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Are you under 18 years old? - Discussion Thread



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Old May 18th, 2006, 23:06   #91
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Originally Posted by thephenom
Originally Posted by mtallman
Here's a question for you.
Why can I (a minor) walk into the local sporting goods store and buy live ammunition (ex/ 12 guage, 9mm, .45 ACP etc), but I can't buy 6mm BB's.

Something doesn't make sence there.
Who's restricting you from buying 6mm BBs? There's no law, rules or regulation of any sort restricting the purchase of BBs by a minor. :smack:
It may just be certain stores' policies, but the stores around here have the little "MUST BE OVER 18" stickers on the boxes.
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Old May 18th, 2006, 23:09   #92
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Originally Posted by mtallman
Originally Posted by thephenom
Originally Posted by mtallman
Here's a question for you.
Why can I (a minor) walk into the local sporting goods store and buy live ammunition (ex/ 12 guage, 9mm, .45 ACP etc), but I can't buy 6mm BB's.

Something doesn't make sence there.
Who's restricting you from buying 6mm BBs? There's no law, rules or regulation of any sort restricting the purchase of BBs by a minor. :smack:
It may just be certain stores' policies, but the stores around here have the little "MUST BE OVER 18" stickers on the boxes.
You can go to Canadian Tire or Wal-Mart to buy those crappy Crosman 0.12g BBs without being ID-ed. And more prime example, you can buy BBs on ASC on the Accessories Section where age verification isn't needed.

Whatever store(s) isn't selling a minor BBs is kinda retarded, but then again, if a minor doesn't have an airsoft and buy BBs for the heck of it is even more retarded.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 00:05   #93
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Originally Posted by thephenom
Originally Posted by mtallman
Here's a question for you.
Why can I (a minor) walk into the local sporting goods store and buy live ammunition (ex/ 12 guage, 9mm, .45 ACP etc), but I can't buy 6mm BB's.

Something doesn't make sence there.
Who's restricting you from buying 6mm BBs? There's no law, rules or regulation of any sort restricting the purchase of BBs by a minor. :smack:
Your right, I was thinking the same thing but didnt know exactly, there is no reason why you cant buy bb's, there are less powerfull cheap bb guns out there. You just cant purchace an airsoft gun under 18 or any replica weapons.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 04:06   #94
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Some of the slightly more mature under 18s are just worried that by the time they can legally buy airsoft, the sport we all know and love will be made illegal because some dumb-ass under 18 kid was playing airsoft with his/her Crapsman Crap-air gun and someone got their eye shot out (reminds me of that movie "A Christmas Story"). The less mature ones who don't deserve real airsoft just wanna shoot up shit. But even though I am under 18, I agree with restricting airsoft to 18+. There will be some mature-enough-already under 18s out there who feel that this is unfair, but the sign of real maturity is being able to wait that extra year or two.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 06:32   #95
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Again, what the bitchers forget is that they CAN PLAY if they bother to follow a few rules.
But some are too dumb to even check out those rules.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 10:02   #96
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
Again, what the bitchers forget is that the CAN PLAY if they bother to follow a few rules.
But some are too dumb to even check out those rules.
Very True, all they really care about is showing off and shooting everybody with to them "harmless plastic balls" - That is a real quote one of my brothers very imature (very underage) friends said to me about airsoft...
Only problem is his dad lets him do whatever he wants. so nothing to gain.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 16:03   #97
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Originally Posted by Black Eagle
Ok, I'm a minor for still for 7 months, I have played in a pistol game one year ago(maybe less, not sure), I rent a pistol and I played, everybody who were there found me correct, my parents where there, if I buy a gun now with my parents, before the 7 remaining mounths are over, do you think it will be ok? because nobody never said I was irresponsible, I have played a lot of paintball games before and I know how important is safety with guns, my sergeants were clear enough on that point in the army...

just to kbe really sure if I will be ok to have one...
If your parents buy the gun for you, then it's fine. But they have full ownership until you are 18, and even then they still have ownership if they don't want you to have it (I doubt this, if you're responsible and mature).

[To the best of my knowledge]
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Old May 21st, 2006, 18:48   #98
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Actually, with regards to bobthemonky...(this might sound kinda dumb to the rest of you)...but are you "the kid"? If so first off, what's with the sig sauer? what happened to the socom?

And to the rest of you, while I can't really speak on behalf of his maturity level since it has come into question before, and there have been more than a few times where I myself have had some serious doubts about him.

I can however vouch that he is telling the truth. I've met him many times and he does come to play with us every Sunday, and I've heard he frequents the other days as well. He plays just as well as the rest of us (hell he's armed better than lots of us) and more or less follows all of the rules. (I say more or less because though I've heard stories, I haven't witnessed any infractions myself.) Several people have met his father as well, though I don't think he plays at all he has been involved.

And with regards to employment I was under the impression 14 was the legal age? I got my first job at 14 and have been working since. I've also known many dishwashers and bussers (being a chef) who were 14 so as far as I knew it was ok?
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Old May 22nd, 2006, 08:14   #99
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Fluffy; jobs, parents, money, maturity, whatever. None of it means anything to the Law.
If you are 18, fine.
If you are under 18, there are some rules to follow.
It's that basic.
Stay on topic.
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Old May 22nd, 2006, 11:19   #100
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When I was 13, My dad actually asked if I wanted an airsoft gun. It was in Korea so it was 10 bucks for an airsoft pistol. I think that my dad believes I'm resposible enough but I got it taken away once for shooting my sister in the ass but that's it. Maybe it's an asian thing.
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Old May 22nd, 2006, 11:25   #101
and how old r u now?
Old May 22nd, 2006, 18:31   #102
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His profile says 20, I wonder what it will be when he wants to get age-verified?
The kicker? He may not know you are likely the one to do the verification?
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Old May 23rd, 2006, 04:02   #103
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Staying on topic is fine, I'm just trying to say don't bash the kid too hard, he is one of the ones who did go through all the proper channels, (at least as far as I know). He was out playing with us yesterday actually. I've just seen a lot of replies to posts saying "you're 15, go find Barney's forum for the next three years" without actually giving the kid a chance.

I don't want to start a big debate over this though, I just wanted to explain my last post.

And as far as minors playing airsoft goes, I'm a firm believer in that the ONLY good thing they're for is easy targets. If I had my way, you'd get ID'd at the door like a bar. But since this hasn't happened yet, some concessions must be made.
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Old May 23rd, 2006, 06:38   #104
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Yes, concessions ARE made, and that is exactly what they refuse to read. Did you read them?
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Old May 24th, 2006, 19:50   #105
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Originally Posted by lem0ns43
Some of the slightly more mature under 18s are just worried that by the time they can legally buy airsoft, the sport we all know and love will be made illegal because some dumb-ass under 18 kid was playing airsoft with his/her Crapsman Crap-air gun and someone got their eye shot out (reminds me of that movie "A Christmas Story").
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