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Old July 13th, 2007, 22:42   #16
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I've long though a license to own airsoft guns would be a grand idea. Each license with a unique license number (much like a drivers license) and a national database available to all retailers. Would make it very hard for underagers to order online if they can't provide a license number. All this grey area of the law shit would fuck off then too.

Out of Sport. Have Fun!
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Old July 14th, 2007, 00:20   #17
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Well, there's not much doubt this is a Canadian forum! Wow. Lady Liberty is down, let's spit on her and kick her in the back, quick.

I'm not preaching, but I suggest some people look into Libertarian writings if they get a chance. Even fucking Trudeau said what consenting people do on their own time and property should be free from gov't interference.

And I suggest none of you have a realistic impression of what gov't interference really entails. You'll spend half your time saying, "that doesn't make sense!" and the other half saying, "but that's just spiteful and completely contrary to the nature of airsoft!".

And there's the issue of basic human rights. In Canada we don't have property rights, the Conservatives proposed we should but it's going no-where. But if you were free men and had property rights, then you'd be aghast at the thought of the gov't coming to your house and telling you what you can or can't own or use.

Property Rights
We hold that property rights are entitled to the same respect and protection as other individual rights, because the owner of property has the full moral right to control, use, dispose of, or in any manner enjoy her/his property without interference, until and unless the exercise of her/his control infringes upon the rights of others.

Last edited by Luckyorwhat; July 14th, 2007 at 00:26..
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Old July 14th, 2007, 00:31   #18
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All I need to know now is... who do we talk to ,and where do we go to get this shit done?
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Old July 14th, 2007, 00:34   #19
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
All I need to know now is... who do we talk to ,and where do we go to get this shit done?
Im on board.. as said earlier, if it means dishing out a bit of time, a few bucks to ally enough with the govt and give us better retailers and importation, Im for sure in, im sure we can agree enough on that. If it would ever happen.. thats another story. Are we preaching to the devil here or what?
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Old July 14th, 2007, 01:18   #20
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Maybe, but I'll sure as hell donate a nice grand to the cause if we can get someone to lead the fight..
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Old July 14th, 2007, 04:21   #21
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I know a lawyer! but only because I got divorced.

The comment was a funny at the time, now Im just sad again.
I have to go cuddle my M4 now.

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Old July 14th, 2007, 15:07   #22
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Well you could do it with a real gun, but all that would be done to it must be done at your local shooting range. Because once your finished firing the gun and finished using it you must give it to your shooting range so they can lock it up. So i dont know how this would work with airsoft? have it locked at a airsoft field that is probably 50km from your house, and you would need a tech at each place to get your aeg fixed and upgraded, duno but sounds darn stupid.
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Old July 14th, 2007, 18:30   #23
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There would have to be alot of work and research done before the final plan would launch.

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Old July 14th, 2007, 19:50   #24
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yup, but lets say some times when the goverments try to do stuff and they dont have much knowledge about it. Well it uselly goes kapoute.
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Old July 14th, 2007, 20:07   #25
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As of now, the police's is gonna take care of this.

Still, the law prohibiting airsoft has not been removed yet. So yeah, it's a semi-gray area, but it's a good start.

If you guys want the details, let me know (e.g. The proposed law itself.)
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Old July 14th, 2007, 20:09   #26
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
I'd say it's a step in the right direction (especially considering the lack of fps limits over there), and it's something I'd do if required. I think it looks better for those who engage in the sport responsibly.
Just a heads up on FPS, there has been a issue recently on regulating that when an airsofter accidentally injured one by hitting a BB (I think it was 500-600 range, not sure) near the eye area during a game (I don't know if he was protected so as for BBs not to hit the eye region.). Guy got injured, but is said to recover. Initially, he was reported to be almost blinded if he weren't treated right away.

That said, lot of airsofters say that nationwide FPS regulations in playing the game should be amended. So far, nothing yet, but serious discussions about it.
"Kashe baimunim, kal bakrav"
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Old July 18th, 2007, 01:00   #27
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Originally Posted by Dark-Angel View Post
Well you could do it with a real gun, but all that would be done to it must be done at your local shooting range. Because once your finished firing the gun and finished using it you must give it to your shooting range so they can lock it up. So i dont know how this would work with airsoft? have it locked at a airsoft field that is probably 50km from your house, and you would need a tech at each place to get your aeg fixed and upgraded, duno but sounds darn stupid.
Those are Quebec rules, not Canada. Quebec is more like Communist Russia than a free country, in that respect. Come to Alberta where you can keep your rifle behind your seat so long as your coat is over it.
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Old July 18th, 2007, 22:34   #28
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Originally Posted by Luckyorwhat View Post
Those are Quebec rules, not Canada. Quebec is more like Communist Russia than a free country, in that respect. Come to Alberta where you can keep your rifle behind your seat so long as your coat is over it.
Then again, Calgary isn't close to one of the hottest hotspots for gun crimes.
Unfortunately, wanksters deal illegal guns from TO to MTL from the states. As time proved unforgiving, gun related crimes & suicides has been a problem as well, so the government is trying to restrict the accessibility to weapons.

Now you might think Quebec is Communist Russia (even the commies never really restricted gun use or possession), but I'd like to think that I do prefer a system that does try to limit the number of dumb asses running around with guns. It's not the gun that kills, but the person... mankind ain't perfect so lets try to save ourselves from ourselves. /rant Although Dark Angel makes a point, I like cuddling my launchers ...

Having a PAL issued even for airsoft would give us an edge over the criminals. How? It's like propaganda, we follow the rules, the government acknowledges our existence, and when everything goes bad, only the criminals take the blame, not our hobby - note that this applies to illegal purchases related to gun crimes. A registry would also help in the pure foundations of our sport, like organizing a pan Canadian game in solidarity, to raise funds for a cause or even competition (kind of like in Italy where it is recognized as a sport). It would also provide an informative approach for those interested, since all government handled permits come with instructions of sorts, as well as rules and guide lines (FPS restriction).

- Cankam
Always run, never think twice, live to fight another day and remember this simple saying: "You are not Superman, and you don't shit ammo out of your ass Monkey Boy!"
Only idiots throw rocks at authority. The smart ones are those that are behind authority, ready to stab it in the back.

Last edited by CanKam; July 18th, 2007 at 22:38..
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Old July 18th, 2007, 23:33   #29
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
Maybe, but I'll sure as hell donate a nice grand to the cause if we can get someone to lead the fight..
Donation eh? Excellent. It's not official yet, still working on a few documents & guidelines to present to Customs & RCMP. Things are moving along but slowly. I'm glad some of you are receptive to some sort of regulation in airsoft.
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