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BioShot bio-BBs



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Old April 14th, 2013, 19:29   #1
MaciekA's Avatar
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BioShot bio-BBs

The late-winter dry spell has had more than a few of us players in the GTA dying of anticipation to finally be able to test our late-winter AEG builds outdoors. With the typical early spring team pre-orders going out to re-stock supplies, my group had to decide where we were going to invest our hard-earned dollars in terms of BBs. We got an opportunity to grab a large order of the new (to us) BioShot lineup from Steve and John (of airsoftstore) in person, since they've available in downtown Toronto.

We finally got to test these things today, having waited for outdoor games to be posted.

The conclusion, for me at least, is that these are hands-down my new go-to BBs. I fired about 5000 of the 0.3g variety today and was very pleased with the accuracy and quality of feeding. We actually were able to do a bit of a side-by-side test versus the ICS bio-BBs and saw some significant differences on in-mag feeding performance across our set of MAG brand AK mags. The BioShots came out a winner.

It's going to be very very hard to convince anyone in my group to consider anything else at the prices that other heavy BBs -- not to mention biodegradable BBs -- go for on the market. I'm going to recommend these to everyone I play with.

Get em' at Steve and John's store:
"Mah check"

Now you know

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Old April 16th, 2013, 00:54   #2
Dirtbag's Avatar
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but are they bio

I am assuming based on the absolutely nothing on the web site these are not really bio, just a sales gimmick ?
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Old April 16th, 2013, 01:04   #3
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Originally Posted by Dirtbag View Post
I am assuming based on the absolutely nothing on the web site these are not really bio, just a sales gimmick ?
It says on the site that they are biodegradable......

Or am I misunderstanding your post.

Last edited by buttonsHT; April 16th, 2013 at 01:22..
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Old April 16th, 2013, 01:14   #4
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only 1 bag of each in stock
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Old April 16th, 2013, 03:36   #5
jsae's Avatar
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Hey there, DB,

Check out their manufacturer:

These are regular "biodegradable" corn plastic BB's, which technically require industrial composting conditions to degrade.

True field testing would be needed. Though someone tried at: He achieved moisture-based degradation in 10 days of continuous submersion.
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Last edited by jsae; April 16th, 2013 at 03:40..
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Old April 16th, 2013, 06:44   #6
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i imagine these will be an item that will be sold out all of the time
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Old April 16th, 2013, 12:48   #7
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Technically even the ceramic ones biodegrade over time. I know the BB Bastard
bios can break down quickly. Any BB can't be made too unstable, if the dessicant pack is removed, and they start oozing in the bag, that's no good. It should reasonably take awhile for breakdown. We played at our last field for eight years, most of which we used standard double polished; and every year most of the BBs were gone. That's millions of rounds expelled, and finding a bunch was difficult.
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Old April 17th, 2013, 11:38   #8
Mr. Silencer
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Okay so some of our personal feedback on the BBs and those gleaned from the weekend.
Obviously we've been testing them out in our basements for a few months, etc. with no issues but seeing as we use only about a handful of types/makes/models of magazines/hop units/guns we can't really anticipate all the scenarios.

Based solely on the feedback that we got on Sunday they seem to be pretty good, we did get some comments. In no particular order:
  1. Unbeatable price for the quantity that you get (this seemed to be the overall theme)
  2. Elite Force Bio BBs fly straighter - less deviation (.28 EF vs .28 Bioshot) - based on one user's recollection of EF's performance. Didn't have EF's on-hand to do a head-to-head
  3. A few random fliers from the Bioshot .32s
  4. .28g seem to be pretty darn consistent in coloration and texture and flight
  5. No jams, but there was a report of a feeding issue with Beta Project PMags (but then again, who doesn't have problems with those?)
  6. Verified to work in the following stock guns: Echo1 M4, ICS L85, CYMA MP5K, LCT AKM
  7. Verified to feed from the following magazines: PTS PMags, PTS EMags, Lonex Flashmag, Socom Gear Lancer mags (or were they Troy mags?.. same thing) MAG brand AK mags and the stock mags of the guns above.
  8. Verified to feed through the following barrels: Prometheus 6.03, Madbull 6.03, Lonex 6.03, stock brass barrels of various makes/models
  9. Verified to work with the following hop systems: PDI WHold, Rhop, Prometheus flathop, Prometheus bridge hop, Xhightech flat hop, standard hop
  10. The zippers on the bags suck, but the bags themselves seemed to be OK and they don't fall over. (notified Bioshot, but then again, is that really a dealbreaker or are good bags selling-points? Maybe. I kind of dig Madbull bags actually)
  11. The Bioshots smell funky (also seems to be a recurring theme)
  12. Some issues with a Gemtech Oasis NBB pistol, curiously worked like a charm through a KWA Kriss and other GBBs.

In any case, going to run them again this Sunday.
Keep the reviews coming - good or bad. If they really do suck shit, we'll stop carrying them.

Last edited by Stealth; April 17th, 2013 at 16:00..
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Old April 17th, 2013, 11:57   #9
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So far they seem like an excellent alternative BB brand than ones available in Canada. I had excellent feeding in my Realsword Type 56 with RS brand mags at CQB outdoor a while ago. The .28s are very nice.

Thanks Stealth for bringing these BBs in.
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Old April 22nd, 2013, 09:37   #10
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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I had 2 of my teammates and myself using these bbs at Lady Tresses field this past weekend.

All of us were using .28g - and for good measure I even brought an additional hop up unit including the inner barrel for ease of a drop in replacement.

