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eotech holosight reticle question


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Old January 11th, 2012, 23:09   #1
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eotech holosight reticle question

I've had 2 different eotech 552 and on both the reticle would always stay above the front iron sight now matter how much i played with the elevation screw. is this normal? basically it never got to the point of being on top of the front iron sight like this. there was always space in between. seems to me like its always gonna be less accurate then using a front and back iron sight?

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Old January 12th, 2012, 00:22   #2
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The idea is that it's a lot faster to line up than irons.

It is nice to be able to zero it though. What brand do you have?
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Old January 12th, 2012, 00:49   #3
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just a clone. element/techforce i believe
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Old January 12th, 2012, 00:51   #4
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give it a smack ... the adjusrments could just be sticking
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Old January 12th, 2012, 00:52   #5
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it should be zeroed to both front and rear sights. if your line of sight is above the rear, the eotech sight will be above the front.

look through rear sight and zero the eotech to the front post.
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Old January 12th, 2012, 11:59   #6
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i dont actually use rear sight. i placed the eotech right above the loading handle on the same spot the rear sight used to be.

I mean i can line them up by moving my head but its a very awkward firing position...
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Old January 12th, 2012, 12:06   #7
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Move it forward, over the magazine or further.
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Old January 12th, 2012, 13:38   #8
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Move it forward, over the magazine or further.
This. Remember, the holosight is not a scope. It's intended to by used at a distance from your eyes. And unlike a scope, it's intended to be used with both eyes open. That's what gives the optical illusion that your reticle is actually floating out in front of your target rather than being inside the unit on the gun.

If you really want to align it to your actual iron sights, then you can fit a BUIS behind the EOTech. That way, you can truly align it with your irons.
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Old January 12th, 2012, 13:47   #9
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It's not meant to co-witness your sights.

This is normal.

Remember, it's not really meant to be more accurate (altought it should be comparable) but rather to be faster to aim.
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Old January 12th, 2012, 13:51   #10
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1. Some of the cheapo clones.....are not so cheap and don't mechanically work. There have been batches of them that never actually adjusted windage/elevation and some that if you went past a certain point they would simply break. If you're turning the adjustment and it doesn't do anything...and then turning it the other way and it doesn't do anything...then it's broken (see 2nd point first) and good for nothing but show.

2. When comparing to your iron need to be looking through/aligned with BOTH your rear and front iron sights to see if moving your RDS is working. Comparing with just one or the other won't work.

3. You should be zero'ing your iron sights (i.e. move the point of aim so that it's where you want it in relation to your point of impact)...and then zero your optics (ignore the iron sights) to do the same thing. Then put it them together and see where it lines up. Theoretically it'll be the same and the reticle of your RDS will be right on the tip of your front sight if you're looking through the rear sight...mechanically (especially with shitty spec airsoft stuff) they can be very different.

4. Since these are not true paralax free holographic sights...these clones are a little goofy. Don't sweat that. Zero your irons...put the RDS where you want it on the gun and then zero the RDS. Best way to do that is to shoot a paper target from a decently supported a decent distance (i.e. 50'+). You will have to fine tune when you get out to longer ranges....and realize that BB's don't follow the same balistic path as bullets. For all intents and purposes assume the flight of the BB is dead flat/straight until you get a handle on things.

5. As said...with these sights you can have the RDS mounted pretty much anywhere along the top of your gun. You're supposed to use it like a "heads up display". Put reticle on target...hit target. Just supposed to be quick. All in all....for CQB I find point shooting as quick and pretty much as accurate. For a careful aimed shot, I've found irons to be just as accurate...and aside from a glowing dot/reticle being easier to pickup in a dark forest/low light environment...I haven't really found that they were a "must have". Looks cool though.

Hope that helps.

Last edited by m102404; January 12th, 2012 at 13:53..
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Old January 12th, 2012, 13:57   #11
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Co-witness, you can see the irons through the optic. So if your battery dies for example you don't have to remove the optic to keep fighting.

A lot of folks try to just wind the red dot up to match the front iron's post and that's not ideal in my books.

As a side note even with a dead battery an EOTech makes a nifty ghost ring.
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Old January 12th, 2012, 16:17   #12
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thanks everyone for the input. i was indeed using it as a scope closing one eye and aiming with it lol. after work ill try to tinker with it a bit, move it on the rail to find my ideal spot.

as for the above comment, mine came with a quick release
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Old January 13th, 2012, 22:45   #13
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i think i got it. moved the sight over the ejection port and reinstalled the rear iron. then i basically lined up all 3 and adjusted windage on the sight to they are perfectly alligned. now theoretically i can remove the rear one and it should fire straight by lining up the front iron with the holosight.
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Old January 13th, 2012, 23:56   #14
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When you use a red dot sight that's all you use. Don't line up the red dot with the iron and the target. Keep both eyes open and see past the front iron. It will just be background noise.
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Old January 16th, 2012, 00:32   #15
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Originally Posted by Warthog View Post
i think i got it. moved the sight over the ejection port and reinstalled the rear iron. then i basically lined up all 3 and adjusted windage on the sight to they are perfectly alligned. now theoretically i can remove the rear one and it should fire straight by lining up the front iron with the holosight.
Uh, no. You don't need to use anything else with a red dot. That's the entire point. The reticule will be where your BB's are hitting no matter where it is in your vision.

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