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Review: Jing Gong G36C



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Old April 18th, 2007, 20:40   #16
KoolAidMan's Avatar
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I'm thinking of getting 2 of these JG ,or a Ca m15a4 if i get the JG's i can bring a friend along with me for the occasional splatters game so its a tough decision.

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old April 18th, 2007, 20:55   #17
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ive converted my jing gong into a classic army. most of the parts fit but barely. the gear box is a really tight fit and the body pin wont fit in where its suppoed to. but its still pretty good. very good buy.
You have to be familliar with the smell of crap to understand someone with their head up their own ass.
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Old April 19th, 2007, 00:47   #18
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i had a team mate get the jg m4. i agree jg guns are VERY close to tms, i would go for a jg over a tm to be honest, due to the price. you end up replaceing internals anyways so why buy the same gun for more?

anywho, we found a similar issue on the m4, reasponse seemed fine, but the gun actually stopped eworking after 200rnds. i broke it down and founthe wireing shoddy. its still good, but there was a short do to a bad connection, so i repaired that and the gun has now seen 1000+ rnds problem freen since. i extreemly reccomend these guns now.

we cronied it the other day, a stock ca m41 sar - 275fps, stock jg 340+-fps. THAT is impressive to me. and the m4 was actually very accurate (no more than a stock tm, but no worse) for what i was expecting.
Age verifier southern Alberta

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a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.

Last edited by swatt13; April 19th, 2007 at 00:50..
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Old April 19th, 2007, 15:53   #19
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Originally Posted by mellvis View Post
I was trying to find Jing Gong's website on the net (apparently they don't have one up yet) and I came across this article.

First off, nice review. It's brief, not too technical and straight-to-the-point.

But one thing from your review shocked me so badly, that I just had to register here and tell you. In fact, I'm completely offended by the price buyairsoft is charging you guys. If only you could see the look on my face, I wouldn't have to be typing this message...

Let me be blunt. Your friend got ripped off. Here in the Philippines, the highest price for the JG G36C is being sold at is around 4.8k Pesos, or roughly $96 USD. That's almost 1/3 what he paid.
Hey Mellvis, bit late on this thread but I don't feel ripped off at all, even if it was shipped straight from the Phillippines here, factor in the exchange rate, then shipping charges, any seller mark-ups, taxes etc (retailers are allowed their share eh), the JG also was shipped from Alberta so add a few bucks extra shipping on that. Compared to the TM's and CA's out there, how awesome this G36's is working, how much I love it, I feel I got a deal.
Things aint as cheap here as they are there..
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Old April 19th, 2007, 22:44   #20
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If i get the The Jg's I'm gettting either the M4 M16 AK or G36c not sure wich to get thought

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old April 20th, 2007, 19:36   #21
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the stock on the JG's is an inch smaller then then classic army stock. i kind of like it a little shorter. ive put my JG G36 threw alot and its still working great, now im just waiting for my JG spets to come in so i could put it to the test.. ill let you all know how it goes..
You have to be familliar with the smell of crap to understand someone with their head up their own ass.
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Old May 31st, 2007, 09:10   #22
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where can i bring the gun to be cleaned out and checked over once i buy it??

where can i find a good gunsmith?
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Old May 31st, 2007, 10:05   #23
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combat, the JG G36C comes with a barrel cleaner. Just put a small piece of paper towel on the end and push the into the the barrel. As for checking it out, why don't you see how it is first. Perhaps you don't need help at all.

Oh yes a minor update to the review I guess. The JG G36C has been fielded a handful of times and it's performed very well. Shoots as straight as a TM/CA and absolutely no problems from the gun or battery whatsoever. A few thousand rounds have been shot through it and it's still fires like new.

Team GHOSTS - Fides et Amicitia

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Old May 31st, 2007, 12:08   #24
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Nice review Colin. Sheds alot of light on the quality control
of the JG guns, or should I say lack there of, but hey, it's a
cheap (outside Canada) China clone. I'd buy one for the
right price and use it for an outside beater.

That JG mech makes my new Systema m170 magnum set
look like a thing of beauty
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Old June 1st, 2007, 10:45   #25
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jing Jong g36c

Yes i should do that but they are out of stock right now

I have the TM G36c and its my first aeg and I like it....this would be a second gun so i can reuse mags and stuff and a friend can use it

the price is very attractive thats for sure
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Old June 1st, 2007, 10:52   #26
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kika93's paris france review translated

Subject: Jing Gong G608 (HK G36C) [ AEG ] Dim 24 Déc - 18:50


Initially, hello with all, it is my first post on the forum even if I follows it since step badly of time

Then here is after step badly of research on the cheap I let myself try by the G36C of JG even if it cruelly misses reviews of this counterpart on the Net.

