way to go.
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Old July 16th, 2006, 20:24   #3
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how many shoots roughly will i get out of a mini?
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Old July 16th, 2006, 21:00   #4
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Originally Posted by UnderRated
how many shoots roughly will i get out of a mini?
It's right there in the first line. How could you miss this?
Originally Posted by Renegade)
1 600 mah battery depending on the game will last you around 600 rounds basicaly
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Old July 16th, 2006, 21:02   #5
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i was reading it fast a geuss i thought it said 1600 mah battery... doh
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Old July 16th, 2006, 21:08   #6
there is no answer to that. ..there are lots of factors that influence battery life.
gun, upgrades, motor effeciency, lube, temperature, wiring quality, etc.

generall we talk in game day length
so for some people, a 600mah battery may last them almost a full day of play(not a full day of shooting, we are talking play).

I recommend 8.4v for guns...9.6v will work, but it WILL significantly decrease the life of your internals.

Get the biggest battery you can fit in your gun. unless you want to stop midway through a firefight to change batteries, go big. I run a 3000mah battery most of the time and Im confident that it will never, no chance in hell, ever die on me in a game. Dont matter if I put 300 or 3000 rounds through it...I pop my battery in and never have to think about it again.

and btw, i scold people for using the word reasearch when the answers are easily found in the FAQ or by using the search. Its all there.
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Old July 16th, 2006, 22:16   #7
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Brampton
Hey Droc, excuse my noobiness but is your gun upgraded? I ask because in this thread: it says not to go above 2000mah for a stock gun (im asking because im "researching" too). Thanks in advance.
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Old July 16th, 2006, 22:27   #8
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The MAH has no maximum, the more the better as long as the battery cells fit in the gun.

The Voltage, however, matters a lot.

So if you have a stock gun, but you find a 8.4v 2700mah attery (large type) that fits in it, dont worry about it.

(Yes, there are exceptions if you push it, but that's the basics. Your primary problem is that you cant own an airsoft gun legally yet)
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Old July 16th, 2006, 22:44   #9
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Brampton
I have just started reading about Airsoft and I want to inform myself as much as possible before purchasing anything (I'll probably be 18 by then lol). Thanks for the reply.

EDIT: about the cells fitting in the gun, you could use a battery sling if you really wanted to correct?
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Old July 16th, 2006, 23:03   #10
correct, a battery sling as one of many ways to fit large batteries in small guns.

when it comes to batteries, more mah = better
more mah can slighty increase ROF....but only slightly. Someone described it as a bucket of water. voltage is the hole in the bottom and mah is the water in the bucket. the more water, the more wont really come out that much faster, but it has alot more force behind it. I dont know the science behind it and I am no expert on batteries, but i can tell you from experience, if you run a 9.6v 600mah battery and then a 9.6v 3300mah battery in the same gun, the 3300mah runs faster.

8.4v is a safe number..some will say you need a 9.6v to run upgraded guns...but i have turned a 190% equlivant spring(470fps) with an 8.4v no problem.

9.6v is fine also, but you really wanna have metal bushings and sooner or later your gonna need new gears.

many guns that say mini battery can take a large battery with some mods. be it modifying a stock, adding a slightly larger frontend...the readymag battery system, the AN-PEQ2 battery box setups...and now the Star M800 Battery Carrier
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Old July 17th, 2006, 08:40   #11
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Brampton
Thank you very much for the info, gents. It has helped me quite a bit and I'm certain it has helped others. Cheers.
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Old July 17th, 2006, 08:48   #12
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By the way, batteries are Accessories, or Upgrades. Not Airsoft Guns.
This should be moved to the right part of the forum.
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Old July 17th, 2006, 16:37   #13
Rumpel Felt
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One name/word: Intellect

Buy only those. Either mini/stick 1400mah or large 3600-4200.

Those Sanyo batteries are a rip off and there is no need to buy them with Intellect cells around. Think, over double the capacity for the same price(sometimes cheaper)

Why do people always settle for less????
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Old July 17th, 2006, 17:08   #14
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Karlsruhe

If you look for batteries for a TM AUG (Mini-Type batteries) and you are willing to spend some money (IMHO well worth, though) go with the LiPos I posted here (11.1V, 1200mAh). I do use them in my modified AUG and can thoroughly recommend them. I am sure you can get these in Canada, too.

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Old July 17th, 2006, 17:27   #15
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Originally Posted by mark23

If you look for batteries for a TM AUG (Mini-Type batteries) and you are willing to spend some money (IMHO well worth, though) go with the LiPos I posted here (11.1V, 1200mAh). I do use them in my modified AUG and can thoroughly recommend them. I am sure you can get these in Canada, too.

11.1v would have insane RoF on the AEG, more wear/stress on the mechbox in the longer turn. So really, I don't think you should recommend someone new to the sport to a 11.1v battery.
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