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My Themed Gear?


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Old March 30th, 2006, 00:40   #1
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My Themed Gear?

Well as you can see I'm new both to this forum and Airsoft.
I started to think about what themed gear to start out with.

It'd be obvious to where I live (Canada) It would be wise to start out with a green colored theme.
Be it woodland or cadpat.

Browsing through a various amount of vests I've noticed that there were two types of vests.
One regularly called vest and the other was abbreviated LBV (Loading barrel Vest I think :smack: ).
I seem to like the LBV vests with a butt pack attached rather than just a standard vest.

I'm thinking primarly of a US Marines loadout or a SEALs one.
Although the CADPAT offers better camoflauge (from what I've been reading) it
doesn't neccesarly (spelt wrong? :smack: ) appeal to me.

In closing this thread I'd like to ask two questions:

A) Any combinations that would go better with woodland than
woodland itself(vests)? (I was thinking OD Green)

B) Since I've not much knowledge of gear, is it possable to attach a butt pack to a standard vest?
This is what I mean when I say
"Standard Vest" ->

And one last note (Sorry for all the questions! :grin: ).
Is this considered an LBV(A.K.A can you attach a
butt pack :-D :-D )?
...How do you insert and image :zzz: ?...

Folks, I know I'm asking a lot but bear with me! Heh on a serious note:
Thanks to all for your time and helpful advice!

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Old March 30th, 2006, 01:15   #2
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There are many different types of load bearing gear. There are chestrigs, BHI style vests, rhodesian vests, webbing, etc. Just because you can mount a buttpack, doesn't mean it a particular kind of vest. You'll find that most new vests are modular as well, so you can tailor it to your particular needs.

As for colour, OD and CADPAT seem to go pretty well together, but I find woodland goes best with woodland. And make sure it's the same 'kind' of woodland. Knock-off stuff designed for fashionable civilian wear could differ in colour from the real stuff. Even among the real stuff, theres a decent deviation among manufacturers.

There's a gear retailer list at the top bar, check it out and browse the retailers a bit.

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Old March 30th, 2006, 01:24   #3
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First off, LBV stands for Load Bearing Vest (pretty close guess). It pretty much means that when you balance it properly, all the weight is distributed evenly.

The LBV I'm assuming you're seeing is the standard USGI one;

I'd like to note that for you to achieve more then mag capacity, you'll need to purchase a belt and pouches along with this vest.

If that's not you're style and you'd like a modular vest (like the one you pictured), I would suggest shopping around and trying different styles. There are some good cheap ones around, but most modular vests under $100 are absolute shite. Go to your local surplus store and try a few different vests/rigs on, see what you like.
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Old March 30th, 2006, 02:13   #4
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First off I'd like to say thanks again for your answers.

I guess I never realized how detailed soldier's gear was at first. Since the whole Airsoft craze I've come to realize that it's not as simple as it looks when you don't pay attention. Saying this, would you guys happen to have any links defining a couple of a soldiers' equipment and how they are used? Kind of hard choosing what to wear when you don't even know the purpose they are for or how they come together.

Again, I'm looking for a simple Rifleman loadout similar to those of the US Marines or SEALs. Something like the guy on the right but
with different colours:

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Old March 30th, 2006, 02:46   #5
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HeL is another name i go by
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Old March 30th, 2006, 10:33   #6
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The picture of your "standard vest" is in fact a form of replica body armor. There are actual assault vests, which are different from the armor you have pictured. If you are looking for a SEAL theme - that is what I've done - you can find some great information in the Themed Gear section here on ASC. Yuxi and a few others have posted some great information in that area.

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Old March 30th, 2006, 19:37   #7
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Will do Deathblow, thanks.


I think I'd be happy with a couple of these starter vests to start with:

Also, would there be any way to add Magazine pouches to this one:

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