I bought it 100? at Gunner, delivered by airmail of 14 days, and I did not pay the customs.

Limps (not of marking EC):

First of all, it is heavy! 2800g (like the RS), it was one of my criteria of purchases in order not to find me with a counterpart not expensive, but so light that precisely Ca would have made "cheap too much", and well I am been useful!

The completion is very good, even if the plastic is all that there is of more traditional. No the play between the parts, very is adjusted perfectly. My fear related to the stick rabatable, and well the articulation is out of metal and the whole has the very solid air. The caoutchou in end of stick is of good quality (moless, touched).

Idem for the remainder of the counterpart, an impression of general solidity out of spring. There are parts metal (the same one as TM, it is a copy at 100%): selector (which have the robust air), rails, trigger, aiming, mask flame, various parts of junctions (as for the stick), fixings for a thin strap of transport, etc...

There are no markings on the body except a kind of square smooth of 2x2cm on a side which constraste with the granularity of the remainder of the body as well as a made in clouded below the stick beside screws driving chock.

The magazine is a copy of Hi Cape Marui: 470bb, 2000 drawn balls ICS without any blow with vacuum (blocking which I had initially noted with the delivered sachet of balls was thus surely with the bad quality of the balls delivered with).

The mini battery 1100mah is fixed in the guard hand very easily, it is enough to push a pin then to draw it on other side. The fitting is with the mm near and Ca does not move of a hair. Side autonomy it holds the day (2000 bb).

With regard to the power, the announced 330FPS seem well there, Ca types (update extremely: passage to the chrony guarder between 350 and 360fps)! Level gives rhythm, I would say small ten bb to the second, they are not monstrous. The precision at exit of limps is good, I group on a target of 25x25cm with 20m, I waits until the join hop up is done before regulating the bodies of aiming and the hop up. Its access is very sympatic on the other hand: it is necessary to draw a kind of retractable lever which takes along with him the trape of ejection of the casings (out of metal) derière which is the mollette adjustment, rather broad. Edict: after the first test of the hop up, it goes extremely: to the minis of the 0,23 leave straight, to maximum they fall Ã*.pic to 15m.

It is thus delivered with a mini batery 1100mah and a charger who never had to be used on a European catch because he returns ONLY in catches PUNTS to 2 holes (without ground thus), the fault with the edge of the normal catches which prevents to insert it. Only one catch in my house is appropriate ^^
There is also a pull knob of maintains and a sachet 200 balls (berk) but not bb loader...: /

To finish some details:

__________________________________________________ _______________

2e Part: Gearbox disassembling

Here some photograph of the interior of the gearbox.

One little to say that it is lubricated!! there is everywhere!
The unit inspires solidity, the GEARS are out of metal and they have me the air ultra costau (marking turnover < - > Classic Army???), on the other hand the plastic blanc/jaune of the tapet punts and consors made cheap, but in the worst case it is not dearest A to change. The join of the piston seems to float. The bushings are out of plastics. The engine is étiquetté Shuang Ba, like the battery.
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Old July 5th, 2007, 00:56   #27
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I got mine yesterday and im very very happy with it. The gun shoot loud, i still want to find a gun doc in my region to show me how to replace the bushings and clean/regrease the gearbox.
Finished and installed my SL8 style stock.
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Old July 5th, 2007, 01:16   #28
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I picked one up about a week ago. Love it too.
Gotta take it apart and mosfet it, deans connectors, and metal bushings and shim. AND REPAINT THE #$$%$^% ORANGE FLASH HINDER.

To take apart:

shimming ( a bit of science and a bit of art)

Last edited by Syn; July 5th, 2007 at 01:19..
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Old July 5th, 2007, 01:48   #29
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could you post how the deans connectors work out for you.
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Old July 5th, 2007, 01:58   #30
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Originally Posted by trevor View Post
could you post how the deans connectors work out for you.
Required reading:

I use deans now, and the improvement is appreciable... Don't solder them yourself unless you are comfortable with a soldering iron. Also, when disconnecting, use care and grip by the actual connector and not by the wire.
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