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Old April 4th, 2009, 13:45   #16
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Originally Posted by King Cobra View Post
Would a field let me play if my dad was with me playing?
generally, for those exceptions, you have to be 16. That is seen as a common rule to let minors play. however, should the game host feel otherwise, then by all means. but usually, it is 16 WITH parent accompaniment to a game should a minor want to play.
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Old April 4th, 2009, 13:47   #17
King Cobra
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Hmm... In paintball they'll let you play if a parent drop's you off and sign's the forum :P Airsoft is much more strict.... I'll contact some of the local field's and ask them about there rule's and if they would let me play if I had consent with my parent's and I showed that Im responsible and respectful, and the first couple time's i'd play with my dad to show them i can be responsible and at any time if Im not responsible or respectful... they're welcome to boot and ban me from the field..
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Old April 4th, 2009, 13:52   #18
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First, there's no such thing as snipers in paintball. Only guys who think they are, but have no meaningful advantage over anyone else except for that fact paintballs don't break on ghillie suits. Sniping in airsoft isn't even in the same world.

Second, Turnbull basically summed up everything I was going to say. In order for a sniper rifle to have any meaningful advantage over an AEG, you have to be willing to sink a lot of money, time, and effort into it in addition to the cost of the rifle itself. Read: $400+, plus a long time playing with hop-up, BB, and FPS combinations to really make it an effective weapon.

Second, you'll need a secondary weapon, either a really effective pistol (like a TM Mk23) or a small SMG like an MP5. That, plus the upgraded sniper rifle, is probably $1,000 in kit right there.

You have to keep in mind that you'll have very little range and accuracy advantage over people with AEGs. Sure, a well tuned sniper rifle is (more) consistent at long range than an AEG, but the fact that the guy with the AEG can get off 20+ rounds for every one you do more than makes up for it.

Sniping in airsoft isn't about making long range kills, or standing at the edge of a firefight trying to "pick people off" (which is difficult, if not impossible). It's about scouting and reporting, of sneaking and recon. It's not uncommon for a sniper to play a 5 hour game and fire their rifle only once or twice.

LIke we said, we're not telling you this because we hate n00b snipers.. it's because it's a very bad role to start in. A lot of newbies who start as a sniper only play one or two games because they don't enjoy it one bit.

A much better idea, if you like the long-range role, is something like a DMR, like an SR-25 or G3-SG1, or even an M16 or G36. All those have long barrels that make them very accurate, plus you can use them as assault rifles for the traditional (and generally more fun) assault roles.

Originally Posted by King Cobra View Post
Hmm... In paintball they'll let you play if a parent drop's you off and sign's the forum :P Airsoft is much more strict....
That's because in Airsoft, we play with 1:1 replica firearms.. and young kids generally do stupid things with those. Not all, but most. I wouldn't get your hopes up to be able to play at 14. I don't know any fields in Canada that allow that. Stick around though, show you're mature and responsible, and some hosts may have no issue with letting you play when you're 16.

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Last edited by kalnaren; April 4th, 2009 at 13:54..
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Old April 4th, 2009, 13:55   #19
King Cobra
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Kal. I know the cost's that a Airsoft Sniper would need and so on. I'm very patient and I that's how I play in Paintball... I scout and gather intel and so on and usually get a few hit shots while doing it..... I'm into that kind of stuff.
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Old April 4th, 2009, 14:02   #20
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Originally Posted by King Cobra View Post
Hmm... In paintball they'll let you play if a parent drop's you off and sign's the forum :P Airsoft is much more strict.... I'll contact some of the local field's and ask them about there rule's and if they would let me play if I had consent with my parent's and I showed that Im responsible and respectful, and the first couple time's i'd play with my dad to show them i can be responsible and at any time if Im not responsible or respectful... they're welcome to boot and ban me from the field..
Paintball pretty much legal until someone in government decides to make a law stating that you cannot show little 68 caliber pellets of vegetable from an pneumatic gun.

Airsoft treads a much more gray area of the law, which is decided on a whim by the police officers and thier mood.

And if your heart is dead set on a sniper, here's my suggestion. Buy a VSR-10 and only upgrade the barrel and spring, put on a scope if you want it to look a bit meaner. If you play lone wolf sniper, stalking techniques become of upmost importance and those you can learn with any old gun (a sniper makes any gun a sniper rifle, a sniper rifle does not make a sniper). If you stick with a squad, then the psyshological impact of having a few guys back you up while you have a 'sniper rifle' is actually not to be discounted.

I've pinned down a 5 man section in an open field because I setup on the treeline and didn't fire a shot, just scoped the lot of them out. They didn't wanna get shot from ranges they couldn't reach just yet (they didn't realize my VSR-10 at the time was completely bone stock inside, if I had fired I would've given that away).

