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problem with a user... Dirty Sanchez



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Old August 14th, 2006, 20:04   #91
Dirty Sanchez
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: vancouver
Originally Posted by ILLusion
Spitfire, please update us when you are satisfied with the transaction.

Dirty Sanchez, once the transaction is completed to satisfaction on both sides, we will look in to reinstating your access'.
If you need any help with contacting customs or Canada Post, give me a holler and I'll see what I can do to help.

thanks for all the help, but I think i can call them myself.

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Old August 14th, 2006, 20:10   #92
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Great, I hope this works out for the best.
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Old August 14th, 2006, 20:12   #93
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Originally Posted by Dirty Sanchez
Originally Posted by ILLusion
Spitfire, please update us when you are satisfied with the transaction.

Dirty Sanchez, once the transaction is completed to satisfaction on both sides, we will look in to reinstating your access'.
If you need any help with contacting customs or Canada Post, give me a holler and I'll see what I can do to help.

thanks for all the help, but I think i can call them myself.


heehee,man,you got busted this time...if you get spitfires' parts, just pay for it.
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Old August 15th, 2006, 08:35   #94
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Originally Posted by Dirty Sanchez
but please don't cut and paste our converstations... if you do, at least don't delete the 9 paragraphs of sexual content you sent to me late last night.
i don't know of any sexual paragraphs... all i did was ctrl+a, then ctrl+v...
i didn't send you anything like that myself. if you got something like that, tell me what it was cause i didn't write more then copied into the forum...

thanks agin to illusion for show us, what is to do if something gets lost.

anyway... i hope now everything turns ok and the deal will be compleated soon.
therefor i send you an email with my paypalaccount.

kind regards

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Old August 15th, 2006, 08:43   #95
Bravo One-Six
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Dirty Sanchez, if you think you have a valid complaint or that Spitfire has been doing anything outside of what would be acceptable to try to get paid for the item he sent, you forward all evidence of it to me ASAP.

Otherwise, I suggest you keep your wise cracks and petty insults (even if just in a joking or sarcastic manner) to yourself. As you said, we know the community is small and how things can get out of hand when assumptions are made. Please try to maintain a mature and professional demeanor so that you don't damage your credibility.

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Old August 15th, 2006, 17:23   #96
Dirty Sanchez
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Originally Posted by Bravo One-Six
Dirty Sanchez, if you think you have a valid complaint or that Spitfire has been doing anything outside of what would be acceptable to try to get paid for the item he sent, you forward all evidence of it to me ASAP.

Otherwise, I suggest you keep your wise cracks and petty insults (even if just in a joking or sarcastic manner) to yourself. As you said, we know the community is small and how things can get out of hand when assumptions are made. Please try to maintain a mature and professional demeanor so that you don't damage your credibility.

I was just being witty, lol.
I'm at work right now and I will pay pal you tonight. e-mail me at for your info.

Bravo 6:

Well I can't prove that he didn't send all the items as was discussed, I'm just bitter about the whole thing. Its basically his word against mine vise versa. Its just too bad he couldn't send the package C.O.D. as i requested that way none of this bullshit would have escalated to this point. I have contacted the post office and my request is under review, so hopefully i will get some money back for my lost goods. I would have liked to be mature about this whole thing, but its kinda hard when you have internet gangsters calling me a douche and semen recepticle... ok, maybe not that last one. I apologize for my acts of witty-ness but thats just the way I am.

Thankyou to those who didn't bash me until they heard both sides of the story.

Spitfire, You better not be spending the $190 on flesh-lights and double sided dildo's. Ok I'll stop.

Thanks everyone.

Deeeerty Sanchez.
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Old August 15th, 2006, 17:34   #97
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Originally Posted by Dirty Sanchez
Well I can't prove that he didn't send all the items as was discussed, I'm just bitter about the whole thing. Its basically his word against mine vise versa. Its just too bad he couldn't send the package C.O.D. as i requested that way none of this bullshit would have escalated to this point. I have contacted the post office and my request is under review, so hopefully i will get some money back for my lost goods.
It's not Spitfire's fault they don't offer such service in Swiss. It would of been way better on Spitfire's end if it was COD and much more "bullshit" on your end, first of all, you would of paid $190 at your door, he would of gotten the money and then you realize there are things "missing".

