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WE Scar-L V3 Open brand new poor performance


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Old March 16th, 2012, 13:39   #1
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WE Scar-L V3 Open brand new poor performance

Hi All,

I'm running into a problem with a brand new Scar L from Toronto Airsoft.

Karnage has been helpful but I could use a little more help from you all.

The problem are as follows:

In 20 degree temperature with 4 new mags from TO Airsoft, I lubed with silicon oil, gassed and loaded all mags 5 seconds fill and 30 rounds.

All mags hiss and leak from the valve knocker and only fire about 10 shots before the bolt stops cycling.

Please bearing mind these are brand new (must have been lucky with my G39 RAS all for mags fire about 50 rounds on a charge)

Today I was able to test with a working none leaking mag and got about 20 weak shots with the bolt only cycling about 15 rounds then just plinking a bb out.

Same mag in a 1 day old PDW fires 30 rounds and locks the bolt open.

Unsure of FPS..

Also what is the consumer expectation of WE rifles out of the box? I know TO Airsoft has 30 days Warrenty, shoudl I ship the gun back and ask to have it returned with it shoots as it should within reason?

Thanks for your time.
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Old March 16th, 2012, 18:22   #2
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Originally Posted by halifax1977 View Post
Hi All,

I'm running into a problem with a brand new Scar L from Toronto Airsoft.

Karnage has been helpful but I could use a little more help from you all.

The problem are as follows:

In 20 degree temperature with 4 new mags from TO Airsoft, I lubed with silicon oil, gassed and loaded all mags 5 seconds fill and 30 rounds.

All mags hiss and leak from the valve knocker and only fire about 10 shots before the bolt stops cycling.

Please bearing mind these are brand new (must have been lucky with my G39 RAS all for mags fire about 50 rounds on a charge)

Today I was able to test with a working none leaking mag and got about 20 weak shots with the bolt only cycling about 15 rounds then just plinking a bb out.

Same mag in a 1 day old PDW fires 30 rounds and locks the bolt open.

Unsure of FPS..

Also what is the consumer expectation of WE rifles out of the box? I know TO Airsoft has 30 days Warrenty, shoudl I ship the gun back and ask to have it returned with it shoots as it should within reason?

Thanks for your time.
The WE standard M4 mags are crap. If you don't mind the look, go with the VN Style mags. Won't disappoint.

I highly doubt it's a problem with the gun itself, but I've also heard bad things about the Canadian WE guns.

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Old March 16th, 2012, 18:31   #3
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
The WE standard M4 mags are crap. If you don't mind the look, go with the VN Style mags. Won't disappoint.

I highly doubt it's a problem with the gun itself, but I've also heard bad things about the Canadian WE guns.

Hush now.

To the OP. WE M4 mags take a lot longer than 5 seconds to fill. When you insert the adapter, you should hear a faint sound like water flowing. It will get more and more quiet as you fill, you will eventually not hear it. That is when the mag is full. It takes AROUND 10 seconds to fill the WE mag, give or take.

EDIT: one onethousand, two onethousand, ....

EDIT: Actually read the op's post fully, sounds like you have something wrong with the SCAR L. It's not the mags if they work in another gun, obviously, so pull the SCAR apart and clean/lube it. There are lots of tutorials out there on field stripping it.

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Last edited by ShelledPants; March 16th, 2012 at 18:33..
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Old March 16th, 2012, 22:06   #4
Join Date: Jun 2011
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
Hush now.

To the OP. WE M4 mags take a lot longer than 5 seconds to fill. When you insert the adapter, you should hear a faint sound like water flowing. It will get more and more quiet as you fill, you will eventually not hear it. That is when the mag is full. It takes AROUND 10 seconds to fill the WE mag, give or take.

EDIT: one onethousand, two onethousand, ....

EDIT: Actually read the op's post fully, sounds like you have something wrong with the SCAR L. It's not the mags if they work in another gun, obviously, so pull the SCAR apart and clean/lube it. There are lots of tutorials out there on field stripping it.
The mags are still crap, and the VN Style ones are superior. But I misread the PDW part.

However, what you suggested is only valid for someone who just got their first GBB ever, and the OP seems surrounded by GBB users (can't he load the G39 mags like they are supposed to be loaded?); it's logical to think he knows how to load the mags properly, and has his gun properly lubricated.
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Old March 17th, 2012, 13:53   #5
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I would check to make sure you didn't loose the roller that is on the hammer. Mine fell out shortly after getting the Scar. I used JB Weld on either side of the pin to keep it in place.

That is probably not the issue, but I would keep an eye on it....otherwise you need to clean and grease the bolt guide. I found silicone oil drastically reduced the performance of the gun when applied to the bolt guide. You can use slick grease, or white lithium grease on the upper portion of the bolt guide as this is only metal on metal.

Another area to check is the nozzle, ensure that you can freely move it with your hand. If you charge the weapon slowly while looking the nozzle should stick forward until the bolt has moved about 1/3 of the way back. If you notice any issues here relube with silicone oil. The O-ring on the nozzle has also been known to swell up a little which will cause added friction. The only way to remedy this is to cycle it manually a bunch of times after oiling.
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Old March 18th, 2012, 22:52   #6
^ Boring user name, and look he's old!!
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Hi all thanks for the help.
The problem remain's I have experince with GBB-rs but with this one being brand new I think I talk to the retailer about repair options.

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Old September 5th, 2013, 16:19   #7
Join Date: Mar 2013
Ok so when I fill my scar mags, shelled pants is right. I wait until I don't hear the mag filling. Make sure your filling correctly with a full tank otherwise you will have cycling problems and fps problems. Now back to the mags. Are you sure they are they are coming frome the valve? Are thwy leaking when out of the gun? If they are leaking out of the gun you should pull the core out of the casing and fill it up with gas then dunk it in water. It will tell you where exactly its leaking. I have had 2 leak from a sealed plate on the side and one I'm currently trying to fix is a crack on top under the feeding tip. If it is coming from the valve try tighting it up. A lot of times things get loose.

Last edited by syrus; September 5th, 2013 at 16:21.. Reason: forgot a part
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Old September 5th, 2013, 16:36   #8
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Originally Posted by syrus View Post
Ok so when I fill my scar mags, shelled pants is right. I wait until I don't hear the mag filling. Make sure your filling correctly with a full tank otherwise you will have cycling problems and fps problems. Now back to the mags. Are you sure they are they are coming frome the valve? Are thwy leaking when out of the gun? If they are leaking out of the gun you should pull the core out of the casing and fill it up with gas then dunk it in water. It will tell you where exactly its leaking. I have had 2 leak from a sealed plate on the side and one I'm currently trying to fix is a crack on top under the feeding tip. If it is coming from the valve try tighting it up. A lot of times things get loose.
I guess he either fixed it or sold the gun in the last year and a half...
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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