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sights do you use them ?



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Old February 21st, 2013, 20:23   #31
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laser dot all the way

I have no idea how can you use iron, in my lower mask I am not able to lower my eyes sight low enough to use it. That said, I suck without laser dot. With it, every shot goes perfectly to target. At least that works indoors, I have never played on open air.
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Old February 21st, 2013, 20:26   #32
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Originally Posted by yaric View Post
I have no idea how can you use iron, in my lower mask I am not able to lower my eyes sight low enough to use it. That said, I suck without laser dot. With it, every shot goes perfectly to target. At least that works indoors, I have never played on open air.
Really ? You should consider playing and counting on lasers to get your shots. Most hosts bans them.

If your mask blocks the way, you could always buy a raised mount and play with a Red Dot or Reflex.

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Old February 21st, 2013, 20:39   #33
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Originally Posted by Aper View Post
Really ? You should consider playing and counting on lasers to get your shots. Most hosts bans them.

If your mask blocks the way, you could always buy a raised mount and play with a Red Dot or Reflex.
Sorry, of course I mean I am playing with Red Dot sight, not actual laser pointing device, they are banned.
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Old February 21st, 2013, 20:47   #34
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Originally Posted by yaric View Post
Sorry, of course I mean I am playing with Red Dot sight, not actual laser pointing device, they are banned.
Oh haha ok it wasn't clear :P

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Old February 21st, 2013, 20:57   #35
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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They also have those mini mesh masks now that just cover your mouth and nose.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old February 21st, 2013, 21:12   #36
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ESS Cortex clip with protech dent mouthguard and a beard and you can dump the mesh. As an added bonus, if yer beard is bushy enough you can catch and save bbs for reloads. ")
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Old February 21st, 2013, 21:59   #37
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Originally Posted by yaric View Post
I have no idea how can you use iron, in my lower mask I am not able to lower my eyes sight low enough to use it. That said, I suck without laser dot. With it, every shot goes perfectly to target. At least that works indoors, I have never played on open air.
Bend the mesh / custom cut and shape to your face.
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Old February 21st, 2013, 22:03   #38
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I have always tried to use sights and dots. But what I have found in airsoft, is when I go for that gut reaction snap-shot I tend to pull the trigger before my line of sight fully aligns with the iron sight or optic.

And as soon as that first bb flies, my focus follows that bb and switches to the target. For some reason I ignore any part of the gun in my vision as if it were part of the background.

I take a mental note of the bb's trajectory and then compensate for it during the next trigger pull. I always have the intention of aiming properly with sights but usually end up taking red dots/acogs/magnifiers off of the gun because they tend to not be worth the extra weight.

For cqb I generally use a pistol. I seldom aim with it, I kind of extend my arm in the general direction of the target and magically my hands know what angle to hold the gun appropriately.

I guess it's kind of like being a hitter in baseball. You see the ball coming but it's mostly muscle memory that allows you to hit the ball.

The only exception where I find a red dot particularly effective is in a dark setting. Aiming at a target in the dark is much easier if your eyes don't have to adjust before firing.

Discussing this with my friends acquires the conclusion that I'm ridiculous and this is not proper for actually becoming a better player.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 00:27   #39
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Originally Posted by Ross View Post
I have always tried to use sights and dots. But what I have found in airsoft, is when I go for that gut reaction snap-shot I tend to pull the trigger before my line of sight fully aligns with the iron sight or optic.

And as soon as that first bb flies, my focus follows that bb and switches to the target. For some reason I ignore any part of the gun in my vision as if it were part of the background.

I take a mental note of the bb's trajectory and then compensate for it during the next trigger pull. I always have the intention of aiming properly with sights but usually end up taking red dots/acogs/magnifiers off of the gun because they tend to not be worth the extra weight.

For cqb I generally use a pistol. I seldom aim with it, I kind of extend my arm in the general direction of the target and magically my hands know what angle to hold the gun appropriately.

I guess it's kind of like being a hitter in baseball. You see the ball coming but it's mostly muscle memory that allows you to hit the ball.

The only exception where I find a red dot particularly effective is in a dark setting. Aiming at a target in the dark is much easier if your eyes don't have to adjust before firing.

Discussing this with my friends acquires the conclusion that I'm ridiculous and this is not proper for actually becoming a better player.
Quoted for the truth!
A lot of players in my area use a scope to aim, where as I take off all the accesories on my top rail, so I get a clean vision of where my shot is going.
Especially in CQB. I direct my follow up shots according to where my first shot went. A good plus is that the CQB facility I play at isn't that big, and I use white BB's.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 00:45   #40
The Keiichione
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3 of my 4 AEGs are Ak's, so my sights are crude. For outdoors, I aim the best I can and If I don't hit, I fire moar !

As for CQB, last time I did it (it was with an Aks-74), I didn't really aim. I pointed my gun, without looking the sights, at my target and fired semi-auto. I hit the guy almost anytime and my shots where always centermass.

Last edited by The Keiichione; February 22nd, 2013 at 00:50..
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