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KWC mini uzi mag leaking


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Old January 28th, 2007, 15:35   #1
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KWC mini uzi mag leaking

Once I insert the CO2 cartridge into the bottom of my magazine, hand tighten the screw, then twist with the wrench to pop te Cartridge seal, CO2 blows out from the small release hole in the bottom of the screw. Any idea's? My new mags were doing it when I first got them, but now they don't last time I fired my gun a couple days ago.
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Old January 28th, 2007, 16:02   #2
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Either you aren't screwing it in enough, or the seal around the puncture stem (big white hard rubber ring) is worn/damaged, which seems unlikely given they were new mags.

It's also not mentioned clearly in the KWC manual, but CO2 guns require a lot of lube; its not easy to get to in the Uzi mags, but put several drops down the middle of the CO2 cartridge compartment so that the seal is lubed.

It's probably easiest to put a drop of silicone or pellet gun oil on the tip of your co2 cartridge (the surface that will be punctured). You can do this every few cartridges. Don't over do it, and watch for dirt sticking to the oil (bitch to clean out in these mags; you'll probably want to pick up some long stemmed cotton swabs from your local drug store's first aid section).

Don't worry about silicone oil getting into the gas system, it's fine and will keep other seals lubricated (co2 is very harsh on seals). It may produce a small puff of oily mist on the first couple of shots as excess oil get blown out the system (that's fine, I'm just saying it may happen).

If you really have a leak from the piercing stem area, you can use a drop of Teflon grease or white lithium grease on the seal.

But I really think you just weren't screwing it in enough. Don't over tighten, but you do need to make sure the cartridge is seated snugly.
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Old January 28th, 2007, 16:05   #3
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I had the same problem with my KWC Uzi. Its pretty easy to fix and it happens every once and a while;

You need to remove the inner parts from inside the mag. If you look down the inside of the mag (where the C02 goes) you will see what im talking about. You need a long and wide flat head screw driver (I use my carving knife for roasts and stuff because its long enough and wide enough to catch those 2 prongs (you'll see what I meen when you look down the mag. Once you have this taken out you need to completly disassemble it and reseat all the o-rings and buy new ones if there cracked (Canadian tire sells all the same sizes that you'll need)

Let me know how it goes
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Old January 28th, 2007, 16:19   #4
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Yeah the problem is with my original mag, so it might be worn down.
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Old January 28th, 2007, 23:48   #5
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I had this exact problem and posted about it on Arnie's Airsoft some time ago:

Originally Posted by Gryphon
I had the exact same problem when I got my gun. It has nothing to do with the CO2 powerlets as I initially thought. One of the rubber O-rings in the piercer module has been torn up.

You will need a LARGE screwdriver for this. I purchased one specifically for this purpose which doubles to screw in the plug for the CO2 powerlets. Find a flat head as wide as you can, Home Depot usually has them in the Tool Corral.

Once you've removed the bottom cap and powerlet, you will see the piercer module inside the mag. You'll notice it has two slots on the widest portion that a screwdriver will engage. Your screwdriver should be wide enough to only engage ONE side. Carefully unscrew it using the one slot (sounds silly but you can do this) until it falls out. Look at what you just removed and you will see the piercer assembly in the middle. You should then be able to unscrew the inner piercer assembly which has another two similar slots, and your screwdriver should JUST fit it to engage both sides perfectly. I took my magazine with me to HD to try different sizes until I found the one that worked. Unscrew the inner assembly and pull it out, being careful of the wire mesh that is easily lost.

Check all of the O-rings on the assembly. One or more of them may look okay but once touched will reveal many cuts and slits which renders it useless. Find one of a similar size and replace it, doesn't have to be exact (I'm pretty sure they're metric O-rings, an imperial will work if it's close enough). Carefully screw in the assembly again being mindful of the positioning of the O-rings, then screw the entire module back into the top of the magazine. Be careful with this procedure as it's possible for the screwdriver to slip off the one slot, and slightly damage it. I know from experience.

Hope this helps.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 19:37   #6
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Okay, I finally got around to fixing, and once I removed the puncture recepticle I noticed the small rubber ring on the other side of the puncture piece was ripped, but also I found two other small pieces, one is this small gold disc, its metal and looks to be made of small round particles, it also has a seal with it, they both sit in the larger part of the recepticle below the puncture head that screws out. Just curious what they are there for.
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Old September 12th, 2016, 03:21   #7
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I know this is REALLY old but its new to me

When i got this uzi, knowing it would be more of a show piece then a gamer, i purchased 2 spare mags and the 3-mag vest to start getting it prepped for game use anyways, and then realized the vest holds three and the gun takes a fourth, duh, (im not the sharpest, but im good guy in my opinion, haha). since both spares worked, had room for a third in the vest, i ordered 2 more (i know, 5 in total when i can only carry 4 comfortably)..only problem was that they both leaked...i was really suprised, slightly upset and a bit confused, since no less then a month prior i got two that still work...then when said they couldnt return (or even exchange for the same) cause i opened them, i decided to try an learn with the two duds...they didnt break, these mags leaked out of the package in true dud fashion. I got one leak fixed, by getting a new o ring from can tire that fit better (it wasnt cracked, had never been used, but between the new piece and the two important tips i read to maintain the working ones for years to come, (a) silicone on each cart (b) tighten lightly, no more than needed, i was able to fix one...(so at least, my vest is packed and i got one in the gun)..but i still have a fifth, leaky mag...haha. Interestingly, the one i fixed was leaking worse while the one i've yet to fix seem to leak slower and from the top near the BBs....any ideas? it almost seems as if the little valve pin thingy isnt coming back out all the way, or its stuck slightlypushed in...if that makes sense to a reader, im sorry im horrible at describing or even understanding well written instructions (like me trying to get the AI cyclone to detonate properly, sry im bad with side tangents, my life is a footnotes to a footnote)

I love my KWC uzi (loved the mp7, tech9, & mini SMGs as a kid so had to get it)..but upon the immediate realization that, as is, it was way too impractical to game with... A.) a primary weapon shouldn't be restricted to 38 rnd mags, B.) one Co2 cart per mag is tough to manage from the trenches, and thats what you get when its only on semi. C.) its inaccuracy/poor Co2 consumption in the full-auto mode render it somewhat useless in game play.....HOWEVER, if i treat it as an intimidating secondary, keep a shoulder sling on it, and wear the mp7 vest that holds 3 would be soo bad ass....a bit heavier than even the dual desert eagles i've been using as secondaries, w/ a the half-a-dozen spare mags..but i like the idea of both cause the vest came with a hip buckle-strap that is perfect for holding the dual d.eagle pit-holster secured to my sides so it doesnt flop around. its a fun gun and im getting my monies worth forsure....but when the thing does crap out on me cause of its kwc quality, i will come back (to a sep thread) and explain why it failed and how much real use i got out of it..
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Old September 19th, 2016, 20:45   #8
Join Date: Jun 2016
KWC Desert Eagle issues

I have been having a gas issue with one of my kwc desert eagles where it fires blankly cause the chamber is empty...cause the blowback isnt does this with both propane and Co2....any suggestions?
also, idk if this matters too much but early in its life it fired through several mags of un lubed propane...idk what sort of impact that would have on the gun or not...? i havent tried anything stupid yet, i wanted to run the issue by this community b4 fucking with it...
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