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M4 GenII +Upgrade vs G&P M4 GenII w/V Hop?


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Old June 11th, 2006, 02:07   #1
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: New Jersey, USA
M4 GenII +Upgrade vs G&P M4 GenII w/V Hop?

Ok ok, before you spam me with "oMfGz tM to0 mUcH $$$$$ d00d!", I live in the US, and I can get a TM M4 GenII for $260 shipped, and a G&P M4 Special Operations (the one with the RAS and built in silencer into the RIS) for about $500 shipped.

Here is what I would do to the TM:

-Guarder Full Tune up Kit for M16A2 (Comes with Type0 Cylinder for the tightbore)
-Get a spring at about ~350 FPS instead of the guarder SP120
-Perhaps a Prometheus AK Length Tightbore w/Silencer (I already have this stuff, but I think I'm gonna sell it, but if I get the TM I'll keep it)
-9.6V 1100 mAh battery

G&P M4 Special Operations:

-Leave it stock (~350 FPS)
-Get a Prometheus Short Tightbore that goes through the silencer (its like 300mm with the barrel/silencer I think)
-Prometheus Hopup Sleeve and Big Out H Hopup Nub (V Type)

The G&P comes with a 1pt Bunch sling, RAS, Crane Stock (yummy), Forward Grip (yay), rail covers, flip up front and rear sights, and Aimpoint

Which should I get? Also, is there anything wrong with either of my upgrade choices?

Is the G&P finally fixed of all of those pesky problems (Hopup, Nozzle, Tappet)?
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Old June 11th, 2006, 02:11   #2
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You know, I think you've asked this question in one form or another at least 10 times. You should have all the answers you'll ever need. I'm not trying to be rude here.

If not, take a chance and get either one and go from there.

BTW, I would go for the Spec-Ops M4, if only a retailer in Canada had it in stock.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old June 11th, 2006, 02:21   #3
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Toronto
You get more bang for your buck if your decide on the G&P. As MC has stated it is one of the best AEGs besides the systema you can purchase.
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