Last edited by WingZER0; April 4th, 2009 at 14:10..
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Old April 4th, 2009, 14:07   #21
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Originally Posted by King Cobra View Post
Hmm... In paintball they'll let you play if a parent drop's you off and sign's the forum :P Airsoft is much more strict.... I'll contact some of the local field's and ask them about there rule's and if they would let me play if I had consent with my parent's and I showed that Im responsible and respectful, and the first couple time's i'd play with my dad to show them i can be responsible and at any time if Im not responsible or respectful... they're welcome to boot and ban me from the field..
that is because airsoft isn't maintstream like paintball. we dont have waivers, or drop offs, or safety noob training before every game like they do at paintball fields.
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Old April 4th, 2009, 14:26   #22
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Sniper Rifle tuning is a complete bitch....

especially with the VSR...
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Old April 4th, 2009, 14:28   #23
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Originally Posted by King Cobra View Post
Hmm... In paintball they'll let you play if a parent drop's you off and sign's the forum :P Airsoft is much more strict.... I'll contact some of the local field's and ask them about there rule's and if they would let me play if I had consent with my parent's and I showed that Im responsible and respectful, and the first couple time's i'd play with my dad to show them i can be responsible and at any time if Im not responsible or respectful... they're welcome to boot and ban me from the field..
It might be up to the host of the game as well, not just the field.
The field might not have a problem with you playing but the host/players might. I think in Ont. your dad would be the owner of the gun until you are 18, as stated if he's playing beside you 16 might be allowable to some hosts.
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Old April 4th, 2009, 14:30   #24
The Saint
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King Cobra, I'd advise you to try and get your dad into playing airsoft now, even if you yourself can't play. You're much more likely to be allowed to play when you're 16 if you're dad's an established (and respected) member of the airsoft community.
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Old April 4th, 2009, 14:31   #25
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
Sniper Rifle tuning is a complete bitch....

especially with the VSR...
... I beg to differ... quite a bit actually... I can tear down my VSR-10, 100% to every little individual piece and re-assemble it much faster than I can do the same to any version of gearbox.

Tuning is only a bitch if you mix brands and cheap out on things.

And.. The VSR is the easiest I've found... Ever tried tuning a L96?
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Old April 4th, 2009, 14:35   #26
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post

And.. The VSR is the easiest I've found... Ever tried tuning a L96?
yes and THIS is a bitch!!! especially when installing a pdi hop up

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Old April 4th, 2009, 14:37   #27
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by King Cobra View Post
Hmm... In paintball they'll let you play if a parent drop's you off and sign's the forum :P Airsoft is much more strict.... I'll contact some of the local field's and ask them about there rule's and if they would let me play if I had consent with my parent's and I showed that Im responsible and respectful, and the first couple time's i'd play with my dad to show them i can be responsible and at any time if Im not responsible or respectful... they're welcome to boot and ban me from the field..
You can contact them all you want but to my knowledge there aren't any airsoft fields in Ontario that put games on without an ASC host to organize it.

It's not like paintball where you can just walk on and play. Airsoft games are organized via an ASC host. These hosts are the ones you need to contact when a game is scheduled. Being 14, you'll have to wait until you are at the least 16 and play with a parent along side. This is still up to the specific game host to allow or turn you away.

Take the time to read up and learn. Head out to some games to watch and interact with ASC members. Feel free to ask questions and there's always a good chance some will let you molest their gear and guns. Some may even let you shoot a gun or two in the chrony station just to get a feel for GBB's and AEG's. It'll just be a matter of how mature and responsible they feel you are. Once you start building that relationship and reputation, you'll find it much easier to be welcomed when you turn 18.
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Old April 4th, 2009, 14:44   #28
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
... I beg to differ... quite a bit actually... I can tear down my VSR-10, 100% to every little individual piece and re-assemble it much faster than I can do the same to any version of gearbox.

Tuning is only a bitch if you mix brands and cheap out on things.

And.. The VSR is the easiest I've found... Ever tried tuning a L96?
I don't mean that, I mean micro tuning Hop up rubbers and what not.
I do agree that it's really easy to tear down and what not.

Let's see you do a grouping test @ 30 or 40 feet :P
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Old April 4th, 2009, 14:46   #29
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
I don't mean that, I mean micro tuning Hop up rubbers and what not.
I do agree that it's really easy to tear down and what not.

Let's see you do a grouping test @ 30 or 40 feet :P
My hop is worn out right now, I've got a new one on the way, I'd be glad to do a grouping test for you
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Old April 4th, 2009, 15:08   #30
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
My hop is worn out right now, I've got a new one on the way, I'd be glad to do a grouping test for you
post it up on your VSR thread when you are done :P

and which one are you getting?
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