I ALSO brought .28g bbbastards to compare and started the game off with these.

Bbbastards are always the standard go to for me because I already know what im getting - perfection and consistency. I started my day out using the last of my bag and had NO issues what so ever until empty and needed a reload.

I jumped over to the Bioshots and noticed immediate issues - double feeds (one bb dripping out while the other flys off) and even blank firing - this wasn't an issue at first and I thought, heck for the price of these I could probably deal with it - but eventually it became an issue that was affecting my on field performance.

My teammate, and brother, had the EXACT same issues in his gun - double feeds and blank firing - we found that the ONLY way to deal with this on field was to remove our mags and put them back in however the issues were still consistent a VERY short while later - I also swapped his entire hop unit with the additional I had on standby.

Our set ups -

Genuine Magpul Brand pmags
Cyma Hop-up unit
Prometheus purple hop up sleeve
Madbull Python 6.03mm

Spartan_Red Unit 1:
airsoftdepot metal m4 mags 120rnds (brand unknown)
Modify Accurate Hop-Up unit
PDI-W Hold hop up sleeve
Madbull Python 6.03mm

Spartan_Red Unit 2:
airsoftdepot metal m4 mags 120rnds (brand unknown)
G&P hop-up unit
Prometheus purple hop up sleeve
Madbull Python 6.03mm

Crom (correct me if i botched this, going from memory):
airsoftdepot metal m4 mags 120rnds (brand unknown)
airsoft-club metal hop-up unit
stock inner barrel
guarder clear hop-up sleeve

Let it be noted that Crom had NO issues what so ever with the bioshots and feed fine and consistent in his AEG - This leads me to believe there is some factor involving our Madbull 6.03mm barrels and the misfeeds and double shots - however, again - these issues were NOT apparent when using Bbbastards.

Bioshots for the price cannot be beat, but understand what you're getting when using similar brands.

Bbbastards - yes near flawless in every build i've had - but with other brands up and coming and price becoming a huge factor for me - paying 15$ for 2000 is becoming a HUGE issue for me - I have other prioritized expenses to consider first before airsoft at this current time in my life.

Our experience and opinions we're based on personal use - this is NOT a shot at either brand, only our findings.

In the end we want to be using a brand that is consistent AND price effective - honestly, after keeping a good setup and gear you're happy with, bbs become the most ongoing expense in airsoft.

Last edited by Rabbit; April 22nd, 2013 at 10:06..
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Old April 22nd, 2013, 09:54   #11
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$15/2000 rounds is still a good price for zero issue BBs. I remember back in the 90's when 500rd bags were $20.

Hate to say it but unless its a stock gun from the looks of these tests I'll stick with my bastards no matter what the price as in the last what 10 years they've never let me down in any of my guns (in the past 10 years that's 35+ guns (i still have 15) of all different builds with barrels ranging from 6.03 to 6.01, and FPS from 270 to 425)
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Old April 22nd, 2013, 10:23   #12
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Somewhat unrelated, but.

Question: Can I just open the bag, grab let's say 150 rounds and close the bag again without worrying about the BB? I'd like to test them today, but I've never used a bag of bio BBs before, and I don't want to ruin them right now just because I used a few.
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Old April 22nd, 2013, 11:26   #13
Mr. Silencer
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Remy, good report.

I have a hybrid of your Unit 1 and 2 setup in my outdoor SBR:
G&P hop unit
Madbull 6.03 363mm TBB

I initially thought I had feeding issues when using fully-loaded PMags but after cutting off 2-3 coils off my tappet plate spring and re-assembling that issue went away. I think it's good for people to be aware that there MAY be feeding issues, but honestly I think the pricing is good enough so you can afford to get a bag to try them out and pass onto your buddies if it doesn't work out. The issue rate seems pretty darn low, unless people aren't speaking up...

In any case, Renegade of BBBastard picked up a couple of bags for some scientific testing based on the biodegradeability (is that even a word?), so maybe we'll have some interesting talking points soon. On another note, we left some in a water bottle out on the field in the sun before we left and we'll check up on them the next time we're at the Waterdown field.

Last edited by Stealth; April 22nd, 2013 at 13:19..
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Old April 22nd, 2013, 12:58   #14
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Some team mates and myself have been using the bioshot .28 for the last three weeks in a bunch of diff gun and mag set ups and have had no issues what so ever.

I run a custom M4 with a madbull 6.03 TB and a CA hop up and a mix of TM 68rd mags and magpul pmags 75rd. No feeding issues and bbs fly true.

As well as a TM M14 stock hop up and barrel. King arms 70rd mags. Again no issues.

My buddy runs a ICS sig 552. Madbull 6.03 TB with 50rd ICS mags. He has no issues. He also runs a KWA MP7 ans when its not to cold for the gas the bbs are perfect.

ICS M4 stock. With ICS hicap and VA 120rd metal mags. Once again runs like a dream with the .28s

From what I have seen. I will be using these bbs till they stop selling them.

IMHO best bios out there.
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Old April 22nd, 2013, 13:22   #15
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Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
Crom (correct me if i botched this, going from memory):
airsoftdepot metal m4 mags 120rnds (brand unknown)
airsoft-club metal hop-up unit
stock inner barrel
guarder clear hop-up sleeve
correction... I was running a 6.03 tight bore from airsoft-club (no brand name)
side note, this barrel doesnt like madbull .36, but was fine for the bioshots...

and ARS hop up sleeve rubber... and the metal hop up unit was a cyma...
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