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CAW M24 vs CA M24


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old July 28th, 2005, 12:47   #16
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: La Jolla, CA
I wasn't considering a CA version, from the reviews (but I love the fluted barrel). I just couldn't find out if CA was CAW - like the 'W' meant "works" or something, on the end . The reviews of the CAW seemed like it was a different rifle. Now I know....

Accuracy is truly what I want, and simplicity (do I really want to drag around a can of gas?). I have only shot a Tanaka M24, so I have nothing to compare to, but this is what I DON'T GET:

Since these ARE SWS rifles, it seems like one of these companies would get their act together and just PRODUCE a version with:

More FPS (or adjustable, like Tanaka)
Fluted barrel
A few cool items incorporated, rather than buy and buy.

Seems like they could offer a finished rifle at a better price, rather than taking all these new parts out as soon as you get it, with a what-do-I-do-with-this-stuff-now, kind of thing. I'm sure a lot of you guys have some parts-box of almost new internals that no one wants! lol...

Saw that new Tanaka with the fluted and (ugly) long clip...But almost $600?

Thanks for all the feedback!
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Old July 28th, 2005, 13:03   #17
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The thing is, they don't produce pre-upgraded rifles because people upgrade them to their personal preferance. Beside, what fun would you have if everyone had a perfect copy of your super tuned sniper rifle? :wink:

The fluted barrel you mention is purely estetic in airsoft.

You mentionned you want something simple and acurate. the CA M24 is what you want. After a couple of upgrade, this rifle is the standard in sniping.

I have fired a couple diffrent sniper rifles, stocks and upgraded, and I must say, my M24 (fully tuned) is far more precise and constant.

The only drawback is the heavy bolt pull and trigger pull (can be atenuated with grease and good handling technique).
The rifle is a little noisyer than an APS2 with a silencer. The APS2 does only a little puff, barely noticable. My M24 make a distinct sound that don't travel far but when herd by the ennemy, followed by the lound WAK of the heavy BB hitting a hard surface or peace of gear really get the attention and make heads go down.


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Old July 28th, 2005, 13:14   #18
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Its hard choice but your afraid for bringing along your gas can with yoou on the field for the tanaka??? I've shot over 30 bbs with reffilling my mag (as sniper you dont to shoot that many bbs in a game) due to lack of time I've time to properly tune my rifle but I can say that poeple are afraid of that thing. Its your call I guess you've read all the pros and cons of each rifle its up to you to decide.
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Old July 28th, 2005, 16:47   #19
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If you have 2 mags for a Tanaka sniper rifle, you could go a whole weekend without filling back up with gas. For better consistancy, buy a good digital thermometer and carry it with you in games, mark the adjustable bolt to certain temperatures. This will keep the FPS very close and aid in long games where the temperature will change from afternoon to night time.
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Old July 28th, 2005, 16:50   #20
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I didn't know that you could get like 30 shots with a fill....Someone said about one clip (10 shots) and you re-fill. While you may not take that many shots in the roll of sniper, you MAY have to, but 30 would be more than enough (also looking for an upgraded SIG 552 to sling on my back).

So just hunting up a deal now: Tanaka M24 or a CAW M24. Anyone seen an in-depth review of the CAW (shooting, etc.)?

Thanks again.
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Old July 29th, 2005, 20:22   #21
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I have looked, but haven't found any review, never mind an in-depth one, of the CAW. I could just be unlucky or whatever, but just a heads up.
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