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pistol dilemma


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Old April 1st, 2013, 18:13   #1
yan101's Avatar
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pistol dilemma

I am starting to shop around for a gaz/co2 pistol, since aep are really hard to get and have very low power...
Even when playing outside, I plan to get a few hundred shot from it every game.
My goal is accuracy, range and efficiency.
I am looking to get either a KWC desert eagle (the size is not a problem), a KWC 1911 (not my favorite look but easy to get mag), a socom gear gemtech oasis (nbb) and a we black hi-capa baby 3.8 b-version – ta custom.
I read a couple of revue of each model. I did get a couple of shot out of a desert eagle, 1911 and socom gear, but I am still unsure and don’t have the budget to get all 4.
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Old April 1st, 2013, 18:23   #2
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Get a pistol that you can get a real holster for, not a generic nylon taco.

Get a pistol that you can get magazines for. Make sure the mags don't eject all the BBs if you bump them on reloads.

Get a pistol that suits the way you game.

Multiple pistols are fine if you can afford them.

It sounds like you want a TM Hi Capa based on your post.
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Old April 1st, 2013, 18:29   #3
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None of the pistols you listed will be anywhere close to your goals. The Oasis NBB might do it, but there's no real upgrades available, so if stock performances are not good enough for you, you are screwed.

I would look for Tokyo Marui pistols, or KSC/KWA pistols. The Maruis are more accurate, but the KSC/KWA are slightly more gas efficient.

If you want a very accurate pistol with tons of possible upgrades look for a Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa.
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Old April 1st, 2013, 18:45   #4
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I would go with KWA Pistol...shoots like a hammer and I never had a mag/gas leak issue with any of them as of yet
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Old April 1st, 2013, 19:52   #5
The Chad
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I know its not a pistol but what about the mk1 carbine?
Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
If you were trying to insert a magazine into another magazine then I guess that would be indeed ghey. Inserting a magazine in a magwell seems rather hetero to me. The tape is merely metro, calling it ghey is rather absurd and makes it hard for the metro magazines to socialize with other magazines.
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Old April 1st, 2013, 19:54   #6
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KWA/KSC USP compact, marui P226
Ugly as they may be, those two probably have the best service life, reliability, and performance of any GBB pistol
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Old April 1st, 2013, 20:13   #7
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The Oasis is neat but it shoots hot out of the box for some places and the mags are sketchy. Bump it the wrong way and it's BB shower time.

The TM Sig is nice, I ran one for a few years and then had it transformed into and all metal beauty. It's in a few of the pistol threads.

The USPs are nice but some people have problems with the decocker/safety ceasing to work and others break triggers. Fixing them requires gynecologist tools.

This minute I have the TM 226, USPs from Tanaka (regular) KSC (Compact) and Tanio Koba (Tactical) an Oasis and a Wilson combat from Socom Gear. A KSC G19, TM G17, Marushin Five seveN & a MGC P7M13. The last two are the only ones I won't take to a skirmish (and if there was some sort of 80s event and I had an UZI I'd have the P7 out too).
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Old April 1st, 2013, 20:15   #8
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Might just be me, but I've had great luck with my WE glock. Considering it was a machine pistol model and I put more than 5k rounds through it without a single problem before I sold it, I think.

I would personally stay away from WE hi capas though....even with a jury fixed midframe it still had many retarded might even be able to find my thread regarding with that lol

My KWA M93R Special Ed. is a heavy piece of block, but has lasted a good 8000 rounds. The only "problem" with it is that it reached the gas cooldown point after just two magazines and holsters are....non existent.

I would recommend a Tokyo Marui Glock or WE Glock if you can't afford a TM or if that isn't your flavour then a TM Hi Capa. Can't go wrong with a TM and with literally tons of aftermarket parts!
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Old April 1st, 2013, 21:18   #9
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If you're looking at a WE Hi-Capa, don't get the 3.8. Get a 4.3.
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Old April 1st, 2013, 22:41   #10
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I got a Baby Hi Capa and the two problems I have had so far are leaky mags, and the screws that go into the plastic lower frame have been stripped. Not the screws themselves but the "quality" plastic and they wont stay tight. So now the frame has slipped 1mm from where they connect just enough for the beaver tail safety to fly out. Make sure you get the models with two screws on each side of the grip and not the single ones and save yourself this repair.
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Old April 1st, 2013, 22:45   #11
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
KWA/KSC USP compact, marui P226
Ugly as they may be, those two probably have the best service life, reliability, and performance of any GBB pistol
I had a KSC USP compact and the trigger snapped on me under regular use. Granted it was a non-system 7 so they probably improved the build quality since then.

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Old April 1st, 2013, 23:12   #12
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TM or Kwa
Kwa are great bangs for the buck
TM are more expensive, but IMHO the best you can get and will last you forever if you take care of them.

You can't go wrong with Trillions of parts available everywhere

Classifieds is a great place to shop in my experience
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old April 3rd, 2013, 15:56   #13
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any one use the KJW MK1?
From what I read, it seems like a good long range pistol; Accurate and easy to adjuste.
The efficiency might be low (1 refill/mag).
I am a amateur leatherworker so my pistol (what ever I get) will have a custom holster.

The price tag is low, could use it until I get TM that really catch my eyes.
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Old April 3rd, 2013, 16:01   #14
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Originally Posted by yan101 View Post
any one use the KJW MK1?
From what I read, it seems like a good long range pistol; Accurate and easy to adjuste.
The efficiency might be low (1 refill/mag).
I am a amateur leatherworker so my pistol (what ever I get) will have a custom holster.

The price tag is low, could use it until I get TM that really catch my eyes.
I actually just picked one up. Seems like a decent pistol for the price. Shoots hot like everyone says if you are planning to play CQB or if your field has tight limits on fps for pistols. There are people who make drop in mods that restrict the flow from the mag dropping the FPS. You can also run it on duster gas to reduce the fps.
I have just plinked with mine in my backyard and love it so far. Will be gaming with it in a couple weeks.
Oh and on the topic of efficiency, if you are shooting fast, yeah its crap. If you are shooting slower you can squeeze about 2 mags worth of gas out of it.
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Old April 3rd, 2013, 17:00   #15
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Originally Posted by yan101 View Post
any one use the KJW MK1?
From what I read, it seems like a good long range pistol; Accurate and easy to adjuste.
The efficiency might be low (1 refill/mag).
I am a amateur leatherworker so my pistol (what ever I get) will have a custom holster.

The price tag is low, could use it until I get TM that really catch my eyes.
The hard trigger pull makes it difficult to shoot rapidly and accurately at close range. You will be disadvantaged in CQB against regular GBB users.

On the other hand, it is not a noisy pistol, so it is best used outside to stealthily shoot your opponents, kind of like a TM MK23 without the silencer.

Also, you should know that this pistol will dry fire when the magazine is empty, it doesn't lock like a GBB when it is out of ammo. Expect to lose fire fights once in a while because you are dry firing at your opponents.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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