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Old September 10th, 2012, 00:28   #16
The Chad
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You know if you were to ever get caught doing anything illegal, let's say you had some pot on you and you also had your airsoft, they're gonna charge you with weapons offences too? Why do you think that is?

We don't assume when it comes to the law, know your shit, don't guess or take hearsay. The criminal code of canada is easily found online and speaks about airsoft. Read it, know it, there is no excuse for ignorance when it comes to the law.

We want you to become part of the community when you're of age, don't take it the wrong way. Like I mentioned before, search. This conversation happens waaay to often to tolerate when all the resources are at your fingertips, we do not spoonfeed often.
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Old September 10th, 2012, 00:34   #17
Cobalt Caliber
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Originally Posted by nerdyHippy View Post
ok i understand your seriousness....until the collecting hookers part.... but yes i understand, but i thought with the recent change in the law with the new catergory "uncontrolled firearms" that since it was below 500 fps, which means its below the requirement of a PAL if im correct, that means i can legally buy it, correct? well thanks, i'll take this all into consideration
Is that your final answer? Cause its wrong.

IN ONTARIO you cannot sell airsoft to anyone under 18

The rule you mentioned is for Importation laws only

You don't need a PAL to play. A PAL is if you own a firearm. These are *NOT* Firearms *UNLESS* you commit a crime with one.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old October 24th, 2012, 18:12   #18
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I am sixteen years old, and i have an airsoft team. We have airsofted at Flagraiders before and they knew we were under 18. All you need is a form signed by your parents saying your allowd to airsoft there. Its quite fun, message me if you ever want to airsoft with us.
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Old October 24th, 2012, 18:12   #19
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we have good guns, not crap ones from walmart. were also getting really goods from Toronto Airsoft soon too.
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Old October 24th, 2012, 18:22   #20
"bb bukakke" KING!
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it's not just a matter of maturity.. it's a matter of a field's INSURANCE POLICY. Some fields don't have a policy that can cover minors. Others do.

That's even before you get into whether or not the players of that field will accept a minor among them. Some players don't care... kids are easier kills. :P Some can't stand playing with minors.

It's not maturity, it's not gear, it's not size, it's not age.

Insurance first.

THEN everything else.
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Old October 25th, 2012, 00:39   #21
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Do many people show up at open airsoft on Tuesdays? I'm a student at Laurier and I'd love to be able to go airsofting again.
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Old October 25th, 2012, 01:33   #22
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What you will find is that most of the people here will advise you to wait until you're 18. I think most of us have already experienced how immature people can be (even when they are 18+). Being at least 18 ensures that you can be held responsible legally, and a hope that there is some maturity. You wouldn't ask the MTO to grant you a G license because you as an individual are (or think you are) more mature than your peers.

Airsoft in Canada is definitely a community based sport/hobby/whatever-you-want-to-call-it and generally, you get as much as you can put into this. Once you get to know the people here, you'll find that they're willing to share a wealth of knowledge and resources, so there's definitely a lot invested. You should see why the community wouldn't want to put it at risk by allowing minors to circumvent not only the rules, but the laws as well. Wait until you're 18+, and we'll see that you get your fair share of BBs shot your way. =)
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Old October 25th, 2012, 03:26   #23
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Allowing minors seems to really be based on the host, and having someone vouch and babysit. From what I've seen, most minors are as combat effective as a sack of potatoes. I've also seen them do incredibly stupid shit, including full auto on my face from 4 feet away when I came up to him from behind, because I was on his team...

I'll be honest, I was a dumbass when I was your age. I already had a lot of airsoft experience since I lived in another country, but I did my fair share of stupid shit. If you don't already have a gun, I'd recommend waiting until you can actually go to games before you invest in a gun. I had mine, and it sat around collecting dust for a few years before I turned 18.

Last edited by pestobanana; October 25th, 2012 at 03:27.. Reason: typo
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