But then when that happens, u come back to the whole fiasco about him not senidng the right parts, and the go check through the same process Spitfire (where Illusion helped greatly) did, blah blah blah blah.

Anyway, my point is, COD wouldn't of helped in this situation, you would of still have to go call up customs to see if they seized parts, then claim insurance at Canada Post.

I'm surprised CP accepted your case to review since you received the package a whole month ago.
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Old August 16th, 2006, 03:00   #98
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just got my doubleside dildo *lol*
the thing is swiss post doesn't offer cod for canada, in switzerland itself there basicly is cod, but its just called diffrent...

hope everything gets fine :wink:

have to go to work now

best regards
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Old August 17th, 2006, 04:15   #99
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hy, just got the message from Dirty Sanchez that he paid
i give you the news if i have it on my paypal account :wink:

best regards
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Old August 17th, 2006, 05:25   #100
Freedom Fighter
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The gall some people display here is truely amazing sometimes. RE: Customs may have potentially removed an item or two from the shipment so fucking over the seller is completely fine ... ? What kind of logic is this? If Dirty had not been tracked down Spitfire would never have seen a dime. I'm still very skeptical that any items were actually missing - if there where items missing I'd get in touch with the seller, not fucking ignore him for a month. It sounds like one of those "my little brother posted that" type of scenarios and I don't believe a word of it.

Just my opinion, and I could be wrong but it's how I feel. I really don't have patience for this type of behaviour at all. There is still no excuse.

At any rate Spitfire, next time ... CASH UP FRONT. This time you got lucky. Don't mess around with that C.O.D. crap either. When a buyer flakes or can't pay for the items on delivery (yes it happens) then the items get returned to you and you get burned for the shipping price (twice - there and back to you) so avoid that aswell.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 06:53   #101
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k thanks to you FF!
got the money now :wink:

kind regards
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Old August 17th, 2006, 08:23   #102
Dirty Deeds
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I am of the same mind FF, very sceptical about the whole "Customs took some shit", and disturbed about the "So I won't for it" attitude.

Originally Posted by Spitfire
k thanks to you FF!
got the money now :wink:

kind regards
Glad to hear it man, and like an old saying goes, cash talks and bullshit walks.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 09:10   #103
Traveling Man
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Good to hear this has been cleared up. Sanchez good luck with the CP claim.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 15:56   #104
Dirty Sanchez
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Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
The gall some people display here is truely amazing sometimes. RE: Customs may have potentially removed an item or two from the shipment so fucking over the seller is completely fine ... ? What kind of logic is this? If Dirty had not been tracked down Spitfire would never have seen a dime. I'm still very skeptical that any items were actually missing - if there where items missing I'd get in touch with the seller, not fucking ignore him for a month. It sounds like one of those "my little brother posted that" type of scenarios and I don't believe a word of it.

Just my opinion, and I could be wrong but it's how I feel. I really don't have patience for this type of behaviour at all. There is still no excuse.

At any rate Spitfire, next time ... CASH UP FRONT. This time you got lucky. Don't mess around with that C.O.D. crap either. When a buyer flakes or can't pay for the items on delivery (yes it happens) then the items get returned to you and you get burned for the shipping price (twice - there and back to you) so avoid that aswell.
Sorry guy, but i never ignored spitfire. Now that he has his money i'm sure he'll back me up on this. Like i said before i wasn't even aware of this thread until a buddy sent the link to me. I'll admit I didn't wanna pay him the full amount as stated in the msn converstion he cut and paste since I didn' t get all the parts as promised, but this thread did help me realize that I was being a jackass and not wanting to investigate to see what really happened with my parts.

anyway, spitfires happy now, and i'm still happy with my 2 inches of hot dick.

To Illusion and the others who were open minded about the whole thing. Thank you.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 16:16   #105
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well you did ignore me twice, but this can happen... i also wrote you a pm, but never got an answer... thats why i told you ignored me... i am happy now, so reverify DS Age verification please
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