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CYMA Sig Sauer 556 from Section 8 sports


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Old October 18th, 2009, 00:27   #31
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I Did not call them but it just apears that way from the site

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old October 20th, 2009, 16:17   #32
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Yes, the Sig 556, Sig SG556, or whatever you would like to call it is made for Cybergun by CYMA and legally trademarked with Sig trades on the body, stock, and magazines.

People are correct in saying that Cybergun does not actually produce any of its airsoft. They do have it made by JG, CYMA, D-Boys, A&K, AGM, and a few others and then legally trademarks as they own the rights to about 24 different trademarks worldwide.

As for Section 8, I spoken with the owner several times and corresponded with him via email. They do not get in large quantities of anything at one time, and they do not import any black airsoft on their own. All of the black airsoft guns they get come from a source in Canada that imports them. As long as they have the model in stock that you want, you will get it provided you are 18+.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 03:48   #33
Con Murder
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? Uhh? Sketch factor just went up, I was told something different than augiedoggy... I live local to them and no, I'm not ordering through them. Not if they want my money first.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 03:52   #34
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when ordering anything online, don't you pay first?
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Old October 21st, 2009, 03:56   #35
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
when ordering anything online, don't you pay first?
I think he means pre-ordering since they don't have much, if anything, in-country.

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Old October 21st, 2009, 04:02   #36
Con Murder
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Ya, not in the back and not on the wall. "Be here in 3-6 weeks, debit or credit?"
Not happening.
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Old October 21st, 2009, 04:09   #37
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lol 3-6 weeks? wtf fuck that shit
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Old October 21st, 2009, 17:06   #38
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Originally Posted by Augiedoggy18 View Post
Yes, the Sig 556, Sig SG556, or whatever you would like to call it is made for Cybergun by CYMA and legally trademarked with Sig trades on the body, stock, and magazines.
Can you prove that? I'd buy a CYMA 556, but not a JP one.

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Old October 21st, 2009, 18:16   #39
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Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
Can you prove that? I'd buy a CYMA 556, but not a JP one.
What does it matter? It's pretty decent quality, I'll see for myself when I get some in soon.

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Old October 21st, 2009, 19:22   #40
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Con Murder, whats up?

Hello friends.
This is my first foray into forums so excuse me please, for any noobish reason I may give you. I use quality ICS and MdBull .25 or .28 bbs only, mid caps and a lesser SIG that has been worked up to 380fps with .2 all this I learned from here. I am a noob though, be kind.
I was asked by the fellows at section8 to post here about MY experiences and I will. I got a gun with a friend the very first time I walked in, so did my friend. We spent $300 each and were pleased by the service, I had been on this sight before and knew the tales of black guns for sale and some crack downs. But this was 2008 like June or July. They exchanged my friends AK47 because some wiring got messed, he got an M4 in exchange.
Next I heard the were importing some Mauzer Snipers that broke 500fps with .12g (I don't use .12g its just the box rating) so RCMP had them in Saskatchewan for some testing or something. Sure enough early 2009 up on the shelf for sale and successfully imported.
Today I spoke with them (I needed a part, they gave me the new Wires and connectors for free) and they told me about this mess, here on a forum I consult. I was disturbed a local didn't give them the respect they always gave their customers. I have watched as paintballers are given full service on all levels from hosting games to sponsoring. For airsofters I knew a guy whos pistol broke 2 weeks before moving to Saskatchewan. Section8 sent it back for service and then forwarded it to him, and it broke again. When section8 got it they couldn't do it on warranty again so they special ordered the nozzle and sent it up to him. For three months they fought for a customer who moved away. Thats good service.
Section8 has told me that they are able to do a full warranty for 30 days, when I mentioned how often it can be noob users and a user based malfunction the owner agreed, but didn't even think of stopping the 30 day warranty. This is our local supporters and they don't want a bad report.

Con I know you and I will talk with you. You have not done business with Section8 you stand around and look at stuff. Oh by the way, got my speed loader?
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 11:11   #41
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Yes, I can verify CYMA as the manufacturer, but I can't publicly post any details due to my position within the industry. My employer does not like us to publicly state who we work for, plus I don't want 800 PM's for people asking about every gun on the planet. I hope you understand my reasoning.
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 11:27   #42
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Let's not single anyone out here. So far Con Murder has simply stated that when he was in there physically they didn't have anything in stock regularly. Considering you were asked by Section 8, and have basically just repeated what Con already said (Great customer service, order things in randomly) it makes me wonder what this is all about.

All that's been said is nobody has ordered anything yet and that it seems strange to have to pay for something that should be in stock but instead will take "3-6 weeks" and has American laws posted. As stated he actually has bought something from there, so no he does not just "stand around and look at stuff". I'm not friends with the guy, and most likely will never meet him, but you seem to have singled him out for no other reason than to ask for your speed loader back.

Originally Posted by FirefightIIV View Post
Hello friends.
This is my first foray into forums so excuse me please, for any noobish reason I may give you. I use quality ICS and MdBull .25 or .28 bbs only, mid caps and a lesser SIG that has been worked up to 380fps with .2 all this I learned from here. I am a noob though, be kind.
I was asked by the fellows at section8 to post here about MY experiences and I will. I got a gun with a friend the very first time I walked in, so did my friend. We spent $300 each and were pleased by the service, I had been on this sight before and knew the tales of black guns for sale and some crack downs. But this was 2008 like June or July. They exchanged my friends AK47 because some wiring got messed, he got an M4 in exchange.
Next I heard the were importing some Mauzer Snipers that broke 500fps with .12g (I don't use .12g its just the box rating) so RCMP had them in Saskatchewan for some testing or something. Sure enough early 2009 up on the shelf for sale and successfully imported.
Today I spoke with them (I needed a part, they gave me the new Wires and connectors for free) and they told me about this mess, here on a forum I consult. I was disturbed a local didn't give them the respect they always gave their customers. I have watched as paintballers are given full service on all levels from hosting games to sponsoring. For airsofters I knew a guy whos pistol broke 2 weeks before moving to Saskatchewan. Section8 sent it back for service and then forwarded it to him, and it broke again. When section8 got it they couldn't do it on warranty again so they special ordered the nozzle and sent it up to him. For three months they fought for a customer who moved away. Thats good service.
Section8 has told me that they are able to do a full warranty for 30 days, when I mentioned how often it can be noob users and a user based malfunction the owner agreed, but didn't even think of stopping the 30 day warranty. This is our local supporters and they don't want a bad report.

Con I know you and I will talk with you. You have not done business with Section8 you stand around and look at stuff. Oh by the way, got my speed loader?
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